Greetings. I am Kemi, A young lady characterized with laughter, friendliness, humour, intelligence and love for life. I am a second year student at the Department of Special Education, University of Ibadan. My growing up has been fun, often in the company of family and loved ones. One day, a day I shall never forget, I was diagnosed with Stevens-Johnson syndrome. This is a severe inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes, often after a respiratory infection or as an allergic reaction to drugs.
As an immediate response, I was placed on several prolonged medications. It was really frightening to have to consume a myriad of drugs continually. I felt much pain and dryness in my eyes. I Underwent series of surgeries in the battle to save my sight. Learning to live with the virus, I enrolled in a school for the blind. The pains and discomfort made schooling difficult. About five years ago, I was flown abroad for a cornea transplant. Thankfully, it was successful. Due to financial constraints, however, I could not purchase enough of the follow-up drugs before returning to my home country. My mother has been making frantic efforts to raise funds for the purchase of the prescribed drugs as the condition constantly degenerates. I have been taken to a local hospital and, again, placed on various costly drugs. Regrettably, another cornea transplant has become necessary. Numerous unheeded appeals have been made to the government for assistance. My resilient mother has sacrificed so much but the burden is enormous. Hence, I passionately appeal to any and every well-intentioned individual or corporate body to, please, help.
I understand that there are many persons living with visual impairment who are getting on quite effectively with life. Nevertheless, I am frequently in pains and dependent on medications. This is not sustainable and needs an urgent remedy. That will ensure that I regain my sight considerably, be independent, discontinue my incessant intake of drugs, which has become a nightmare to me, be able to do the fun things that I once did: painting, drawing, extensive reading and researching. My most treasured childhood memories would become relished experiences of the present and the future.
Steven Johnson Syndrome can be lethal. In less severe cases, it deals a hard blow on the wellbeing of the sufferer with symptoms such as inflammation of the skin and mucus membranes, eyes, ears and throat, resulting in impaired sight, hearing, difficulty in swallowing and other adverse effects. This illness is often a fallout of adverse drug reaction due to self –medication, a common practice in low income countries. It is, therefore, pertinent for people to avoid self-medication and in case of adverse drug reaction, take note of, and even report the drugs and substances that they react to during treatment.
My special thanks go to you, my reader/listener, for your attention and interest in my predicament. I eagerly look forward to your assistance in the restoration of my wellbeing as I press on with unflinching determination to rise above this challenge. My bank account details are as follows:
Name: Odejimi Oluwakemi Rebecca.
Bank: Zenith Bank.
Account number: 2211035729.
Thank you.
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