Election Muddle And Our Soft Power Deficits By Ayo Olukotun

Friday Musings with Ayo Olukotun ayo_olukotun@yahoo.com 07055841236

Soft power is a contradiction in terms, what language experts will call an oxymoron. For, power is bold, self-validating and self-actualising. It requires no referee to recommend its efficacy; no witness is needed to attest to its majesty. It is not an accident that even today, the most dominant scholarly school in international studies is the realist perspective, woven essentially around power, force and compulsion. But, there is, as Harvard scholar, Professor Joseph Nye, reminded us, decades ago, ‘the power of soft power’. Hard power announces itself in raw, striking terms, usually, but, soft power, like melodies wafting to your consciousness, from a nearby musical equipment, compels your attention in a different manner.

To be concrete, you cannot think of Britain, without the prestige of a university like Oxford, which has on its alumni list, 27 British Prime Ministers including Theresa May, the incumbent.

How about Indian software whizkids, the beauty and aesthetics of French cities, the civility and sheer orderliness of Norwegian elections? Against this backdrop, the brutality, death toll, sheer length (it is yet to be concluded), outsized troop deployment, of Nigeria’s 2019 elections must be considered a negation for soft power potential. A cynic or Afro-pessimist, may well banter, tell Nigerians to hold an election, and all hell will break loose. Which self-respecting Nigerian was not humbled by the slogan contained in a ‘love note’ sent to us by the Americans, “Election is not war”? Apart from the embarrassment of an election postponed, a few hours to its commencement, producing the predictable sigh, don’t worry, it’s the Nigerians at their game; there was the sensational novelty of an official of the Independent National Electoral Commission, held captive and compelled to write fake results, more or less, at gunpoint. Also, there was, in Rivers State, not just an armed siege by the military, but a complementary blockade by thugs in military attire, not to mention the escalation of inconclusive elections to an unprecedented level. It is interesting, in this regard, that, because the inconclusive governorship elections occurred mostly in opposition political strongholds, the PDP has described it as a backdoor strategy for creating electoral ousters to abort its victory. A contrary position has it, however, that the undetermined elections in some states are a consequence of the preponderance, in those particular states, of voided votes. Some pessimists have reminded us of the Soviet Union maximum leader, Joseph Stalin’s famous epigram, that, ‘Those who vote decide nothing. Those who count the vote decide everything’. Stalin ought to have known, he simply ensured that party apparatchiks close to him did the counting.

Impartiality, neutrality, and detachment have always been the most challenging aspects of our politics. Our history is replete with electoral infamy, and horrendous stories of carry-go politicians and landslide victories determined from state houses. However, it was believed that the 2015 general elections, in which an opposition party led by Gen Muhammadu Buhari defeated an incumbent in a presidential election widely hailed as credible, had provided a fresh page for the nation to write and improve upon, but history moves in a zig zag fashion, going forward one day, and hurtling backwards the next day. As far as credibility is concerned, mark you, there is enough blame to go around. My educated guess is that both of the major parties acted in ways that fell short of electoral integrity, but the stronger party had more leeway, meaning that, one probably out-rigged the other. Nonetheless, the truth and extent of this is a matter for the courts to determine. Integrity apart, the most egregious lapses are the level of violence, ballot snatching, and deaths that the elections ignited.

At this point, however, this writer craves the reader’s indulgence to enter a short take.

The heartrending news that University of Carleton Professor and public intellectual, Pius Adesanmi, was one of the victims of Sunday’s Ethiopian Airlines crash, sent shockwaves around his many admirers, literati, social media activists, and of course, the academia. He reached the pinnacle of his career at a relatively young age, and invested boundless energy in canvassing political reforms, satirising and deriding obscenities, as well as, drawing attention, insistently, to the possibilities of a better Nigeria. His latest incarnation as a columnist was in the Nigerian Tribune, where he had initiated a compelling conversation on our national woes, recommending redress and amelioration. He was an outstanding example of what young, bright Nigerian minds can become, should they have the advantage of working in benevolent climes, where existential problems are not necessarily drags to hefty productivity. Adesanmi wore his learning lightly, not pompous, not talking down to his countrymen or colleagues, but genuinely sketching out a Utopia of sorts, to which they can aspire. He had cheated death last year, when he survived a horrible car crash, which almost robbed him of his legs. So, it was hard to picture him succumbing to death, even in the most challenging of circumstances. But alas! Even the most erudite are bound to the frailties of human existence, and termination. To carry forward Adesanmi’s legacy is to rededicate to the shining ideals, he so eloquently recommended.

To return to the original discourse on our electoral fiascos and soft power, let us sound it loud and clear, that any country that wants to be taken seriously, in this age and time, must do so, through the power of attraction. For as long as Nigeria holds elections marked by so much bloodshed, voter apathy occasioned by fatigue, bedlam and organisational hitches, so long will its soft power be negated. Ghana’s current Republic is only a tad older than our Fourth Republic, but everyone knows that Ghana has turned the corner as far as democratic consolidation, judged by the index of alternating incumbent and opposition parties, is concerned. A few years back, when I had the privilege of serving on a Federal Government delegation to observe one of Ghana’s elections, the event came off as a low-key, inexpensive, and beloved affair. Since then, Ghana has nudged up on its ability to manage elections, even when they are too close to call. Nigeria on the other hand, is fixed in an unhappy electoral drama, where elections are hardly different from the skirmishes that precede military hostilities. The irony of our circumstance is that all that we need to upgrade and humanise our elections, as human rights lawyer and activist, Femi Falana, recently reminded us, are locked up in three insightful reports gestating somewhere in government archives. They are: the famed Justice Muhammadu Uwais committee paper on electoral reform; another one by Dr Ken Nnamani; and yet another headed by Sheikh Ahmed Lemu.

The Uwais report for instance, meticulously sets out the imperative of insulating INEC from presidential power, by making the appointment of its chairman a public, rather than governmental affair. Virtually all the reports agree that INEC is biting more than what it can reasonably chew, and requires unbundling into three agencies. The recent electoral fiasco should compel us to revisit this insightful report, one of them, set up by Buhari. If we do this conscientiously, we may be on the high road to electoral integrity and the corresponding mark- up in soft power.




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