So, Who Determines What is National Interest? By Azuka Onwuka

President Muhammadu Buhari was quoted in the media on Monday as saying that the rule of law must play second fiddle to national security and national interest. He made the assertion in his speech at the opening of the 2018 Nigerian Bar Association Annual General Conference in Abuja.

His words were: “The rule of law must be subject to the supremacy of the nation’s security and national interest… Our apex court has had cause to adopt a position on this issue in this regard and it is now a matter of judicial recognition that, where national security and public interest are threatened or there is a likelihood of their being threatened, the individual rights of those allegedly responsible must take second place, in favour of the greater good of society.”

Last month, in an interview with the Voice of America, the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Nigeria, Mr Abubakar Malami, had said a similar thing.

Malami said: “What I want you to know is that issues concerning law and order under Muhammadu Buhari are sacrosanct and obeying court order is compulsory. However, you should also know that there is a general consensus world over that where the dispute is only between individuals, then you can consider the issue based on the instant situation. But if the dispute is about an issue that affects an entire nation, then you have to remember that government is about the people not for only an individual.

“So, you have to look at it from this perspective. If the issue about an individual coincides with that which affects the people of a nation and you are now saying the government did not obey a court order that infringes on a single person’s rights. Remember we are talking about a person who was instrumental to the deaths of over one hundred thousand people. Are you saying that the rights of one person is (sic) more important than that of 100,000 who lost their lives?”

One recurring decimal in President Buhari’s administration is the penchant to wash his hands off issues that cause bad press and blame his predecessors or aides for them. But the sameness in opinion between him and the AGF on his administration’s repeated disregard for the pronouncements of court gives credence to the fact that critical national decisions cannot be taken by aides of the President without his approval. And if such occurs, whoever is involved will face some consequences.

Buhari’s speech was made before lawyers of Nigeria. And given that issues concerning the law and due process fall within the precincts of the law profession, it is surprising that the Nigerian Bar Association has not organised national protests against the disrespect this administration accords court rulings in Nigeria. Once a government can decide which court order to obey and which to disobey, then, there is no need to have the judiciary and the legal profession.

National security and national interest are issues of paramount importance. However, what Buhari has not explained to Nigerians is: Who determines what is national security and what is national interest? How is it verified? How can it be confirmed that it is not a ploy to harass, intimidate and victimise political opponents and create fear in the minds of would-be opponents?

The reason democracy insists on having three independent arms of government – the Legislature, the Executive, and the Judiciary – is to avoid dictatorship. Lord Acton, it was, who said that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Therefore, it is dangerous for a person to be the one to accuse another of being a threat to national security and also be the one to decide that the person needs to be arrested and detained ad infinitum in the name of a nebulous term like “national interest.” One cannot be the accuser and the judge in one’s own case. If that is allowed, the same Buhari can in future be arrested and detained indefinitely by his successor in the name of national interest, despite whatever the court may rule on the matter.

The law anticipates that there may be a need for someone to be kept in detention while a trial is on. It has, therefore, made provisions for that. If such a need arises, the prosecutor will give such reasons to the judge and make a request that such a person be detained for the safety of the public or nation. The court then considers the request and decides whether it has merit or lacks merit. It is based on the order of a court that a person can be denied bail or detained for a period longer than what is guaranteed by the constitution.

Judges are not enemies of the public and the nation. If they see a compelling need for a person not to granted bail, they will give such an order, for the person may also be a threat to them and their family.

In the same vein, an order from a court should never be disobeyed for whatever reason. It is said that even if a judge staggers into the courtroom, belching and reeking of alcohol, but sits over a case and gives a ruling, that ruling stands. The President or whoever has no right to disobey that court ruling because of the drunkenness of the judge who gave the ruling. The law anticipates that something like this is possible and has made provisions for higher courts to review cases.

The way to go about it is to approach a higher court, show evidence that the judge was not in the possession of his faculties when he gave that ruling. If the higher court quashes the ruling of the lower court, then you have victory. But if that does not happen, you appeal. It is only after the Supreme Court has given its judgment on a case that it is seen as final. Not even the President has the right to disobey the order of the Supreme Court. The reason for the addition of that adjective “supreme” to the apex court is to make it crystal clear that no human being is above the ruling of this court.

Disobeying the rulings of the law courts is a slap on our democracy. There is no higher national interest than the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. That is what sanctions the existence of the territory called Nigeria. That is what empowers Buhari to be the President of Nigeria. That is what shields Buhari from being tried in any law court in Nigeria as long as he is the President. That is what will guarantee that even when he is out of power, he is taken care of by the nation until he passes on, and that he is protected from intimidation and victimisation in his retirement.

If President Buhari is not happy with any part of the constitution, he is in a vantage position to present it as an executive bill to the National Assembly to pass into law. That is how organised societies are run.

Using the excuse of national security and national interest to disobey the rulings of the court is recourse to dictatorship. It is a carryover from military dictatorship to democracy. It can never be acceptable for whatever reason. It is a breach of the constitution and a call for anarchy.

–Twitter @BrandAzuka




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