Reliability and The Pendulum of Carpet Crossers By Ikeogu Oke

Ikeogu Oke

Last week, a certain friend, a northerner, mentioned to me that some djinns had – or have – been dangling on an imaginary pendulum swinging across our political landscape. To our interlocutor, who hails from the southern part of the country, they were goblins and not djinns.

But believing djinns and goblins not to convey positive images, I insisted that they be regarded as fairies – fairies dangling on some sort of imaginary pendulum swinging across the nation’s political landscape, fairies comprised of powerful politicians and leaders, current and past (but still very powerful and influential), but all eminently self-seeking as revealed by their actions, who dangled on the pendulum of Buhari supporters (in 2015) and have now dangled back to the position of Buhari antagonists (in anticipation of the 2019 elections).

We can begin with the example of Governor Aminu Tambuwal of Sokoto State, the Governor of the Seat of the Caliphate. He was one of those powerful PDP members who would go to no end to convince themselves and anyone who cared to listen that the immediate past president had outlived his usefulness. That Muhammadu Buhari was the real deal.

Whatever might have been behind this his pre-2015-election posture that was attended by a switch from the PDP to the APC, opportunism might not be ruled out – the opportunism of a politician who saw that his political future was bound to what might be called the Buhari chariot.

You either hitched your wagon to that chariot or risked death in the hot, drear desert of political oblivion. And he hitched his! Abandoning the party that brought him to power.

But did he quit his seat as governor? No! So, we have a man who should lead by example as a leader leading in breaking the law and a validation of Chinua Achebe’s assertion that Nigerian leaders are the country’s primary problems – exemplified in this case by their placing themselves above the law.

It remains to ask if the electorate or the people generally can rely on a leader or politician who can switch positions so whimsically, and for apparently selfish ends? And with such leaders they can’t trust, can the fate of the people be described as bright under them or their political parties? Is there no longer a link between a leader’s reliability, the trust it should inspire in the people and good governance? But the likes of Tambuwal seem want to have their trust cake and eat it. Should the electorate allow them to?

Some people may consider the cases of the Senate President Bukola Saraki and his Deputy, Ike Ekweremadu, worse; and they may not be wrong. This is because of the crucial roles they have to play as heads of the country’s apex lawmaking institution, the Senate.

The point is that both leaders of the Senate are currently leaders of the opposition PDP and yet do not consider it right to vacate their seats as required by the constitution. I dare say that this a bad example to the young and the country taken too far, a typical case of the fish of a nation beginning its rot from the head, and another vindication of Achebe’s assertion that Nigeria’s problem is simply a problem of leadership.

In his 2014 study entitled, “Party Switching in the Senate under Nigeria’s Fourth Republic,” Joseph Yinka Fashagba, raises these critical – and I think thought-provoking – questions about this type of scenario festering in the upper legislative chamber: “How do we explain a situation where lawmakers defect from one party to another and then defect back to their original party in the space of only one month and under circumstances that celebrate disregard for principles? Party leaders in Party A suddenly move to Party B and begin to contradict everything they had done in Party A. How do we explain the claim that political office holders are paid to remain in their party? How do we explain that negotiations for party allegiance is premised on automatic ticket and pre-determined political posts?”

He then adds: “In all these types of horse-trading and deal-making, nobody is talking about the people or securing obligations or commitments on infrastructural development. Nobody is raising the issue of free education or healthcare, let alone anything remotely representative of the needs of the people. … It cannot be business as usual… The perennial defections of politicians were not informed by the resolve to fight and protect the interest of the general public, but for their own personal interests. … The driving force is how to capture state power for private gains. In search of this is the great movement of politicians from one party to the other. This trend of cross carpeting shows that Nigerian politicians possess no democratic values, credentials and our political system is awash with professional politicians and ‘entrepreneurs’ who are devoid of modern political ideology and issue driven politics. It is our candid opinion that for the purposes of deepening the practice of democracy in Nigeria, any elected politician that defects to another party should be made to stand down and seek reelection. The loopholes within our electoral system and constitution that allow this to happen must be amended to cage political party defections.”

Now, the Nigerian Constitution clearly states in Section 68. (1) that “A member of the Senate or of the House of Representatives shall vacate his seat in the House of which he is a member if – in subsection (g) – ‘being a person whose election to the House was sponsored by a political party, he becomes a member of another political party before the expiration of the period for which that House was elected.”’

Imagine an Ekweremadu, a lawyer and lawmaker, staring at this constitutional provision and yet sitting tight as Deputy Senate President while expecting the support of the electorate together with his conniving PDP in the 2019 elections.

Olusegun Obasanjo is another illustrious fairy dangling on our pendulum. Atiku Abubakar, who also switched from the APC to the PDP between 2005 and 2008, was his deputy as a PDP president from 1999-2007. Soon into their tenure, they fell out, and their relationship became a permafrost. Then, Obasanjo declared to all who could hear that Atiku was “corrupt and therefore unfit” to be president until his recent detour by which he declared him “a president in waiting.”

Things had come to a head between Obasanjo and the PDP that he made a show of tearing his PDP membership card in public, declaring himself a neutral politician and a statesman. But he has reunited with the PDP in a seeming desperation to make the same “corrupt” Atiku president by telling us that he has ceased to be corrupt.

“Why,” asked my northern interlocutor as our conversation progressed.

“You’re asking me. Didn’t you see what happened to his May 29 Democracy Day?

“You mean this is all about revenge.”

“You sound surprised.”

“And he would execute that by mortgaging the country’s future?”

“It depends on which matters to him.”

“Na wa o!”

“No be chinkiniwa. Na ogbongewa.”

Oke is a poet and the winner of the 2017 Nigeria Prize for Literature.
(Editor’s note: This article was submitted by the writer last week before his death over the weekend)




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