Afenifere: Moves To Reconcile Adebanjo, Fasoranti Underway — Gov Makinde

SOME leaders of the pan-Yoruba socio-cultural organisation, Afenifere, yesterday, disclosed that there are moves to reconcile the National Leader, Pa Ayo Adebanjo, and his predecessor, Pa Reuben Fasoranti.

Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, who attended the meeting, told journalists, after the closed-door engagement, that the meeting centred around reconciling the two Afenifere leaders.

While details of the closed-door meeting were not disclosed to journalists, it was gathered that it centred around the unity of the Yoruba nation and Afenifere as an organization.

Appealing to the two warring leaders to sheath their swords, Makinde noted that politics had come and gone and the unity of the Yoruba race should be paramount to every concerned leader of the organization.

Both Afenifere leaders supported different candidates during the 2023 presidential election.

While Pa Adebanjo threw his weight behind Mr Peter Obi of the Labour Party, LP, Fasoranti supported President Bola Tinubu of the All Progressives Congress, APC,

Proposed peace parley

But speaking on the proposed peace parley, Governor Makinde said: “We’re all aware of the issues between our two leaders, and leaders of Afenifere, Baba Ayo Adebanjo and Pa Reuben Fasoranti.

“Partisan issues and elections have come and gone and now we’re talking about the unity of the Yoruba race.
“And these frontline leaders of Afenifere, thought it fit to come together and start the process of seeking unity in Yorubaland.

“Starting with our two leaders to make sure that they come together and we know that once they come together we will also have the desired unity in Yorubaland.

“And if you put it in proper perspective, whenever Yorubaland is united, Nigeria is united and whenever you have issues and challenges in Yorubaland, it usually spirals into other parts of Nigeria so, this is to demonstrate my support for the steps that are being taken and also to let them know that I’m committed to unity in Yorubaland.”

While advising followers of the two prominent Afenifere leaders, the governor also said: “Once you tie the knot at the appropriate places, every other thing will fall in place.

“Once they see the two Babas come together, we won’t even need to appeal to the people because, at that time, you won’t have to talk much, people would have seen that the two leaders are now back together.”

I’ve no issue with Fasoranti—Adebanjo

But reacting to the proposed peace parley, Afenifere leader, Pa Adebanjo dismissed the meeting adding that he has no score to settle with his predecessor, Pa Fasoranti.

Adebanjo also warned Governor Makinde not to meddle in issues he does not know.

He said: “What Governor Makinde does not know about, he should not interfere. I have no dispute with Baba Fasoranti. He should not be one of those who want to split Afenifere, and that is not what I stand for.”

Vanguard (NGR)



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