Realigning The Mix Between Income And Consumption Taxes By Uche Uwaleke

Even with crude oil price selling above the budget benchmark of $51 per barrel, the greatest risk to the 2018 budget is the significant shortfall in government actual receipts. As disclosed in the recently published Central Bank of Nigeria Economic report for August 2018, “at N745.52bn, the estimated federally-collected revenue in August 2018 fell short of the monthly budget estimate by 32.7 per cent”. The decline was attributed to a shortfall in both oil and non-oil revenue. While the fall in oil revenue relative to the monthly budget estimate was attributed to the drop in crude oil production arising from repairs and maintenance of oil facilities, the lower non-oil revenue was due to shortfalls recorded in most of the components namely Company Income Taxes (CIT), Customs duties and Value Added Tax (VAT).

Year after year, CIT dominates government’s expectations of high revenue from non-oil sources, followed by Customs duties with VAT trailing. In 2018 for example, out of the non-oil share of about N1.2tn, CIT was meant to generate N659bn while Customs duties and VAT were meant to rake in N325bn and N206bn respectively. According to the CBN report, “At N341.93bn, non-oil receipt was lower than the monthly budget estimate by 26.8 per cent and constituted 45.9 per cent of the total revenue”. In light of the volatility in crude oil revenue and the underperformance of the tax revenue in spite of the increased reliance on CIT, the challenge before the fiscal authorities should be how to have an optimal mix between income and consumption taxes that generates substantial revenue to the government without compromising the key principles of equity and fairness.

A number of studies on emerging and frontier economies argue that an optimal tax mix that leans more towards consumption tax than income tax would be more efficient and productive. They point to the relative ease of compliance and administration associated with consumption taxes. The application of corporate income tax, for example, requires the use and maintenance of proper books of account and well-developed procedures for the recording and invoicing of transactions. These requirements are often not met by many small companies in Nigeria where the informal sector accounts for a significant proportion of GDP. Another key advantage of consumption tax such as VAT over income tax such as CIT is the ability of the former to capture economic activities that escape the income tax. Informal sectors by nature have a propensity for weak regulation and low taxation. A well-implemented consumption tax ensures that the informal sector is brought into the tax net.

Stability of revenues is also a forceful argument in favour of having more of consumption taxes in the tax mix. Compared with the CIT, VAT could produce more stable government revenues. This is because a period of declining corporate profits, for example, could produce less corporate tax revenue. Another merit of consumption taxes has to do with their inter-temporal efficiency. Taxes are said to be inter-temporally efficient if they do not distort decisions regarding the level of savings and investment. VAT is said to be inter-temporally efficient because it is a tax on current consumption and individual’s savings decisions are not affected unlike the situation with income taxes.

International evidence highlights a gradual shift from income to consumption taxes in several reform initiatives by many countries to broaden the tax base. The introduction of VAT in New Zealand was accompanied by a reduction in income tax. It was the same story in Malaysia where the corporate tax rate reached an all-time high of 30 per cent in 1997 but was reduced to 24 per cent in 2015 the same year that VAT also known as the Goods and Services Tax (GST) was introduced. The country has just reintroduced its Sales and Service Tax (SST) from September 2018 applicable at the standard rate of 10 per cent. In Africa, Madagascar and Egypt provide persuasive examples. Both countries have about the lowest company tax rates in Africa (20 per cent in Madagascar and 22.5 per cent in Egypt) but their VAT rates are among the highest in the continent (20 per cent in Madagascar and 14 per cent in Egypt). In Ghana, the relatively high tax to GDP ratio of 17.6 per cent is not unconnected with the mix of income and consumption taxes with CIT at 25 per cent and the VAT at 15 per cent.

Overall, these results suggest that Nigeria needs to take a second look at its tax mix. The CIT at 30 per cent that operates alongside a VAT of five per cent may be far from optimal especially with respect to revenue generation and economic growth stimulation objectives. The revenue from CIT continues to dwindle due to low compliance and high rate of tax evasion and avoidance schemes by companies that take advantage of loopholes in tax laws. The abuse of the various tax incentives to encourage direct investments such as the pioneer status has not helped matters. Even though there are guidelines on eligibility, the status is prone to widespread abuse with many non-eligible companies enjoying the benefits as revealed by the investigative panel of the House Representatives sometime ago.

All these justify a shift towards greater reliance on indirect tax by gradually increasing the VAT rate in such a way that aggregate consumption is not affected. To shore up VAT revenue, an increase in the rate from the current five per cent to say 10 per cent is advocated especially given the fact that Nigeria’s VAT is among the least in Africa and indeed the world. At the same time, there should be a reduction in the company income tax rate from the current 30 per cent to say 25 per cent in order to reduce the tax burden on companies. An increase in the VAT accompanied by a reduction in the CIT will most likely enhance efficiency and result in higher revenue to the government. It also promises to incentivise new investments by firms thereby creating more job opportunities. This is consistent with international evidence. Most studies have identified a low corporate tax rate as key component of an effective tax system and one that is highly attractive to foreign investors. It is a no brainer therefore that a reduction in CIT will rub off positively on the stock market. Any increase in VAT should adhere to the principle of vertical equity so that essential goods and services are VAT exempt or zero-rated. Given the disappointing performance of tax revenue over the years, there is the need to tweak the current strategy with a view to ramping up tax receipts in Nigeria. Part of the strategy to accomplish this should include a realignment of the tax mix in favour of consumption tax.




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