I am not an alarmist but I make bold to say that third World War is already on going. Anybody with knowledge of Periodicity of events( cosmic cycles) and European history will agree with me that World War 111 is in the offing.
God created the EARTH but the Europeans ( British, French,Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and Belgians) created the World (nations of the Earth).Any major conflicts in Europe usually reverberate round the world.
I will start my historical journey fọr this write upfrom conflicts amongst Europeans from the late 18th century specifically from 1771 and 1776(overlap of 5 years).
In 1771 battle of Almance.A band of aggrieved North Carolina farmers and poor people calling themselves the REGULATORS Revolted against the British colonial Governor, Williams Tyron.The REGULATORS were defeated but the Colonial Government success was short lived. This battle of Almance eventually severed as precursor to the 1776 American war of independence.
In the same 1771 Russia asserted her influence over Cremia after her victory in Russia Turkish war. In the same 1771 the British rule over India was established at Calcutta.Spain also ceded Falkland Islands to Britain.
Remember that Russia annexed Cremia in 1771 but 84 years later or 1855 the struggle between the Middle East powers led to Cremia penisular war. Russia demanded a protection over Orthodox subjects of the Ottoman Sultan.Also there was a dispute between Russia and France over the previleges of the Russian Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches at Palestine in the ḿiddle east.The conflict was resolved in the Treaty of Paris which guaranteed. the integrity of Ottoman Turkey and obliged Russia to surrender southern Besserabia.
All these 1855 conflicts involving Russia,France, America seemed to have ressurected in the ongoing Israel and Hamas( a military wing of Palestine at Gaza strip. Pls note the USA the UK( that created Israel in 1948) /had sent war ships to ḿiddle east.2023 is168(84*2=168). years after 1855.
Ịṅ 1939, that is 84 years after 1855 World war broke out.World war 11 was a multinational war between the axis power(Germany Italy and Japan) and allied powers(France, Britain,the USA, the SOVIET UNION and to a lesser extent China.The main theatre of war was in mainland Europe. The United States of America joined the war in 1944.
In. 1941 the president of the USA ,Franklin Roosevet and the British Prime Minister, Wiston Churhill met at Newfoundland and agreed broadly on new world system after the end of the war.The agreement is referred to as ATLANTIC CHARTER. One important aspect of the agreement states….’allowing peoples to choose their own form of government.This affirmation was the anchor on which European overseas colonies based their demand fọr and got indepedence.The new world order after the second world war was declonisation process and the first beneficiary was India which had been ruled by Britain since 1771.
84 years after 1939 is 2023. Now we have an on going Russia Ukraine war.A knowledgabe political observer with knowledge of cosmic science will know that the Russia/Ukraine war is nọt just a war between to countries it is a war between Russia on one hand and Europe on another hand with America calling the shots by proxy. All the countries that were involved in World war 11 are presently involved in the present Russia/ Ukraine war.What prompts me in this Russia/ Ukraine war to conclude that we are in World War 111 is the involvement of Russia. Since 1771and at 84 years interval Russia was involved in military multinatioal conflicts. Same can be Said about the United States of America.
In 1776 the 13 British American colonies fought the mother country and got their independence.84 years later in1860. The USA was involved in a civil war.84 years later,that is,1944 the USA entered the second World War.
2028 is 84 years after the USA entered the World War 11. I am tempted to predict that America will be involved in a major war.The Russia/Ukraine is still waxing strong with no resolution in horizon now we have Israel/ Hamas conflict complicating matters. What the World is seing in this 2023 is like a palm frond masqurade is coming in 2028.Any major military conflict in 2028 will assuredly result in a War in which nobody will be around to write ịts history.
This 84 years cycle is nọt an arbitrary cycle. It is a natural cycle.It is the period planet ỤRANUS takes to revolve round the SUN.lt is a Ụranus cycle.Cosmic scientists associate this cycle to fundamental change, unexpected change, War ,freedom.World War 11 led to declonisation(a new world order) the World War 111(if we have nọt destroyed our planet) will surely end the end of the WEST ECONOMIC HEGEMONY and de- dollarisation of international payment system.The rise in African leaders challenge on neocolonialsm and the birth of BRICKS are nọt a storm in a tea cup.It is an idea ejide time has come.
They are signs of things to come they will have the lives of their own….Dr OKUNAIYA OLABISI
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