People stay in studio, one bedroom, two bedrooms, three bedrooms, duplex, mansion etc. why not start cleaning service but based on subscription. Get some guys to build a website or a mobile App for you, get people to subscribe based on the type of apartment from as low as N5k to N20k on a monthly basis into a wallet and then provide them with cleaning services.
The idea of subscription is for days when they don’t have cash and they need your services. Yes it cheap but focus on volume, so engage young people who don’t have work to do, train them properly, get a solid insurance on them, give them uniform and then let them do the cleaning for you. Once there’s a customer request on the site or app, any of your trained guys will go and do the work.
You can also add corporate cleaning. You don’t need to pay anyone salary, they only get paid when they work.
The subscription can also be optional, so a customer can pay when they are served or can open a wallet and drop the monthly subscription. Like I said it’s a game of numbers. You only need 300 people to pay you an average of N15k monthly, that’s about N4.5m and with a youth engagement of about 60 people to 5 houses per month, which might not even be regular, pay them N50k monthly, you are still left with a profit of N1.5m.
Please ensure you think this through, document it properly and check your numbers.
Have a great evening.
Bayo Ogunusi (TheSme Doctor)
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