OPEC and Knotty Geopolitics of Oil Production By Tayo Oke

While the opposition at the National Assembly were busy squabbling and barracking President Muhammadu Buhari over the presentation of the national budget last week, the Organisation for Petroleum Exporting Countries agreed to a significant cut in oil production to be shouldered by its members. This is with a view to averting the real risk of a glut due to oversupply of the product in the world market in recent months. OPEC, headquartered in Vienna, Austria, since 1965, is an organisation of 15 members, including among others, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Libya, Iran and of course, Nigeria. There are many major oil producers in the world which are not members of this body, dubbed a “cartel” for its penchant for fixing oil prices. The USA is in fact the world’s leading oil producer, and it is not a member of OPEC. Why is this so, you might ask? On the one hand, you might say it is because the US, as the bastion of free market capitalism, does not believe in cartels, as they tend to undermine the free market logic. On the other hand, you might say that the US actually wants to see OPEC dismantled so oil prices can become tied to their whims and caprices. The lower the price of energy, the better for the US, so, their ultimate aim is to see an end to price fixing as a way of keeping oil prices permanently low. After all, the US gulps the largest proportion of oil production in the world, more than 20% in fact. One out of every five barrels of oil sold in the world, is consumed by Americans. No wonder then, that, President Donald Trump is reported to be unhappy at OPEC’s decision to cut production, which would keep oil prices relatively high for now.

President Vladimir Putin of Russia, on the other hand, is also presiding over a vast amount of oil reserves in his own yard; third largest in the world outside OPEC. Despite not being bound by OPEC’s rules, Russia has aligned itself with the latest organisation’s decision. You see, oil production is not just a function of supply and demand, it is inextricably linked to regional rivalry, foreign policy, politics and geography, in short, geopolitics of oil production; the object of our wealth and (ironically), our impoverishment as a country. A fuller analysis of that is for another day.

For now, other factors, of course, play a part in determining oil prices such as: the attitude of non-OPEC producers, stock market, US dollars, even hedge funds, but neither of these is more potent in its impact than the raw geopolitics calculus of the world powers. This has been the case since the 18th century Industrial Revolution. It has also been accompanied by blood and sweat since that time. In more recent times, though, in August 1941, at the height of World War II, the US and Europe imposed an oil embargo on Japan, which in turned intensified the latter’s imperial conquest of the Far East, ultimately leading to its fall. The Nazi Germany’s all-out war on the Soviet Union subsequently, in 1942, was also anchored around access to oil. Nigeria’s civil war of 1967-1970 was fuelled and prolonged by rival claims on oil fields. Similarly, the Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988), Gulf War (1990-1991), Kuwaiti conflict (1992-2003), East-Timor/Indonesia War of the 1970s/1980s, Sudan, the Kurds in Iraq, factional turf wars in Libya etc. Oil, indeed, has the seductive power to attract, love, hate and ultimately destroy. So, what is the current deal?

The deal, according to OPEC, is that there is around 1.2 million “surplus” barrels of oil going daily into the market that needed to be taken out. That was the organisation’s view of the market, to which others may disagree. Anyhow, they agreed to cut production to that effect. That had the desired effect immediately since Brent crude global benchmark jumped 4.5% to $62 a barrel. Nigeria’s share of the cut amounts to 40,000 barrels per day according to the Minister for Petroleum Resources, Dr.Ibe Kachikwu. Libya, Iran and Venezuela were granted exemptions from the cut as solidarity for their externally-induced current economic predicament. Nigeria neither asked for, nor granted exemption as had been done in the past. Russia accepted to shoulder up to 230,000 barrels per day of the proposed cut. They agreed to this despite not being bound by OPEC rules. It is a proposal opposed by the US, of course. The United States has just become ‘independent’ of foreign oil imports for the first time in over 76 years of drilling. It is now a net exporter of oil in fact. So, technically, it could flood the market with cheap oil in order to crash its price. This is, of course, in the realm of fantasy, still. The US appetite for oil would still not even allow it to export; it will continue to store the item in huge quantities for future use. The country does not depend on oil earnings for foreign exchange; it owns the dollar. Whereas Russia depends on earnings from oil to survive. The country is also a useful ally of Iran, a member of OPEC. Iran is currently under heavy US sanctions. Russia wants to do all it can to help bolster Iran’s economy and to help maintain the strategic balance in the region.

What about Saudi Arabia then, you might ask? It is a country which, as a member of the “G20” and a staunch ally of America especially under President Trump’s current administration, wants to see a ‘stable’ oil price; in other words, lower prices. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is the leading voice inside OPEC; an organisation that also wishes to see a ‘stable’ oil price; in other words, higher prices. The higher the price, the better for members of OPEC. Saudi Arabia is thus navigating two worlds, and is often the source of OPEC dysfunction at critical times. The Saudi Monarchy’s pro-West political worldview is also the source of pain and discontent for a majority of Muslims in the Middle East. The US and her Western allies have the House of Saud to thank for preventing “radical Islamic” takeover of the region’s oil resources. It is a scenario dreaded by Western governments for decades. It explains why they often turn a blind eye to cases of human rights abuses in the Kingdom, including the gruesome murder of one its own citizen, Jamal Khashoghi, inside the Saudi Arabia Embassy in Turkey last October. Any loss of Saudi Arabia to “radical Islam” would spell doom for Western industries overwhelmingly dependent on oil from the region. Conversely, absence of the country from OPEC would leave the smaller members such as Nigeria, vulnerable to predatory moves in the global oil market, with unimaginable consequences for the economy. No one is yet sure what would happen once alternative sources of energy have been discovered, as indeed, the world is still scrambling to find. One thing for certain though, is that had OPEC not been established, it would have been invented.

It behoves me to say on this day of all days, a Merry Christmas, and a happy and fulfilling New Year to all the readers of this great paper and in particular this column, whose interest in and feedback on its content serve as a spring in my step every week.

Niyi Akinnaso returns next week




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