It has been said by former US Presidents and presidential historians that a President in his first term does not really learn to think like a President until about two years into office. Well, it is over two years into Donald Trump’s Presidency, and some might say, he has still not learnt to think as a President, nor is he even willing to, or ever capable of doing so from all indications. He remains his raw, bombastic self; telling casual lies about everyday issues and still talking like an elected dictator, worse, making silly utterances like a mob boss does, very angry and bellyaching about how “corrupt” and “rigged” the system is, how awful and parasitic the immigrants coming to the US are, how bad the media is etc. He takes his grumpiness even onto the world stage; denouncing friends and allies for taking advantage of America and sharp-elbowing other world leaders who unwittingly block his camera angle in group photo shoots.
Trump talks up America by dragging other people down, expresses his admiration for women by denigrating them at will, tries to bring people together by appealing to the worst instincts in them. The Congressional and other mid-term elections just concluded in the country have seen the House of Representatives moved from the Republicans to Democrats control, who have also recorded huge gains in state-wide elections. The loss of “The House” to the Democrats has been widely interpreted by many analysts to mean a repudiation of Trump and what he stands for. Really?
Let me say, first of all, that the election of Donald Trump would not have been possible without the Presidency of Barack Obama earlier (2008-2016). Trump is the backlash; the white backlash to the ascendancy of minority power play in America. The demographics have not been in favour of the mainstream white population in America for some time. The Latinos, African-Americans and other minority ethnic groups have been outgrowing the whites for the past couple of decades so much that white population is projected to cease to be the majority by 2050. This is a statistical certainty, just as it is dead certain that the US will surrender the pinnacle of the largest economy in the world to China by 2030. The Latinos and other minorities are producing babies at a rate not seen since the birth of the US as a nation, while the white population has been shrinking almost by an equal margin. This is forcing a cultural change on America in the way that shocks and alarms the segments of the white population that wish to cling on to the superior advantage derived solely from the colour of their skin. The election and re-election of Obama was seen, especially by white supremacists, as the final nail in the coffin for white domination of the political space that their fathers and forefathers had secured for them through slavery, segregation, oppression and outright discrimination against non-whites. This segment of the white population had become withdrawn and disillusioned of late. They were being told that the election of Obama had signalled a new era of “post-racial” America, where white privilege was now going to be a thing of the past. However, just as these groups were about to lose hope, they suddenly found a champion in Trump, and by God, he spoke (still speaks) up for them.
The slogan “Make America great again” became the rallying cry for all sorts of racist, xenophobic and ultra-nationalistic people in America. The “basket of deplorables” as Hillary Clinton, Trump’s Democrat’s challenger in the 2016 Presidential race referred to them. Not only did Trump appeal to the “deplorables”, a large chunk of mainstream America also began to catch the bug. They began to buy into the whacky ideas being espoused by then Candidate Trump, and appear to have fully embraced the same since the election. His anti-immigrant, anti-establishment rhetoric began to touch a nerve in the voting population as well. An appeal to people’s fear of “losing their country” “their identity”, “their culture” and “way of life” held sway over the more measured message from Trump’s challenger and political adversaries The right-wing media saw no good whatsoever in everything President Obama did whilst in office. They consistently dredged up polls and household surveys suggesting “American heading the wrong way”. Be that as it may, “the rise of minority rule in America is now unmistakable”, according to the Harvard constitutional law professor, Laurence Tribe. As an addendum, the US budget deficit running into $16tn was seen as the number one economic priority for voters prior to 2016. Now that Obama is no longer in office, budget deficit is apparently no longer the number one priority even though it has actually gone up by an extra three trillion since he left office.
Against this background, therefore, Democrats have been handed control of “The House”, indeed, but to say that this is a rejection of Trump and his odious appeal to the America’s lowest common denominator would be a mistake. The US Senate is set to remain in the hands of the Republicans, who are in no mood to cast the President adrift. They are more interested in power than what they see as political correctness. The Senate is where a lot of the important decisions on the President’s appointments, defence and foreign policies are made. The House, of course, has a huge responsibility over appropriation and general oversight of the administration. If America had wanted to repudiate Trump, they would have wrested control of the Senate away from the Republicans in a wave, although Democrats were defending more seats, in the Senate, this time, than the Republicans (26-9). As things stand, Democrats’ control of The House is not overwhelming by any means. They can propose and even pass articles of impeachment against the President, because that is where such proceedings start, but, it would ultimately be a futile gesture.
The very act of impeaching the President does not mean he is out of office. The Senate will be the final arbiter of whether he is guilty as charged, and on the current political calculations, the in-coming Senate is unlikely to embark upon any such course. President Trump remains widely popular within key segments of the voting population that Republicans remain fearful of. They are desperate to appoint one more right-wing justice of the Supreme Court before the end of Trump’s first term if possible, in order to capitalise on a once in a lifetime chance of restructuring the Supreme Court as a bastion of right-wing social conservatism for the foreseeable future. The conclusion of the Muller enquiry will almost certainly highlight “high crimes and misdemeanour” by the President. It is up to The House to say whether those qualify for impeachment, but Donald Trump will cry foul and will hound them in the media from dawn to dusk. The more he is under siege, the harsher he will become on pushing even more right-wing agenda, to make “his base” more angry and determined to save him. And, if the economy remains buoyant and the people feel comfortable around the dinner table in a couple of years, Trump’s re-election for a second term will become irresistible.
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