One will notice that of recent, the weather has been hot. To worsen the problem, the rains are gradually receding, hence increased heat is expected in the coming days.
In fact, for Lagos residents, the state Environmental Protection Agency last week asked them to prepare for heat wave, saying it would come with serious public health implications.
The General Manager of LASEPA, Dr Adedolapo Fasawe, in a statement emphasised that Lagos, being a high-density city, had a higher risk of increased warming due to the heat.
According to the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, heat wave can affect anyone, but the most vulnerable people include babies and young children; older people, especially those over 75; people with heart or breathing problems; those physically active such as labourers or those into sports; people with mobility problems such as stroke; and those on certain medicines.
The seven tips below will help you cope during the period.
Stay hydrated
This is perhaps the best tip to survive heat wave. According to science, sweating is the body’s mechanism for self-cooling and plenty of water is needed to give the body something to work with. Recommendations vary between drinking two and four glasses of water every hour in excessive heat. As a matter of fact, do not wait until you are thirsty to hydrate.
Pay attention to what you eat, drink
Diet affects how you can manage your body’s response to high temperatures. You should eat less salty food because it produces metabolic heat that causes your body to lose water. Eat more fruits and vegetables and smaller, frequent meals. You might also want to cut your alcohol consumption because it can increase the effect of heat.
Engage in indoor activities
Do not go for too many outdoor activities during this period, particularly during the hottest part of the day. Note that the sun’s peak hours are generally between 11 am and 4 pm. The idea is to avoid as much direct sunlight as possible.
Wear loose and light clothes
This is definitely not the period to wear heavy clothes – unless you are going to be in a space that has an air conditioner. Even at that, you may find it impossible to be in such a space for the whole day. So, wear clothes that are loose-fitting, lightweight and light-coloured because they do not attract much heat. Also, you can wear a hat for protection from direct sunlight.
Take cool showers or baths
According to researchers, regular cool showers or baths can help bring down the body temperature. This is advisable to do during this period. Also, applying cold, wet towels on the neck, wrist, groin and armpit areas can help to stem the effects of heat.
A health scientist at the Centre for Disease Control in the United States, Dr Shubhayu Saha, said keeping body parts such as the neck, wrist, armpit and groin cool was necessary to survive heat wave.
“When these parts of the body with a high concentration of blood vessels near the skin come in contact with cold, it helps to transfer heat out of the body,” he said.
Apart from cool showers, Saha recommended staying under air conditioners to keep the body cool. If there are no air conditioners, electric fans can be used as substitutes.
Keep your room cool
Ensure you keep your room cool by using shades or reflective material outside the windows. If this is not possible, use light-coloured curtains and keep them closed (Metallic blinds and dark curtains can make the room hotter).
Also, close windows exposed to the sun during the day and open them at night when the temperature has dropped.
Don’t leave children or pets in hot car
Sun radiation heats objects it strikes, such as a dark dashboard or seat, warming the air trapped inside a vehicle. According to General Motors and San Francisco State University, it takes about two minutes for a car to go from a safe temperature to an unsafe 94.3 degrees and can even reach temperatures of over 200 degrees. This is risky for children or pets left in a car.
According to the Medical Director of Emergency Medicine at Seattle Children’s, Dr Tony Woodward, children’s bodies produce heat faster than adult’s. Unfortunately, children cannot get rid of heat as quickly as adults because they don’t sweat as much as the latter do.
Tips for keeping children cool and safe include the ones above such as having them wear lightweight clothes and drinking lots of water.
Notes: If you experience heat stroke or exhaustion due to heat wave, quickly move to a cooler place and dampen your body with wet clothes.
Signs of heatstroke or exhaustion include dizziness, rapid pulse, nausea, headache, vomiting and fainting.
If after applying the suggested solutions symptoms persist, do not hesitate to visit a doctor.
Sources: nhs.uk, nytimes.com
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