Why G7 Disavows ‘Race To Bottom’ Tax Incentive By Tayo Oke


From the period after World War II, in 1945, the “Washington Consensus” had revolved around the need to commit public money to build some aspects of the economy. This was underlined by America’s “Marshall Plan” (European Recovery Programme), aimed at reviving Western European economies from the ruins of the war. It was underwritten with US15bn, and enacted into law by the US Congress in 1948. Western economies would be run on the basis of free market, with minimal government intervention targeted at infrastructure and social services. Government annual deficit could be offset by ‘limited’ borrowing. Inflation could rise a little, but that was preferable to rising unemployment. A cosy, middle-of-the road, mixed economy type philosophy you might say, but it worked. The “consensus” remained the orthodoxy until it came under sustained assault by the apostles of (ultra) free market, the ‘supply-side’ (lower taxes, minimal regulation, and free trade) economists, from the late 1960s through to the 1980s. Accumulation of public debt, bureaucracy, inflation, even stagflation in some cases, and a steady decline in manufacturing capacities, made the point for them succinctly. The supply-side economists had won the intellectual argument by the end of the 1970s, but needed political power to put their ideas into practice. Then, came Britain’s first woman Prime Minister, (“Iron Lady”), Mrs Margaret Thatcher (1979-1990), followed by the US President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989). Together, they pushed for low taxes, low inflation, deregulation, and smaller government with an evangelical zeal. It caught fire, and a new orthodoxy was established, until the G7 “historic” agreement at a meeting of its finance ministers in London on June 5, 2021.

The G7 is a collection of seven of the most advanced economies in the world: USA, UK, France, Germany, Canada, Italy and Japan. The odd thing about this is that France, Germany and Italy are also economically and politically tied to the EU. It is for this reason that there is, in addition, a seat at the table for the President of the European Council as well. The original G7 in fact started as the G6, at their first meeting in Rambouillet, in the suburb of Paris, in 1975.Canada was invited to join the club in 1976, when it morphed into the G7. The 1970s’ “oil shock”, recession and negative growth had propelled the group to meet up and chart a new economic path for themselves and (by extension), the rest of the world. It was also against the background of the collapse of the “Washington Consensus” fashioned on a stable exchange rate under the auspices of the “Bretton Woods” Agreement. Also, as stated earlier, the supply-side economists had crystallised their ideas and were pushing hard for a pivot to monetarism as an alternative to the too cosy “Washington Consensus”. The G7 group slowly and steadily built on the policy preceptsof the supply-side economists, gradually making it the new orthodoxy under Thatcher and Reagan’s watch.

Consequently, throughout the 1980s and 1990s, the Trojan Horse of low taxation, low inflation, and low interest rate, was built to push back the “frontiers of the state”, and to make for smaller, leaner governance throughout the Western world. Developing nations were helmed into the new dawn of state belt-tightening, economic efficiency and the ‘greed is good’ philosophy of the “Young Urban Professionals” (“Yuppies” in the popular press). Russia was subsequently invited to come on board in 1998, to transform the group into the G8, until it invaded its neighbouring country, Ukraine, and annexed the region of Crimea in 2014. The club reverted back to G7, following Russia’s exclusion. Curiously though, China, the second largest economy, and largest population in the world, is not a member, and probably never will be. Well, you not only have to be a rich country to become a member of the exclusive club, you also have to be a democracy as well. China is not, and probably never will be a (liberal) democracy. Russia is not a (liberal) democracy either, but had been tolerated for strategic reasons to the Western Alliance. Would China be invited to join one day for similar reasons? It is a remote possibility only in the longest of time in the future. For starters, China (soon to be largest economy in the world), has no immediate need to belong. Besides, its leaders’ strategic ambition is to reconstruct the world economy in the country’s image, not to sheepishly follow the Western model.

Low taxation has been an article of faith for members of the G7 for over 40 years. The online and tech giants: Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Apple, Microsoft, and retail companies such as Amazon, have exploited this to the full all along. They shop around for any country willing to offer the lowest corporate tax, stable legal regime, and modern infrastructure at the same time. The smaller European countries such as the Republic of Ireland, Cyprus, and others fit the bill nicely. They offer 12.5% corporate tax compared to the EU average of 20.71%, and global average of 23.65%. The US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellen, described the tactic of offering low taxes to gain advantage over rival economies as a “race to the bottom”. Yes, that may well be, Madam Secretary, but since when has it become fashionable for Western economic leaders to sniff at low taxation? Her British counterpart, Rishi Sunik, describes the current international tax regime as being designed in the “1920s” and no longer fit for purpose.

It is poignant that the meeting of the G7 countries took place in the country of Adam Smith, whose 18th century free market ideas have underlined modern economic policies around the world to this day. Is Sunik willing to disavow those as well? Sunik’s highly seductive soundbite on this issue clearly defies logic too.

The G7’s sudden self-immolation over low tax is totally bewildering to the rest of the world, which has long endured a perpetual struggle and, indeed, race to the bottom; trying to curry favour with Foreign Direct Investors, not least, on the prompting of the G7 countries themselves! Corporate tax rate has been the weapon of choice for foreign investors, using it to bully developing countries into agreeing to all sorts of unfavourable demands. Right now, the West is willing to jettison a core economic principle for pragmatic (some would say cynical) short-term objective of shoring up their Treasury coffers. If you fervently believe in free market, and low taxation at its core, why whinge about companies setting their stalls in tax-efficient economies? A race to the bottom is precisely what the Libertarians amongst them would welcome. As a matter of principle, the less government takes in taxation the better for the cause of liberty.

The G7’s reversal of a favoured economic doctrine will be endorsed at the G20 meeting coming up in July. They are expected to ratify the new 15% minimum corporation tax agreed at the G7 meeting. Thereafter, as a rule, no company will be allowed to pay less than the minimum. It is difficult to see this measure standing the test of time though, as every solution in this domain produces its own unique snags. Nonetheless, the problem for Africa and much of the developing countries is that multinational corporations pay virtually no tax at all for years on end as a condition for investing. They negotiate numerous ‘tax holidays’ and dubious ‘exemptions’, relieving themselves of tax obligations over and over again. In addition, multinational corporations are the consumers of Africa’s natural resources. They (the buyers) also determine the price for extracting African mineral resources. Granted that the G7 exists primarily to further its members’ interests, so, kudos to them for driving a hard bargain. The question is, who will speak for Africa?




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