Cell phone may affect fertility – Study


Men who talk on a cell phone for at least an hour every day, double their risk of infertility. According to the findings which are published in the journal of Reproductive BioMedicine, the electromagnetic activity and heat coming from cell phones lower levels of healthy sperm so much that fathering a child could be difficult.

Several studies have found that the quality of sperm is decreasing in western countries as it is in developing countries. Low sperm quality is considered to be the problem in 40 per cent of couples having difficulty conceiving.

Numerous studies have put at least, some of the blame on cell phones. Although, reproduction is a simple and natural experience for most couples, for some, it is difficult to conceive.

According to medical experts, a man’s fertility generally relies on the quantity and quality of his sperm. If the number of sperm a man ejaculates is low or if the sperm are of a poor quality, it will be difficult, and sometimes impossible to cause a pregnancy.

The latest study, which was conducted at Haifa, Israel’s Technion University, found that men who talked on their cell phones for more than an hour a day had a 60.9 per cent chance of having abnormal sperm counts compared to 35.7 percent of the general population.

Men who talked on their phones while they were charging had an even higher risk — 66 per cent. Where cell phones are kept also affect fertility.

The study found that sperm levels were negatively affected in 47 per cent of men who kept cell phones in their pants pocket compared to only 11 per cent of men in the general population. Even keeping the phone beside their beds lowered sperm counts.





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