Our goal is to our push students out of their cozy zones and ignite their passions; once this happens and their imaginations are set ablaze, amazing things take place. This is how we motivate and encourage our students to become global leaders.
“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” ― Walt Disney Company, Mulan
Recently, after my educational tours and contributions at global conferences over the past two months, I have been thinking of how to pilot our new educational programme for young students. From my interactions with young people all over the world, I realised that thinking like a global citizen is important. And, involving their parents and teachers in this pilot programme is requiring me to put on my thinking cap; however one of the key skills that is required by employers for the future of work is problem-solving. Having African children thinking critically and tackling challenges would motivate them in learning, because the real truth is that most of our students are bored out of their minds in our schools.
How does this come to fruition?
For the past four years, we have held programmes for teachers and children. I have read materials all across the globe on infusing STEM education in our curiculum to prepare students for future-readiness. I have attended various programmes in Nigeria, West Africa, Europe and the United States to familiarise myself with more content and the know-how on implementing this programme.
I always centre my programmes around design thinking, as a framework for innovation and setting up Project Based Learning modules. The key idea from our programme is to work on enabling our mid-childhood, pre-teen, and early teenage learners to become innovative solution makers, while addressing problems within their community and the public at-large.
Currently, my mind is filled with possibilities: How to engage our students, to develop cross-curricular connections, and to raise more critical thinkers. I desire to be ambitious and have been declaring an intention to raise up to two million children who will be innovators.
The ‘how’ of this is still in the works: should we work through the model of clubs, afterschool programems or direct infusion in schools? There is great need to be creative in the tough and stifling environment that currently exists.
Children Support Our Programmes
At all of the programems that we have held, the students have been excited about hands on learning. They welcome the idea of challenges and working in teams to solve problems. This is critical because we need their buy-in as they are the end users in our initiative and are the people who should derive the most benefit from it.
Significant Feats For Our Innovative Type of Learning
The most significant parts of innovative programmes is being able to model what one aims to achieve.
The moment educators are enthused about the method, students follow their cue and get fully engaged. They accept that they could be successful and enjoy carrying out the project. Creating a positive and welcoming environment is important. Another important element for the success of innovative programmes is getting the community involved – parents, small business owners, leaders in the community at large. In our case, we have had parents, motivational speakers and professionals speak to the children.
Ultimate Aim
Imagine a community showcase that allows parents and community stakeholders to experience what our students create. Following this exhibition with competitions and, inviting business leaders to add their authority to the programme.
Our goal is to our push students out of their cozy zones and ignite their passions; once this happens and their imaginations are set ablaze, amazing things take place. This is how we motivate and encourage our students to become global leaders.
Adetola Salau, Carismalife4U@gmail.com, an advocate of STEM education, public speaker, author, and social entrepreneur, is passionate about education reform.
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