Raise Your ‘Voice’ For That Vulnerable Woman By Elizabeth Badejo

As the world celebrates International Women’s Day, it is also a good time to remind women that the man who truly loves you will value the qualities of your heart and soul and would also desire to make you happy always. Marriage is about giving and sharing and love is not needy. Unfortunately many women are still living in denial today, enduring years of emotional, physical and mental abuses in the hands of men who should be protecting them.

No woman is immune from abuse

It is a myth to think that domestic violence only happens to women who are from poor background or those who are vulnerable; the truth is that no woman is immune to abuse. Even though many notable women and women’s groups have championed the campaign against domestic violence against women, yet the awareness is still very low considering the fact that many women in abusive marriages do not even know that their spouses are abusive because it has become normal.

Still walking on egg shells

Domestic violence is real and it is a crime against your liberty and dignity; therefore, it is unacceptable. Many women are still walking on egg shells in their marriages, enduring years of abuses, anguish and mistreatment in the interest of trying to keep their homes and families together.

Every woman has the right to live without fear or intimidation by her spouse or other men she comes in contact with. Today, one in four women experience domestic violence, and while some women find the courage to speak to someone about it and seek help, many more may end up living with the perpetrator for the rest of their lives, in isolation.

Complex breeds abuse

In the past, most women who stayed at home to care for the family had to depend on their husbands financially; this group of women were more likely to experience the wraths of their men due to rising financial pressures but today it is outrageous to note that women who are more educated or earn more money than their husbands are far more likely to suffer from domestic abuse today. Inferiority can breed contempt in marriage, making a man feel very inferior to his wife because she earns more money than him.

Denying abuse

Most women who experience domestic abuse in their marriages will have similar stories to tell. Accepting that the man they fell in love with has suddenly become a stranger in their lives is one thing they may not be willing to admit. Women who find themselves in this situation become unhappy and disoriented and they also become submissive, suppressing their own goals and aspirations in exchange for peace in their marriage.

When a woman is afraid of her husband or when he is controlling and intimidating her, it is a sign of emotional abuse. She may also find comfort in blaming herself for her spouse’s behaviour and try every possible way to please him and contain the abuses within their own space.




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