I would like to remind our learned friend that there are countless crimes committed every day that may not “stand in court.” The mere fact that an allegation can not stand in court does not necessarily prove that a crime has not been committed. The mere fact that the one who alleges doesn’t seem coherent and credible does not necessarily mean that a crime has not been committed.
“The front row, just behind Ted and the defense team, was jammed with pretty young women, as it would be each day. Did they know how much they resembled the defendants purported victims? Their eyes never left Ted, and they blushed and giggled with delight when he turned to flash a blinding smile at them, as he often did. Outside the courtroom, some of them would admit to reporters that Ted frightened them, yet they couldn’t stay away.” – Ann Rule, The Stranger Besides Me
The Ted in that story was Ted Bundy, a serial rapist and killer whose exploits shook America in the mid 70s. By his own admission, he raped and killed over 135 women.
The above excerpt is author Ann Rule’s snapshot of what was going on in the court room during Mr. Bundya’s trial in the state of Florida, U.S.A. His rap sheet of crimes shows many taking place in at least three American states.
One odd thing that Bundy did repeatedly during his trial was to turn around and wink at young ladies who packed themselves into the court room just to have a glimpse of him, the rapist and murderer. And strangely, the ladies would giggle every time the monster winked. Nevertheless, the ladies told reporters that they were afraid of Bundy.
Serial rapists are a complicated set of people. They normally have multiple personalities and they choose who knows what.
In the case of Bundy, many who were close to him, both males and females, initially disbelieved he was capable of committing the heinous crimes he was accused and eventually convicted of (even in the face of overwhelming evidence).
The first set of psychologists who interviewed and tested him reached the same conclusion. But they was a twist. Bundy had a first degree in psychology and so was able to fool the psychologists who administered those tests on him.
Let’s come home to Abuja.
I have read a few articles about the ongoing accusation of rape against an Abuja based pastor. Opinions are as varied as snow flakes. That’s usual in a case involving notable individuals.
However, a series of tweets by one Reno Omokri on the matter left me baffled. The gentleman claims he has a Masters in Law from England, drawing an indirect conclusion that he is an authority in analysing the “ring tones of rapists.”
Hear him:
“Think. Don’t emote. A pastor comes to your house early in the morning. He does not know who will open when he knocks, or who is at home. He knocks and immediately you open he pushed you to a chair and raped you in your pyjamas. Do people think?”
“Even the most USELESS movie director won’t accept such a plot in a B rated Hollywood/Nollywood/Bollywood movie. A movie has to have PLAUSIBILITY. I don’t like pastor Fatoyinbo, but I won’t suspend my intellect because of my dislike of the fellow.”
“After he allegedly raped her, she kept quiet for enough time for him to go to his car and get a soda drink for her? It does not ADD UP. My dislike for Biodun Fatoyinbo won’t make me become a SLANDERER by default. This story rings very FALSE.”
“Do we Black Africans of the Nigerian variety think at all? Do we only exist in the soulish realm? I have a Masters in Law from England. The story CANNOT stand up in court. The story CANNOT stand up in the light of cross-examination.”
Before I query the above comment, it is important to state upfront that what has been thrown at the public so far over the rape allegation is not enough to reach any definite conclusion, one way or the other. Therefore, it is premature to drive the nail home on the matter.
Now my take on Omokri’s comment.
I would like to remind our learned friend that there are countless crimes committed every day that may not “stand in court.” The mere fact that an allegation can not stand in court does not necessarily prove that a crime has not been committed. The mere fact that the one who alleges doesn’t seem coherent and credible does not necessarily mean that a crime has not been committed.
Is there a particular environment that is most preferred by a serial rapist? No!
Court records and true crime books around the world show that serial rapists can strike ANYWHERE and under any CONDITION. They are driven by impulses that resemble mental illness. Overwhelmed by their desire to have sex, they may not care about how and where they relieve themselves. When they are caught, especially in this part of the world, they can always say that the devil “pushed them” into it.
Women are raped at parties, in homes, in cars, in buses, on the streets, in the bushes, in offices, etc.
However, sometimes rapists engage in surveillance and meticulous planning.
Mr. Bundy who was facing charges of rape and murder (stealthily committed and difficult to prove due to the paucity of evidence) in Washington and Utah showed up in two hostels swarming with ladies in Florida to commit the same offence, knowing fully well that the probability of someone seeing him was very high.
In the pastor’s case, it is not inconceivable that the he may have known that the lady’s parents wouldn’t be home. It is also not inconceivable that the lady sat back dazed, while the pastor went out to get a drink for her?
I have seen situations more bizarre in DSTV’s “Crime and Investigation”. I recall a particular case were the victim of multiple sexual and physical abuse denied before investigators that anything was going on until she almost lost her life and came clean with details that put the abuser in jail for life. I have also seen cases where women kidnapped for sex but had opportunities to escape did not do so because they were either afraid or couldn’t think straight.
As often said, people react to situations in different ways. Some reactions may be incredulous but that does not make them untrue.
While I agree with Mr. Omokri that Nigerians sometimes don’t think clearly and are becoming too believing, holding back judgement on this rape allegation case until we can see clearly is a reasonable thing to do.
Stuff happens.
For a very long time, American singer R. Kelly was accused of rape. The ladies who accused him were called all kinds of names.
Today, he faces serious charges that could send him to jail for the rest of his life.
Let’s not forget good ‘ole Bill Cosby who is now cooling off in jail, convicted for dozens of rape going back years when he delighted Americans with laughter.
Let’s not forget Ochanya, the little girl who was allegedly raped to death in Benue State by father and son.
Such is life. You never can tell what the ring tone of a rapist will be and how the raped would react.
Philemon Doro Adjekuko is a development economist and media consultant based in Abuja.
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