How Do We Correct The Lack of Housing For The Numerous Masses of The State? I Have A Solution

Good morning sir,

I am an ardent listener to your show every weekday aside Monday as well as your Sunday program but let me first introduce myself.

My name is Temowo Omotayo Theophilus and like the topic of my mail says I do have a solution. A solution to the question that a lot of your guests as well as yourself asked on your show today.

The question you’ve asked multiple times on different days on your program. How do we correct the lack of housing for the numerous masses of the state and indeed the nation as well as the lack of trees planted for airing out the states claustrophobic feeling as well as beautification.

I’ve tried telling a number of other people about but what they always say is that it will cost a lot of money. Yes that is true but I also have a solution for that as the sukuk lady said speaking today we can generate the money to have it done to help everyone and make at least almost everyone comfortable as well as make money for the investors.

I have been trying to be sure that people do not steal the idea from me, especially people that have the means to do it because it would mean that they would milk it and the people that should benefit from it wouldn’t which is why I do not want to speak it out or give it to every one.
Please I can explain everything to you and I promise there’s no cost to you whatsoever even if you do not like the idea or do not buy into it but if you do like it we could do a lot of good for the people of the state as well as the nation.

My name again is Temowo Omotayo and my phone number is 08030809934.

Sorry for the long epistle but the truth is to explain this will take quite a bit of time and please we have to meet so I can explain it well to you sir. I stay in surulere so meeting you shouldn’t be dIfficult but I’d like to ask permission from you first.

Thank you. Hope to speak to you soon

Temowo Omotayo Theophilus



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