I am not convinced by this sudden concern for the common man and El Rufai’s new found love for the masses. I expected that himself and his co-travellers should have shown the same concern when university students stayed at home for more than 8 months due to the morbid dislike the APC government have towards education and ASSU in particular.
May l ask the following questions:
1. What moral justification does El Rufai have, with a clear antecedent of disobeying court rulings?
2. Why does he feel that the President must accept his opinion and that of his co-travellers concerning the currency redesign?
3. How justifiable is his claim that the entire project was targeted at Tinubu?
4. What is his conviction that those behind the issue are individuals who lost the primaries of APC?
5. Can governor El Rufai, from a clear conscience tell Nigerians that he would have defended any other issue that concerns the masses with such passion if he does not feel that it deeply affected him personality?
6. How deep and passionate has he ever felt towards the wickedness and consistent murder of innocent citizens of Southern Kaduna?
7. How would he had reacted if a governor of a party in opposition had challenged the policy of the President and instruct the citizens of his state to disobey?
8. What would the governor consider as one of the precursors to anarchy?
9. Hope the governor realizes that other governors and the citizens of Nigeria are intelligent and discerning?
10. Hope the governor realizes that Tinubu is a contestant and not the President of the federal republic of Nigeria?
11. Hope the governor realizes that there is a sitting president who has some measure of constitutional powers?
12. Hope he realizes that if other governors tow his line of action, there will be deep breakdown of law and order?
13. Hope he understands that in a democracy the views of others are also to be considered?
14. Hope he understands the negative implication his outburst would likely have on his party and her chances?
15. Hope he realizes that his party is in government and a house divided against itself will not stand?
Caution : Note that what has happened would only be clear to a discerning mind, devoid of sentiments and prejudices. We are all in it together. The ultimate goal is to rescue Nigeria from her captors. Period!
What you mentioned above are obsoletely beyond el rufai”s capabilities to defend himself.