Uti Possidetis juris is already ratified as law by the International Court of Justice. The implications simply put are:
1. If you are involved in a conflict of any kind, whoever emerges the winner is the owner of the conquered territory. This law justifies British ownership of Falklands Island after defeating Argentina. It justifies British ownership of Gibraltar over and against Spain. The implication is that if Britain decides tomorrow to claim Nigeria as its territory, all it has to do is to fight and defeat Nigeria. Under International Law and as ratified by the ICJ, Uti Possidetis juris supercedes Effective Occupation. By extension it means your independence as a country is only as good as being able to effectively defend your territorial boundaries. If Ghana for instance claims Nigeria as its territory and effectively fights and defends Nigeria, case closed. That’s why the international community fought against Iraqi’s attempt to annexation of Kuwait through warfare. Crimea today is part of Russia as opposed to Ukraine on account of Uti Possidetis juris.
2. Now back to Nigeria. When Biafra announced its secession in 1967 and was duly recognised by some Nations (recognition by member states of UN counts towards state independence under International Law), it was understood by the international community that Biafra acted as a separate from Nigeria thenceforth. Had Biafra succeeded in defending it’s territory effectively, it would have remained an independent state. Britain helped Nigeria quash that aspiration.
3. That being the case, before the eyes of the UN and International Court of Justice, Biafra territory is a conquered territory and by application of Uti Possidetis juris, the property of the conqueror. No amount of preaching or conjuring the laws of United Nations is valid unless the status quo changes. That’s what international law says. In effect therefore, it is only Nigeria that can change the status of Biafra no matter how loud you shout.
4. This explains why any talk of sovereign national conference is viewed as arrogance by the owners of Nigeria. It like using cunning way to cajole them into treating their slaves as equals. They will neither listen to your restructuring or referendum or regionalisation. Being ndi emeriri na agha, they are not under any punishable obligation to treat you fairly. Forget the nonsense mantra of human rights here. You can’t sue them for making all the service Chief come from the North. As conquerors, they choose how best to administer their territories. Those who are in the conquered territory who show allegiance to the conqueror could receive some incentives. That’s why all your Governors worship and pay homage to their Fulani master.
5. Now the big problem. As Obasanjo earlier hinted, during the civil war, some of the Fulani janjaweeds from across Africa migrated to Nigeria to help the national troupe. The were promised the right of abode after the conquest. Now they are here. They have come to dip the Koran into Atlantic Ocean as promised by their progenitor Othman Dan Fodio.
Listen to their argument whenever you confront them to relocate anywhere outside the South. They will remind you that it is their ancestral home. Every Fulani carrying radio around knows this. Buhari’s RUGA are all anchored on this belief that they are the real conquerors and owners of the land. Their invasion of South East is majorly a brazen attempt to extend their legitimate enclave acquired through the leverage and provisions of Uti Possidetis juris.
They have been duly informed it’s about time to fully establish the Fulani dynasty across Nigeria. That’s the real Fulanisation agenda Obasanjo and TY Danjuma raised their voice earlier on. Nnamdi Kanu saw it years back. Fulani knows too well that to implement that agenda in the South East would be a herculean task, hence the gradual advancement and penetration of the Igbo hinterlands and towns. The only way we can change the status quo and regain our freedom is only by fighting back and dealing the unjust occupier a decisive blow. That’s the only way to upturn the provisions of the Uti Possidetis juris against us before the eyes of the International Law. Any wonder why Biafra through Nnamdi Kanu is trying to raise a formidable army. And don’t be misled, this situation doesn’t provide for a negotiation table. Don’t believe the mantra of “no Victor no vanquished”. It’s not recognised as an instrument of conflict resolution before the international court.(copied from Akųilili, a London based legal practitioner)
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