The gruesome rape and violence that led to the death of Uwavera Omozuwa, student of University of Benin, at a Redeemed Church Parish is an elevated act of horrible evil.
The agony of her last moments and the sorrows of her family are hard to imagine. Whatever made the act doable in the eyes of the perpetrators is a risk to everyone else.
The authorities would have to vigorously pursue justice, pass state laws criminalizing all categories of sexual assaults and make it easy to press charges faster – as an act of their responsibility.
This case should be viewed in multiple dimensions, to fight rape – in addition to the justice system.
The woman was raped in Church – location that is supposed to inspire reverence, but the perpetrators ignored. They seem to have no fear about consequences known and unknown.
Christianity, through the Church, has been a driver to rid the world of evil. To be saved is to forgo. Some people understand that GOD knows everything they do or think, so they try to avoid private evil, or secret sin.
In fact, the justice system will be unable to cope with cases if more people have no fear of GOD – directly or indirectly, knowing that evil can be done privately without trace.
The role of the Church has been useful. But the Church has been under attack for different reasons.
There’s freedom to believe and Christianity is a choice. The Church has been a strategic fighter against rape for decades. Many people took to social media to attack the Church and Pastor, about statement, or action, or whatever else, but what strategy is it, to insult?
The Church wants evangelism. People want an end to rape. The Church has female pastors – who understand the risks firsthand. How about approaching the Church in a way objectives coincide?
How about seeking to appoint – moral – counselors in some of the Churches, to become places women go to find support?
How about approaching female deputy governors of states and wives of some governors to champion viable legislation in their states assemblies against rape and sexual assault?
How about creation of female rape response force – in some states, or some law enforcement group – that can aid the justice system – helping women in domestic violence and sexual assault situations?
There are lots of things that can be done in addition to the publicity on the death of Uwa to fight rape and make it a non-option in the evil available to men.
There are sibling’s efforts too. There are messages and reminders about boundaries.
Attacking the Church is counterproductive. The Church says NO to fornication. Some people ignore the message. Some do it and pretend. Some say so long there is consent no problem. But fornication is a sin.
There are many enlightened young people who keep saying do whatever you like, premarital sex is OK, don’t feel guilty, gender is a social construct, use any coping mechanism so long it works for you, etc.
So if people – who activists say can’t process information – hear this, and take it further, there is anger. What if certain freedoms they advocate adds to the problem?
Church is an ally against rape. Some say the Church is used to justify bad stuff, get money, or some pastors are rapists. Yes, there are people who call the name of the LORD as a facade or pretext for evil. Getting carried away by that forgets to look on to JESUS, the Author and Finisher of the Christian Faith.
Anyone can interpret as they choose, or behave badly, no wicked act will go unpunished. Rape is a global problem. The approach should be bifurcated – local and global.
Many often say nothing is a reason to rape, yes. However, in seeking broad solutions in a country, is it possible to see if there’re conspicuous and inconspicuous fuels of rape?
If a country is known for drug trafficking, and there is a lot of violence in that country, with the men raping women, shouldn’t the drug trade be mentioned as a factor?
If a country has people who do internet fraud, or wherever it seems rampant, and when the money comes, men use it to do whatever they choose to women, isn’t internet fraud a factor?
In dealing with challenges in life, sometimes an individual would watch, sometimes an individual would react, but to say that there must be reaction all the time, no patience and must destroy it all, is strange.
Uwa has gone to be with the LORD. Christ JESUS show mercy to her family. Her blood cries to GOD.
Christian women must remember to watch, pray and protect themselves as much as possible – and never forget to tell the LORD to deliver us from evil in this often wicked world.
[Psalm 31:9, Have mercy upon me, O LORD, for I am in trouble: my eye is consumed with grief, yea, my soul and my belly
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