Where Did Nigeria Miss It? By Fola Ojo

This has been a week of unrushed reminiscing for me. My mind has been playing some throwback tantrums, and it’s about Nigeria. Always. Nigeria is an indubitably blessed nation. Blessed in the city and abound in the field. Bountiful in her holistic frame. Her grounds ceaselessly spew out gold. Her trees are treasure-troughs churning out juicy and nurturing fruits. Nigeria is a land of many greats. Men of valour aren’t in scanty counts. Women of virtue are innumerable. And the men and women in cozy conjugal intimacy have given birth to children making waves all over the world in medicine, science, information technology, finance, banking, econometrics, politics, and other endeavours. Nigerians everywhere and anywhere are doing great exploits. She is loaded with benefits from the succouring hands of the Immortal and Invisible God. If citizens of any nation should be categorised as people whose eyes see no evil of hunger, and hear no evil of famine, it should be Nigerians. Anything you touch in that nation ought to yield dividends that in turn touch and change millions of lives. But dismal and disheartening testaments about her we hear daily. A consuming giant of Africa producing not much. Where did we miss it?

I was born and raised in Ibadan, one of the biggest cities in Africa. Growing up, I remember the ease of transport from point A to point B even with fewer vehicles on the Nigerian roads then. I remember our train travels. Kids who sight Buhari’s trains today probably never saw one before except on TV. Our railway system had gone moribund and caput before these children were born. Once upon a time, Nigeria had functional train network. In Ibadan, capital of the Old Western Nigeria, a major train station was in the Dugbe area of town. It was about 10 miles from my dad’s Odo-Ona home. With ease and frequency, I hopped on the train heading towards Northern Nigeria to feel a different breeze just for the fun of it. My older brother worked in Samaru, Zaria. My cousin was in the Army stationed in Kaduna, and a friend’s brother was also in the Army stationed in Jos. I would often travel from Ibadan on the train heading to Kaduna, and from Kaduna, I would jump on another to Jos and then twined around coming back to Zaria. Living in Nigeria was like a high-level honeymoon. It was a good and safe country to traverse in travels in that time of life. Night travel was safest. Day travels a breeze. No one feared being kidnapped. No one was apprehensive of being robbed. Today, before our eyes, the story has changed. Where did Nigeria miss it?

Forty or 50 years ago in Nigeria, if any home had use for a generator, it was probably a show of affluence. I don’t remember many people with addictive dependence on the pollutant machine. But in today’s Nigeria, generators are like necessitous oxygen you breathe. If you don’t have it, your personal human economy is dead. Do our government apparatchiks today know that power supply in any nation is like blood supply in the veins and arteries of human beings? Do they know that without it, a nation is a walking dead? Do they know that it is more profitable to invest more energy in getting Nigeria powered up? If they do, why has our nation been enveloped in darkness for decades and nobody seems to care? What happened to the trillions budgeted for power supply over these many years? Power supply is like blood supply, a nation that has it not; has nothing. Do government people sincerely know this? Nigeria missed it here.

Nigeria has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, the sixth largest producer of petroleum in the world; the eighth largest exporter, and 10th largest proved reserves. After Independence in 1960, 15% of Nigerians were considered poor. In 1980, the number shot up to 28 per cent. 1985, it rose to 46 per cent. By 1996, the poverty scale was driven up to 66 per cent. Today, 120 million people are poor and Nigeria is considered the poverty capital of the world. In spite of the country’s vast oil wealth, 71 per cent of the population live on less than one dollar a day. Some 92 per cent live on less than two dollars a day. About 120 million human beings will go to bed hungry tonight while some live large.

The combined wealth of Nigeria’s five richest men which totals $30 billion could end extreme poverty in the nation. Between 1960 and 2019. $35 trillion was stolen by public officeholders. Within the first 10 months of a particular year, Nigeria earned N3.27trillion from the oil and gas sector. The non-oil sector brought home N2.577trillion. In another year, Nigeria raked in N7trillion from oil export alone. Twelve million unemployed youths roaming the streets of our urban cities and villages. It is said that more than 112 million people were living in poverty in Nigeria. Because round pegs are in square holes, misfits occupy top positions in major vital organs of the economy, and good men and women who ought to be in charge of something are either killed or made useless until they scurry out of the country seeking a better life abroad. Do you wonder why progress is slow and economic growth is retarded? The same cohort of people and their coteries since Independence are still holed up in power directly or indirectly. The cultists hobnobbing have always put square pegs in round holes. Nigeria missed it here.

The military did Nigeria wrong. In its many years of reign-of -terror-and-horror, the army wreaked much havoc on the psyche of the Nigerian nation. The motherboard of the monumental error is the Nigerian Constitution which must be shredded. A central Government that’s unable to run its requisite machinery right always salivates to bite more than it can chew. Peaceful coexistence, prosperity, progress, and good life and living for all Nigerians will continue to be elusive as long as Nigeria’s brand of democracy continues to be lovey-dovey accommodating to remnants of militocracy. Today, unfortunately, my friends, Nigeria is still lying on the surgeon’s table with heart-wrenching diagnoses. As the nation strives to cure ailments in one part of its body, others sprout up in other parts. Vital organs of Nigeria remain battered and bruised. Corruption has metastasised like inoperable cancer even under a president who promised heaven and earth to fight and kill corruption. Ethnic hate and religious intolerance have been the surreal weapons of mass destruction. Nigeria missed it here. Can she ever hit it? WE are still on our knees praying.

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