The Collapsed Building: The National Call For GNH Intervention

The collapse of the building in Lagos few days ago and the Trailer that has just ran off the road to crush innocent Lives in Anambra this morning, are a reminder to us of the prevalent danger we continue to romance in Nigeria. A danger, ever so present, ever so imminent.

Yet, our elite including you and I, continue to debate, argue, insult each other on which political party or politician we prefer or abhor.

The building collapsed with a school in it. That school children, many of whom were trapped under the rubble, while others were not so ‘fortunate.’ Those children could have been yours or mine, our friends’ or relations. You or someone you know could have been within or around that building. Ditto, either of us or our relations or people we know could have been involved in that unfortunate TRAILER accident.

But we give thanks to God for His mercies, just as we pray for the soul of the deceased and pray for fortitude affected to bear the loss.

As you well know, that is not can not be the end of this story as it has been the story of our Lives in this country. But it can not and must NOT be ALLOWED to continue.

Somebody, some group needs to get up to generate the ‘workable, doable idea’ to redefine and redesign how our Lives are run, a la governed, by those we vote into office.

I do not know about you, I am yet to see anyone or group to come up with the idea I am about to share with you regarding how we can check this recurring matter of collapsed building and Trailer accidents, except the Great Nigerians House.

So, permit me to use the collapsed building challenge:

I know the easy and existing response by State governments to these occurrences, is to demolish affected buildings and use that momentary anger to demolish similar others leaving poor but innocent Tenants homeless.

Great Nigerians House says that Tenants should not be punished for the crimes of dubious, INDISPLINED and LAWLESS Landlords. In Nigeria, where getting shelter for homeless Nigerians has become hell on earth. Due to the unfortunate near non-existent provision by government for citizens to get a house, for rent, Nigerians go through so much stress to get a home for themselves and their families, finding themselves at the mercy of Landlords. So, they are often willing to settle for any accommodation their income can afford.

If you have ever needed a roof over your head, you would agree that the fault can never be placed on the doorsteps of desperate Tenants.

The GNH proposition, therefore, is this:

Lagos State government should get a free Land anywhere in Lagos and dedicate it to DISTRESSED BUILDINGS. Enumerate Houses that have been marked for demolition and move the Tenants to the dedicated space by creating ‘Tented’ structures with manageable COMFORT for the Tenants that would be moved to the Land. It is a TENTATIVE arrangement to give some level of respite to the unfortunate victims of distressed or demolished buildings.

In other words, if for instance, the government marks, say ten buildings, with a Residents’ population of say, 1000 Tenants, on a Lagos Island for demolition, the affected Residents are moved to the designated Land space according to their spot on the Land from where they are being relocated.

Once that is done, the government or a GNH, would get the government to back it up to mobilize the corporate community to provide infrastructures and amenities for the new Land which soon TRANSFORMS into a CITY by default.

This is what this would come to: As the INTERCEDING NGO, GNH would say to a Coca cola company, for instance: “provide water for this City, with a population of over 500,000 Residents and get the franchise as the only soft drinks to be sold in that city.” Same applies to other corporate bodies that may be interested in partaking in the FRANCHISE-driven philanthropic offer to provide for and link the new CITY to the mainland.

From the foregoing, you would have seen a win-win situation for the government (which would enjoy Tax collection among other benefits), the victims, the society and the donating companies. But of course, the long-term goal of the new City is erect and relocate the Residents to skyscrapers that would PROPERLY ACCOMMODATE and give the victims good shelter.

I have gone to this length to give you a hint of one of GNH’s interventionist concept at gradually but peacefully CORRECTING and REFORMING our society and humanity in creatively unconventional means. I have no doubt in my mind that the novelty, of this and many other innovations that would characterize our interventions in making our country great, would make them great discoveries in the art of citizen participation in governance.

The spirit of GNH task is captured in Bill Withers ever green song LEAN ON ME. As I close, I have left its lyrics below to bring you to the understanding of the IMPERATIVE that is on us to be our brother’s keeper.

Lean On Me

Bill Withers

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there’s always tomorrow

Lean on me, when you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on
For it won’t be long
‘Til I’m gonna need
Somebody to lean on

Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you won’t let show

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you’ll understand
We all need somebody to lean on

Lean on me, when you’re not strong
And I’ll be your friend
I’ll help you carry on
For it won’t be long
‘Til I’m gonna need
Somebody to lean on

You just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on

Thank you for your attention.

God bless you

God bless Great Nigerians House

God bless Nigeria

Chris Paul Otaigbe
Group Admin



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