Now that we are officially in a recession, there is an urgent need to start thinking about the options we have in reinjecting life into our economy. I heard the government is planning on selling off some national assets. It is also thinking about “confiscating” unclaimed monies in banks and in the stock market. This idea is enough to make one cringe in horror. For, when we finish selling our property today, what shall we sell tomorrow?
Why not look towards cocoa? Next to oil, it is Nigeria’s top money earner. We can start by backtracking to where we missed our step in the cocoa business. Once upon a time, Nigeria was the host of the Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries; but at the moment, the office in Lagos has been unceremoniously shut down. The Technical Adviser to the COPAL has run back to his country, Cote d’Ivoire. Cocoa business is almost dead in Nigeria, and therefore needs a revival. This is actually the job of the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, and I do not know whether he has started working on this already. He should. He has a date with destiny.
Our cocoa industry has the potential to employ millions of Nigerians and also create economic spin-offs, which would in turn provide employment for other millions. Sadly, this is not so. Over the years, successive administrations have killed the industry with bad policies, weak vision and deliberate corruption and cooperation with external vested interests. This is the time for the present government to do all in its power to make a difference for the sake of posterity.
Nigeria is the fourth-largest producer of cocoa beans in the world, behind Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana and Indonesia. Before independence, cocoa generated about 90 per cent of Nigeria’s foreign exchange earnings. Today, about 300,000 to 350,000 tonnes of cocoa are produced every year, but more than 96 per cent of this is exported. This looks good on the surface; but when one looks deeply, the Nigerian government’s policy on cocoa export is killing our economy. Secondly, the government’s deliberate discouragement of small businesses in cocoa-based manufacturing adversely hits the cocoa industry. Thirdly, the lack of political will to organise all cocoa producing countries as it used to, has made Nigeria lose its pride of place in the global cocoa niche.
Export is good; but when it is only empowering foreign businessmen while taking away jobs from Nigerians, it should be reviewed drastically. Experts in the industry have constantly raised the alarm over government’s continued incentives to cocoa exporters, as opposed to cocoa processors. It is interesting to note that almost all the cocoa exporting firms are owned by foreigners. In Ghana, cocoa industry players are already exporting quality cocoa powder and chocolates. Over here, we import.
It does not make any sense at all that the trade and investments authorities allowed the Alliance of Cocoa Producing Countries to die within its borders. The only viable reason for this is that our rent-seeking economy cannibalised the entity. As you read this piece, another government body has taken over the erstwhile COPAL Lagos headquarters.
Sadly, it never dawned on some unpatriotic elements that many countries were actually envious of us for hosting such an important entity; which has the same gravitas as the Organisation of Oil Exporting Countries. Naturally, there are advantages in hosting such a global cartel. It then follows that some interests would give anything to see it die.
But now is that time to resurrect such a critical organisation. We need it in order to take advantage of the new Africa Continental Free Trade Agreement, which Nigeria just ratified. If it means moving its offices to Abuja, let the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment do the needful.
We closed our borders with our West African neighbours for more than a year, before reopening it just over a month ago. So, the question on the lips of everyone is, now that the borders are open, will Africa’s largest economy get back on the saddle and lead the regional economy, or is it now too late in the day to recover lost ground? It is instructive to note that, just because we delayed, Ghana now hosts the secretariat of the AfCFTA.
The world’s largest free trade area since the World Trade Organisation is now about becoming a reality. Nigeria has just ratified it, as it comes into effect on January 1, 2021. It is a key move for the ambitions of AfCFTA, given Nigeria’s status not just as one of the continent’s largest economies but also as its most populous country. Now that it is on stream, AfCFTA aims to create a single market for goods and services in Africa. We cannot afford to lag behind again.
By 2030, the market size across the continent is expected to include 1.7 billion people with over $6.7 trillion of cumulative consumer and business spending – if all African countries join the agreement.
The truth is that the few Nigerians who are in the business of cocoa processing cannot compete with the foreign companies who take our raw cocoa to their countries, process in their factories and bring back to us as finished cocoa-based products. This is very much like the dilemma we all cry about today bedevilling the petroleum industry; whereby we export our crude oil, and then import it as costly refined products. This trend has chased a lot of Nigerians out of the cocoa business. The government must make a deliberate effort to bring them back.
I am saying all this because I remember the other time we fell into recession in 2016, the government of Ecuador offered to help Nigeria develop its cocoa industry. The country’s ambassador told Nigeria that it needed to start cocoa processing and eventually raise a chocolate-making plant within its shores as a way of maximising its natural endowment of cocoa, just as Ecuador is doing. This was a very important diplomatic overture. Did we do as Ecuador advised? No. Now we are in another recession. We must not allow ourselves to make the same mistake twice.
You see, when Nigeria had the dollars raining down from crude oil exports, many of the people who should be developing our economy never did it. They were busy enjoying the free money that oil brought. That was when we virtually killed the cocoa industry represented by the Cocoa House in Ibadan – a skyscraper that now stands as a dinosaur to remind us of past glories.
A nation can never grow when it is exporting its raw materials without actively using them to produce end-products for the consumption of its citizens, and for export. Without manufacturing, no nation can be self-sustaining. This is the reality about rent-seeking economy, which Nigerian represents today.
There would be an instant foreign exchange imbalance when it ships out the raw materials at paltry sums and then import finished goods from it at exorbitant costs. Take for instance, today that the dollar is far higher than the naira. The cost of importation of chocolate will definitely outbalance the gains of exportation of cocoa. We need to cut these imports by processing cocoa here and producing chocolates by ourselves. We also need to become the central negotiating giant for all cocoa producers, especially in the developing world. That was what made us a giant. Let us rise, again.
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