Sai Baba And The Hundred Political Rascals (2) By Dele Sobowale

When people announce that the Nigerian problem is one of leadership, they fail to go the full distance and identify who is the leader at the moment. In 1999-2007 it was Obasanjo. Now, it is Buhari. Though, any leader taking over from a former Head of State inherits many liabilities, but, they also have left for them some assets on which to build, while it is legitimate to chronicle the problems assumed, it cannot be an excuse for perpetual failure. Certainly, adding his own mistakes to those of his predecessors would only guarantee greater problems.

The first mistake is made in the choice of top government officials and making sure that they can be trusted to be faithful to the President’s agenda. A leader who gained power promising to end corruption and waste must not only be ruthless with his appointees who are corrupt, he must set the example with transparency and accountability. He must also discipline members of his own political party who deviate from the stated objectives. From information now available nationwide, obviously, Buhari has failed woefully in all the aspects of leadership. The repercussions of all his failures now include a ruling party in total disarray and a nation without any credible leader to follow.

“Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.”

The party primaries and other events which occurred in the last three months have clearly demonstrated that even if Sai Baba is as clean as has been advertised, he is surrounded by the worst sort of political rascals and public purse raiders equal in every respect to any we have ever seen in Nigeria. A few examples will be sufficient to make the point. Protocol demands that the list should start from the top. I don’t want to waste time about the Certificate saga which could have been avoided only if the candidate had enough sense to apply for a replacement from the West African Examination Council WAEC, years ago instead of wasting everybody’s time. Not much intelligence on display there.

The first associate to come under scrutiny is the Vice President — a position which Americans tell us is only a failed heart-beat from the President. Ask Jonathan how that failed heart beat made him a president. Professor Osinbajo reminds me of the Chief Accountant of an Indian company who prepares three sets of balance sheets and statements of accounts. The first for the bank when applying for a loan shows huge profits in the last five years. The second meant for the shareholders point to a modest profit. The third submitted to the Internal Revenue Service, IRS, for tax purposes shows huge losses over the same period under review. Depending on which audience the VP had addressed in the last three or four months he had given different accounts of what was spent on the Social Intervention Programme, SIP, or how much the Buhari government has borrowed since 2015. He told the Nigerian Bar Association, NBA, about N500 billion devoted to SIP in 2016 and 2017; a few weeks after he revealed that only about N250 billion had actually been spent. Even a primary five pupil knows that there is a huge difference between N1 trillion and N250 billion.

“Eni ba puro, a jale.” (Yoruba proverb) (Translation: “liars end up stealing.”

Long before I was born the Yoruba people have always believed that a liar will sooner or later end up stealing. It is not scientific but, those who continuously dissemble in the Southwest open themselves to suspicion of dishonesty whether justified or not. It was not surprising therefore that some members of the House of Representatives are now alleging that the VP was involved in some not so clean deals – one involving N33 billion and the other N5.8 billion. It is too early to tell what will come out of these charges. But, they can only be possible where the target of attack had exposed himself to the sort of assaults. So far, the defense offered by the VP’s Senior Adviser, Laolu Akande is so watery as to make the matter worse. At any rate, they have not fully disclosed who received the bulk of the N250 billion admitted spent on SIP. There is sufficient evidence to prove that a high percentage was spent on the officials themselves – not the poor.

The Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika, finally opened up on Nigeria Air. He asked Nigerians to trust him that he did not embezzle funds. But, characteristically, he refused to disclose the amount Nigeria lost in the disaster and who got the money. His case is similar to that of the suspended Executive Secretary of the National Health Insurance Scheme, NHIS. The Professor was only temporarily and reluctantly removed from office after millions of Nigerians shouted barawo. Baba would have retained him. If you don’t know, Professor and Sirika are from Katsina State. Need I say more? Is nepotism not corruption?

Some Governors want to be regarded as close allies of Buhari. One is the Governor of Kano State. I was in Kano two weeks ago and naturally went about some towns and the city itself asking people randomly selected if they believe the video that has gone viral allegedly showing exchange of filthy lucre between His Excellency, HE, and a contractor. The question asked was simple: do you believe that HE was the one in the recording? At Reno/Bagauda Lake, Gezawa and the city, the venture set me back some naira; but produced one astonishing result. Everyone asked said “Yes”. Some even added expletives while others said they were aware of other contractors fleeced. Buhari might delude himself that he is leading a party of saints, but his fellow countrymen (even when they are generally fools) are not convinced. On the contrary they strongly believe his party members are all corrupt. One fellow asked in return: “”which APC member of the National Assembly does not collect his or her own bogus allowances? He even mentioned the name of the wife of a national leader (name withheld). Uumhh!!

“If I had served God as diligently as I have served the King [Henry VIII] he would not have given me over [to my enemies]…” Cardinal Wolsey, 1475-1530.

Finally, the National Chairman of the party suddenly scampered abroad trailed by the all too familiar bad odour of corruption. Already confirmed is the fact that he was invited for a chat by the Department of State Security, DSS. While it is common for the security services in countries where democracy has not established a strong foothold to try intimidating the Chairmen of the opposition party, this is the first time in recent history for the Chairman of the ruling party to be hauled in for questioning. That, by itself, would suggest that “there is no smoke without fire”. The fact that Buhari stood aloof and allowed Oshiomole to be hung out to dry portends grave repercussions. Adams must feel like the Cardinal now that his adversaries are closing in on him.


“God save me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies.” Irish Prayer.

Just as we were about to close this subject, Lai Mohammed weighed in with his declaration that the Federal Government spends N3.5 million per month feeding Sheik El Zakzakey. Of course it was a bogus lie and simple arithmetic which was obviously not taught in Offa primary school proves it.

The monumental figure translates to N117,000 per day. So, like every economist, I quickly developed a metric to get a grip on this announcement. I was in SHOPRITE that afternoon and decided to reduce the colossal figure to the number of whole chickens this poor fellow was alleged to be putting away every day. With the average price of whole chicken being N3000, this poor man must be swallowing 39 birds a day.

Now who else but a Minister in Buhari’s government of liars would dream up such a whopper but our incomparable Lai? But, all is not lost. We now know one way through which they steal public funds in this government. Lai should keep talking; we might discover more.

With such “friends” Buhari has all the enemies he would ever hope to have. I feel sorry for him.

Independent (NG)



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