As UN Unmasks The Real Chimamanda Adichie By ’Tunji Ajibade

’Tunji Ajibade ( 08036683657)

The Nigerian storyteller, Chimamanda Adichie, received the United Nations Foundation’s Global Leadership Award lately. Congratulations, my sister. The reader would permit me to refer to Adichie as Chimamanda. Surnames are formal, and I won’t refer to a person that I proudly claim as my sister in a formal manner. In 2009, she invited me to her creative writing workshop. Thereafter, I wrote a lengthy piece titled, ‘When I was in-house with Chimamanda Adichie’. In it, I narrated my views about fellow workshop participants including my friend, the late Ikeogu Oke (winner of 2017 Nigerian LNG Prize for Literature – Poetry). But I didn’t comment much on Chimamanda. Here, I have the opportunity to state that the UN award calls attention to angles to Chimamanda different from the storyteller that the public knows.

Some have said to me that I take note in people details that others don’t; they thereby draw my attention to something I do instinctively. The first person to point this out to me is Dr. Steve Itugbu, a former aide to President Olusegun Obasanjo and now a Political Science lecturer in the UK. Itugbu and I were classmates in the same university. I was also there when his children were toddlers and I witnessed it as they started school. Years later, I captured in a fiction work for children the childhood years of his first son, Oghenemaro, and how he started in nursery school. Itugbu read the manuscript and said to me in broken English: “When I read it, fear catch me o.” He meant he was amazed at the amount of factual details, said and unsaid, that I took note of about him and his family.

At the time I wrote ‘When I was in-house with Chimamanda’, fellow workshop participant, Pelu Awofeso, (travel journalist and the 2009 winner of CNN/Multichoice African Journalists Awards in the Tourism Category), said he didn’t realise I was taking “copious note” of the behaviour of each participant, as well as everything that transpired in the course of the workshop. What do I have to say about Chimamanda now that I have the opportunity? After the first two days at the 2009 workshop, I had made up my mind who she was. This didn’t change until we completed the workshop two weeks later. The first conclusion I reached was, “This Chimamanda doesn’t carry loads”. It’s how I express simplicity; it’s how I like to live, and I have my peculiar way of judging simplicity. As the General Secretary of Abuja Writers’ Forum at the time I attended Chimamanda’s workshop, my president, Dr Emman Usman Shehu, and myself had hosted many writers in Abuja at our monthly Guest Writer Session. There were guest writers who conducted themselves in a way that showed they carried loads. Others displayed lack of basic tact and considerateness such that I couldn’t be bothered about them thereafter. But Chimamanda remains a humble, simple, considerate person despite the accolades she has gathered across the globe. She enjoyed our company as much as we enjoyed hers in the course of the workshop. She listened and laughed freely, genuinely interested in what each of us had to say on different issues, especially human relations in which I thought she herself was excellent. When I narrated encounters with my classmates in elementary school who were of Igbo origin, she asked me questions that indicated she wanted to know how my mind, as a child, worked with regard to ethnic-related issues. It was obvious she wanted to learn from us as much as we wanted to learn from her. The reader can’t imagine some of the jokes she made about herself, the comments she said her siblings jokingly made about her, all of which she laughed about even as she narrated her personal experiences with regard to her writing career.

But it was her story about how the workshop began that gave me unforgettable insight regarding the real Chimamanda. The story resonated with me because she did something exemplary, exactly what I would have done. Almost two decades ago, my boss at the time chattered a cab and paid the driver. He wanted me to deliver a message for him at a location. When I was done, I told the driver that I wasn’t returning with him. He gave me the balance of the money paid. There was only one thing on my mind when I did this. There were junior workers on the office premises who needed assistance. I bought some items with the money from the cab driver, took a commercial bus back to the office and gave the items to the leader of the junior workers to share. Chimamanda said a Nigerian-based company offered to honour her after she received one of her major literary awards abroad. Instead, she asked the company to expend the fund sponsoring a creative writing workshop where writers could be empowered. That was the origin of her workshops.

There was yet another window through which I saw her kind of person. A dinner followed the literary workshop in 2009. I was seated with fellow participants in the restaurant where we had the dinner. Chimamanda came in later with officials of the company that sponsored the workshop. She walked straight to the seat next to me and, in her usual unassuming and open-minded manner, announced to me that as the Class Rep she was sitting beside me. In the course of the dinner, I invited her to Abuja to do a reading for Abuja Writers’ Forum. She calmly explained that her inclination was to withdraw after each workshop to face her writing; “but because of you, I will come to Abuja.” Months later, I got a message from her. The American Embassy invited her to do a reading in Abuja. But she informed them that the only way she would agree was if they would collaborate with Abuja Writers’ Forum because she had earlier promised me. That was how we jointly hosted Chimamanda in 2010. At one point during the event, (and just as she had us treated in 2009), I brought a small saucer with sweets to Chimamanda. On seeing it she said “Oh, sweets!” with a smile, making me imagine I brought her gold. She picked some and I passed the rest to her listeners. Her spontaneous and genuine reaction made me feel like going back to bring her a bagful. Such occurrences rank high in my estimation of people. They made me conclude that Chimamanda had virtues worth emulating. Beyond being a wonderful storyteller, her considerateness is the kind that attracts goodwill to anyone wherever they turn.

Chimamanda is one Nigerian who wants to remain a part of her people no matter how much of an international figure she has become. In the course of the workshop in 2009, she selected me as Class Rep. I didn’t know how this decision was taken. Mamle Wolo (an award-winning writer from Ghana and the first non-Nigerian to attend the workshop) informed me this year that she nominated me and Chimamanda agreed. I imagine the conversation happened when I stepped out briefly during the workshop. After the workshop, Chimamanda said I should ensure she was part of any conversation our set would be having. She has remained part of the online conversation by the 2009 Class in the last ten years.

Chimamanda has been the recipient of several literary awards. But she has also received awards that point to other qualities she has. The Global Leadership Award from the UN Foundation is one of such and past winners include President Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Kofi Anan. The other time, Nigeria’s Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs also gave her an award which, I imagine that like the UN award, called attention to Chimamanda’s exemplary life. The President of the UN Foundation affirmed this during the award ceremony. For me, these institutions celebrate the same qualities, other than storytelling, that I have come to appreciate in Chimamanda. Even storytelling is basically about our humanity after all; but beyond it she’s been an example of the best that ought to be found in every human being. This cannot but attract appreciation and goodwill, lots of which she enjoys both in Nigeria and across the globe. The UN award is an eloquent manifestation.




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