Why NCC Should Shut Tizeti/WiFi.com By Rihanat Mathew

Just like any other family in today’s world, internet has now become a necessity to keep in touch with the ever changing world we live in. From news, entertainment and even school work, internet, quality internet at that, is highly sought after.

With so many internet providers in Nigeria, they have their positives and negatives but until I encountered Tizeti Internet Services ( also known as WiFi.com.ng), I never believed that a company could be so inept with customer service and also have a terrible product to boot – while still running marketing storms to suck in the uninitiated.

It all started on the 12th of September 2019. I had gone on Tizeti’s website to enquire about their internet costs and services and filled out their “contact us” form. I got a reply on the same day informing me about the prices and plans available. I made payment on the 16th of September and payment was acknowledged and I was then told that someone would be coming to my location to install my router and outdoor radio the very next day, which was the 17th. I said no problem. Their internet is not the fastest around (2-5Mbps) but because it’s truly unlimited, that’s their selling point, I went with it. Little did I know that I had entered the proverbial Nigerian “one chance.”

I then received a phone call and later an email stating that they “just discovered” that they no longer have routers available and would only be coming to install the outdoor radio. The router would then be installed at a later date (the coming Friday). Why would an ethical business solicit and accept full payments without caveats on what is and isn’t available? Tizeti staff claimed I would still have internet, but it would be through a LAN cable(basically my internet will be via cable and not wireless). Most of us don’t know what a LAN cable is, as such technology is obsolete and akin to driving a Peugeot 404, in today’s world of fast, smart automobiles. Only my game console and my satellite television decoder use a LAN cable. My laptop, mobile phone and tablets (which actually need the internet) do not. Why would you then tell me I wouldn’t be charged until I get my router? Why would you charge me for incomplete service in the first place?

At this point, my spouse and I were extremely upset. We asked for a full refund 6 working days after paying Tizeti and with no service provided, Tizeti refused. We called the sales lead, Mr. Stanley Chukwu, who was tagged in all email correspondence, he refused to pick our calls. This went on for a whole week. By this time, the router availability had gone from Friday, to Saturday to the following Wednesday. Meanwhile, we were left without the internet service we had paid for, no refund, no radio and no router. And a handsome N45,000 lost to the scam of a company, Tizeti. We had to do something. I then went on social media.

Quick point: if you want to get any company’s attention, send them a clearly-worded message on social media. They’re response rate will be quicker than you can say “lightning has struck”.

Now, we had their attention. The sales lead who had been avoiding our calls was now calling relentlessly. My husband was very upset and shared his feelings with the Sales Lead, albeit in no polite terms. He repeated his request for a full refund. Still Tizeti refused.

Two days later, I got a call from their installation department to inform me that they were coming to install our equipment. I had pleaded with my husband to let things slide and let them install – he acceded to this request . Subsequently, Tizeti sent its operatives to do an installation it had received payments for a week prior , with all the time in the world to plan , at 5pm, they leave at past 9pm, but we have painfully slow Internet – my mobile network’s LTE was twice as fast. Unlearned technicians inform us of the company’s unadvertised policy to guarantee only internet which doesn’t go below 2mbps. So at installation they show u on a laptop 2.12 mbps on a test page.

This should be the happy ending right? Right?? Nope!! There’s more!!!
we enjoy our internet for the first week after installation. Then on the 28th of September, our internet stops working! No reception, not even a blip of internet connection! I turn it off and on, go through all the troubleshooting, no luck. For 3 days I call their customer care line. I burn thousands of naira in airtime trying to reach them, no luck. I then go back to their website and send a message. This time I get a call. The person tells me they’ve seen my email and are calling in respect. They then ask for the account holder’s name.. I give them… “sorry Ma, there’s no account registered in that name.” I give my husband’s name. Not found. I then ask, so what does this mean, does it mean I have no registered account with you? She says, “I’m still searching Ma. I can’t find anything.” I’m flabbergasted, bewildered, and slightly amused at the incompetence of of this company. She asks to call me back later. Next day I get an email saying that the issue has been resolved, but here I am, 2 weeks later, no internet.

Why do companies keep ensuring that their values are useless to them and to those they encounter? Why are we not honest, as individuals or companies, with our dealings and business? Would it have been so terrible to say from the start that they didn’t have the required equipment? Why do we think that mediocrity should be accepted as a standard for business in this country?

I’m quite sure that Tizeti isn’t the only company that does business shabbily in our country. Insert your own unethical company you have had a terrible experience with and the story is the same. So why don’t we name and shame? Why do we allow them to constantly get away with breaking the law, with regards to customer service and restitution? How is your bottom line more important than the service provided? What’s the difference between the likes of Tizeti and 419 operators? Perhaps their CAC registration makes their fraudulent acts legitimate.

We need to hold these companies accountable. I have decided that I will be the last customer Tizeti will defraud in this manner. I pray you will join me and be the last person any irresponsible company will hoodwink in this manner. I call on the NCC and Lagos state government , EFCC and other regulatory agencies to shut this MMM-like internet company down.

I urge the management of this company with immediate effect to refund my hard earned money and pick up its devices. It’s time to name and shame businesses who rather than de-market its products & services while seeking investors/funds to increase its capacity to add new clients – keep marketing and adding unsuspecting clients to its over laden and broken network. Nigerians kindly note that Tizeti closed its customer offices at Igbo-efon and probably operates its call centre from its owner’s house. So they can’t be served a summons. Yet same company has put up large billboards by the Marwa – Lekki roundabout. The cat is out of the bag…NCC do the needful and rid this market of such incompetent organizations which maker he likes of “MMM” a child’s play. A stitch in time saves nine. #stopthefraud





  1. Their service is very poor here in ikosi ketu, imagine a one of.their retailer is right in front of my office and the network is fluctuating.
    I called several times and even the agent complain about the same thing that he has place several call and nothing is been done

  2. If this person has attempted to build a business in Nigeria s/he wouldn’t have written this crap. If this company collapses because you didnt get the service you wanted then all their staff will lose their job just because you are unhappy. Why havent you called EFCC to investigate contractors of bad roads or collapsed buildings or wrong diagnosis that have in one way or the other lead to loss of life. Internet failure isn’t life threatening and computers like every other system fail. This is a young company that is able to provide unlimited internet that the telcos say its impossible because of the cost and they have done it for N9,500. And don’t dare say it doesn’t work because I use it and it works well. It works so well that I no longer pay for dstv. So let’s address the real issue.

    Let’s say their service was very bad and you are unhappy. Ask for your money back and go to another service provider. Its not like their service is the cure for cancer and you have no other alternative. In case you are unaware you have the following alternatives MTN, 9mobile, Airtel, Glo, Spectranet, Cyberspace, Swift network, Smile and the list goes on. Move on, unless this is a witch hunt then obviously my reason holds no water. The internet is not for the purpose of bullying or witch hunting. Its for research and communication, please use it appropriately. And when next you feel the urge to challenge a worthy course, sign me up but until then keep it real and stop playing God because you maybe working for or own a company that’s not any better with customers or vendors.

    • I experienced the same frustration and i stand by the writer .That company whatever its called should be avoided by any right thinking person

    • Well…..I for one has benefited from this post! just like the writer, I went online and found Tizeti, got on calls with them and 1st thing they sent was their account number with zenith bank even before know what service i wanted. Ok, no problem I continue to engage them, having being burnt by a similar company called NGcom (Incompetent regrets). About to make payment and speaking to my wife, my colleague over hears my conversation and BOOM!! He went all out on his very nasty experience with Tizeti, similar to what the writer here wrote…..and then 2 more colleagues join in with their tales of woe! I believe I am better off with my 9mobile for now.

    • @Daniel the company is not willing to refund her money! Didn’t you get her message? I absolutely support her stand. If you cant deliver on your promise, at least have the decency to return your customer’s hard earned money.

    • Typical Nigerian response.

      Did you bother reading the article or did you just skim through it? She claims she did everything you suggested yet you castigate her and ask her to do the same thing!

      I use Tizeti, so far so good. But if they slacked on service then they should be held accountable. And if this article is pure fabrication then Tizeti should come out with a rebuttal.

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