Those Leaving South Africa By Kole Omotoso

The first time of hearing of qualified people leaving South Africa for greener pastures was when I was leaving Nigeria for South Africa. There was reason for leaving South Africa then especially if you were white. But after more than a quarter century of liberation and freedom what reason or reasons does a black person have for leaving South Africa for New Zealand and Australia?

Right now, there is a delicate pause in South Africa. When, as president of the African National Congress and head of state of South Africa the former President Jacob Zuma challenge the people who accuse him of corruption to come with evidence of his corruption, journalists and writers went to town. Publishers couldn’t stop printing the evidence brought by these people. Licence to Loot: How the plunder of Eskom and other parastatals almost sank South Africa by Stephan Hofstatter; HOW TO STEAL A COUNTRY: State Capture in South Africa by Robin Renwick; Blood on their Hands: General Johan Booysen Reveals His Truth by Jessica Pitchford; The Bosasa Billions: How the ANC sold its soul for braaipacks, booze and bags of cash by James-Brent Styan & Paul Vecchiatto; Enemy of the People: How Jacob Zuma stile South Africa and how the people fought back by Adrian Basson & Pieter du Toit; A Simple Man – Kasrils and the Zuma enigma by Ronnie Kasrils; After Dawn: Hope after State Capture by Mcebisi Jonas; Kill Zuma: By Any Means Necessary by Gayton McKenzie; INDENTURED: Behind the scenes at GUPTA TV by Rajesh Sundaram; GANGSTER STATE: Unravelling Ace Magashule’s Web of Capture by Pieter-Louis Myburgh; WHO RULES SOUTH AFRICA?: Pulling the strings in the battle for power by Martin Plaut & Paul Holden; The Republic of Gupta: A Story of State Capture by Pieter-Louis Myburgh. These are books copies of which I possess and which I have read wholly or partly.

With so much evidence, ordinary South Africans ask: what are the police doing? The covers of the books display pictures of Jacob Zuma and other members of his state capture gang. The police do not arrest criminals any more in South Africa.

What about other special units to check crime generally, to check crime among the elite, to check crime among government officials? Over the years through appointing his cronies or the favourites of the Guptas or incompetence in the ones appointed or compromised characters the prosecuting arm of the criminal infrastructure was completely destroyed.

Since Jacob Zuma was taken out of power there has been great effort to rebuild these institutions. There are major commissions ongoing revealing the criminalities of Jacob Zuma and others in his camp. Zondo commission exposed the activities of Gavin Watson and his Bosasa company.

Mysteriously, he died in a self-organised motor accident one day before he was to appear before a special tax commission in Johannesburg. I don’t know how many of you were at that great get together of the rats on the subject matter of who will bell the cat. Like who shall send and who will go for us? Dead silence. So, until today the cat remains “unbelled.”

Who will arrest the general secretary of the ruling party, the African National Congress Ace Magashule’s? Who will invite the Vice President David Mabuza for a chat on the killings while premier of Mpumalanga? The Guptas have made themselves scarce by relocating in Dubai.

Jacob Zuma appeared at Zondo commission one day and had to hide. When he replied to a question that he did not remember, he was grilled further to the point where he thought the lawyers were unfair to him! Obviously, he imagined that if he said he couldn’t remember, that would be the end of the matter. It was not. Whenever he chooses to come back to the commission, he would be grilled. As the numero uno of state capture much would be expected of him.

The newly appointed director of public prosecution promises that they will bell the cat, they make arrest soon, people must just be patient.

Notices have been sent to the former Eskom CEO of the attachment of his property in lieu of payment of some money. Same with the former boss of the South African Airways. This one said the Johannesburg-Delhi leg was not profitable in order for the Guptas to take it.

So, in the hope that nothing will be done in the silence after the who will bell the cat question has been put. Why are they going? They are going because of their children. They have seen enough violence. They want to take their children out of the violence of South Africa. They emphasis, in particular. bringing up a girl child in an environment where there is no respect for the female person. Communities moan and wonder why men are killing their wives and children when a quarrel arise between husband and wife? Why so much rape and murder of girls as young as four, for God’s sake? And the perpetrators move around in the community protected by the powerlessness of the institutions of state, the police. The ineffectiveness of the Police among the elite reaches the ordinary people down below.

“The top leadership structures of the South African Police Service (SAPS), the Directorate of Priority Crime Investigation (the formal name of the Hawks), the NPA, the SIU and the SSA have been in flux since Zuma became state President in 2009.” from Enemy of the People, Loc 1756 of 6502.

The other reason for leaving South Africa is that there are jobs out there waiting for plumbers, mechanics and such employment where people have been trained. Of course, the other reason, which is never mentioned in public is that white people are scared of the insecurity of property rights.

This is not helped by the EFF and its leadership shouting out daily about appropriation of property without compensation, especially land. Not to be outdone by the populism of EFF the leadership of the ANC has also mouthing seizing land without compensation. The horror of land reform should teach us that settling the land issue the way the original thieves took the land will never do.

The land has changed hands over three centuries. Patience and understanding are needed to deal with the matter of land. That young whites are leaving South Africa shows the dynamism of South Africa for its white population. That some of the major criminals are being sought and made aware of their wrongdoing is a good sign that the cat is not going to be free and without his bell soon!

Guardian (NG)



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