Sometime ago, I was in a community meeting where we were discussing the challenges facing the community. I was very clear in my mind so I asked to speak and I was granted permission to so do. I remember speaking so eloquently about a particular problem and how the ideas we were proposing wouldn’t solve them. Oh how proud I felt about myself after the speech. The silence was so loud you could hear a pin drop until one of the participants asked ‘so Mr Seun, what do you propose we do?’ Alas! This man has poured sand sand in my gari because I had not thought of a proposed solution and this brought my eloquence, grammatical prowess and gesticulations exhibited during my speech to total nought.
If all you have to talk about is the problem, then say nothing – that’s half the gist. Look to God for revelation and vision to know the solution to the problem before you speak. Most of the times, the problem is known but the solution is what set you up for glory and respect. You will be doing more damage by just highlighting the problem. For instance, if you have been invited to settle a conflict, it makes no sense to go their and just repeat the allegations but it is of great value to understand the cause of the conflict and give practical steps to avoiding future occurrence whilst highlighting the consequences of such acts if repeated.
Let’s learn from Joseph. When he was invited to interprete Pharaoh’s dream, if he had stopped at the problem (Gen 41:28-32), he would have probably lost his head because verse 32 ended with him saying that God has firmly decided the famine. In those days, kings to deal kindly with slaves or servants bringing them bad news not to mention a prisoner. Joseph enthroned himself by the practical solution (Gen 41:33-36) he provided to the problem. He was so clear about both the problem and the solution- that enthroned him instantly (Gen 41:37-40). Now, don’t forget that Joseph had interpreted dreams for two folks before and in that time, he gave them only the problem Gen 40:8-18. Even though one was pleasant but the other was so disturbingly graphical. No wonder, even the one with the nice outcome forgot completely about Joseph and left him to rot in prison for good 2 years after he was restored to his position. I bet Joseph learnt his lessons.
Yes, it is good to have a good grip on the problem but solution is what you will be paid for. Solution comes with crown. Don’t talk about the problem until you have received the solution from God.
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