Trump Slams Nato Allies …… Reuters



After making controversial statements about abortion last week, Trump has shown little sign of heeding calls from fellow Republicans to adopt a more presidential tone so as to avoid alienating voters in the November general election if he wins the nomination.

On Saturday, he questioned close U. S. ties to Saudi Arabia and again accused U.S. allies of not pulling their weight in the NATO military alliance.

Trump told a campaign rally in Racine, Wisconsin that partners in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization “are not paying their fair share” and called the 28-nation alliance “obsolete.”

“Either they pay up, including for past deficiencies, or

they have to get out. And if it breaks up NATO, it breaks up

NATO,” Trump said.

Tuesday’s Wisconsin nominating contest could be a turning point in the Republican race. Trump, 69, trails his leading rival, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, 45, of Texas in the state.

A Cruz win would make it harder for Trump to reach the

number of 1,237 delegates needed to secure the nomination before

the Republican national convention in July. The winner will get

to claim all of Wisconsin’s 42 delegates.



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