When my telephone became over-busy on 23rd May 2022, I wasn’t that shocked. In fact, my inbox became a stream of endless text messages. Both the calls and texts were reminding me of my serialised article that debuted on 22nd January 2022: The title of the article was: NIGERIA: BRITISH INCORPORATED.
In that four-series episode, I did explain that no Nigerian president will emerge without the unseen signatures of the promoters of Nigeria as a business venture. It started with Asiwaju Tinubu.
Recently, the British government has suddenly developed a cold feet, especially with the vaunting of Asiwaju Tinubu that he will continue from where PMB stopped.
Just to refresh our minds as I stated in the third episode of, NIGERIA: BRITISH INCORPORATED, published on 5th February 2022 in Daily Independent Newspaper: An excerpt:
“Are we having a Nigerian president or a UK envoy?
“The truth is that Tinubu has gone to UK to submit his answer sheet to the questionnaire format to Her Majesty and Boris Johnson government officials to verify if PMB’s signature specimen was properly assented. He will then have a one-on-one interview by the Nigeria Board of Directors composed of all British Oil companies’ Management officials. Once his candidacy has been approved by UK government, we should forget about our voting rights and privileges.” (This is just an iceberg of the article. Please try and read the entire series for more information about Nigeria and UK government business partnership).
Why are Britain developing cold feet in Asiwaju? The answer is that the government of UK won’t trust anyone with a continuity agenda of PMB. Britain was dumbfounded when the policy objectives of PMB were more of Chinese inducements. Most contracts and loans syndications were influenced by Chinese Greek gifts policies. Britain lost out in total control of Nigeria policy formulations and implementations under PMB, but gained more from unaccounted crude oil exploitations.
It’s very erroneous for anyone to assume that PMB is a daft. PMB is a Maradonist in the dictatorial apolitical cheese game of the present Nigeria. How do you think that someone whose WAEC certificate is in dispute, and yet, professors and technocrats are bowing down to his manipulative manuscript on Nigeria governance policies? Fulanis are rampaging the entire country; Fulanis are manning almost all lucrative sectors; Fulanis are in charge of all our security architecture; Fulanis from other parts of the world are now converging in Nigeria with threats of forcefully taking over the ancestral lands of indigenous Nigerians. Fulanis are propagating Islamic laws and tribal fanaticism as never experienced in Nigeria before. Fulanis are now in charge of our movements as virtually all over the country, insecurity reigns. Never in the history of Nigeria have we experienced nepotistic and impunity exploitations, and yet, we are babbling that PMB doesn’t know how to write or speak queens English.
PMB is a genius, and that’s why his words both in APC and NIGERIA are sacrosanct and must be obeyed without any questions. He is a Field Marshal in a democratic garb.
Before I digress, the promoters of Nigeria company are sourcing for a new Chief Executive Officer who will build a new Nigeria.
A new Nigerian that will end distortions in tribal and religious activities in Nigeria.
A new Nigerian that will unite all Nigerians.
Most importantly, a new Nigerian that will end insecurity in all ramifications.
The UK government understands that if the country breaks, she’s going to lose her multi-billion dollars investments, especially in oil and gas industries.
The UK government understands that if Nigeria is divided, the Southern Nigeria from where they have been exploiting Nigeria will look into all the agreements entered into for the oil and gas explorations and exports.
The South will probably invoke a more reliable system of checking all resources that are leaving their shores. The most disturbing information about the Southern Nigeria for UK’s government will be the hoisting of experts in virtually all her resources management decisions. This won’t give any room for exports of fictitious declarations of our natural resources because experts will man certain areas. The era of nepotism and incompetence will be minimized. The UK government is in dilemma right now.
The officials of UK government must seek out a suitable replacement for PMB, and who must be considered as a saviour for British Incorporated company – Nigeria. The UK government understands that it won’t be easy to identify a Nigerian without a black spot, and so, when the pandora saga exploded, and with Peter Obi’s name mentioned, UK government officials have gotten an apostle. He is a CORE ADVOCATE of ONE NIGERIA.
The UK’s government is now considering two options. To hoist a trickish person with so many influences, wealth and power. A man that they are not sure of his true agenda having been part of NADECO group that wanted Nigeria restructured. He’s a man that nobody can intimidate and has a mind of his own. Asiwaju can’t be pocketed by any Nigerian or foreign influencers. That’s the latest UK government headache.
The second option is to promote a younger person with nascent skills to steal inadvertently. Many youths are routing for him, and with the outcome of one million match, he seems to be trusted. Let’s invite him and the UK government did.
The invitation should have two faces, one, to show him more documents of certain irregularities in his Governorship stewardship and Pandora new findings.
Two, let’s hear directly from him on certain British government interests and how he tends to protect them if he becomes the new Chief Executive Officer of British Incorporated company – Nigeria.
For most Nigerians who are jubilating about H.E. Peter Obi’s invitation to No. 10 Downing Street, London by British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, please don’t jubilate yet.
He has gone to the owners of Nigeria for an intensive interview. In such an interview, which will never be leaked, Britain is going to ask questions about their economic interests if they assent to Obi’s presidency quest just as I mentioned earlier. Of course, the whole interview will be videotaped and salient points noted.
Don’t get me wrong, Peter Obi is a lesser evil when compared with his counterparts. That’s not our topic today.
Peter Obi must make commitments to the British government and of course, the Caliphate inquests will be part of the promises that Obi must abide with. The most important issue will be the restructuring of Nigeria. Both the UK government and the Caliphate will try to exert a concrete plan of how H.E. Peter Obi intends to go about it. The UK government and Caliphate suspicions are based on IPOB, ODUDUWA, NIGER DELTA, MIDDLE BELTERS clamour for independence.
Like I said earlier, this is the core of H.E. Peter Obi’s interview.
There are many voices routing for an Igbo president in 2023, and the UK government and the Caliphate are aware of the future consequences if Igbos are rejected from leading Nigeria come 2023.
Many people have been disturbing themselves, asking PMB to declare his preferred candidate, the truth is that it won’t happen now.
The UK government’s invitation to H.E. Peter Obi was the first stage of the global analysis. The think-tank in UK government are going to further scrutinise Obi’s agenda, and then after, send their decision to Her Majesty, the Queen.
The Queen will call for an emergency meeting where some European countries and USA will be involved. A new cabinet meeting will be set up, and whose decision will either make or mar H.E. Peter Obi’s chances. That will leave Asuwaju as the only preferred option.
H.E. Peter Obi will disappoint the UK government because he’s a man of principle, and who’s genuinely trying to rescue Nigeria from total collapse. H.E Peter Obi will rather quit politics than being used as a blackmailing partner. He’s not desperate unlike Asiwaju, and won’t betray his conscience. Recently, H.E. Peter Obi has watched with dismay how PDP delegates has become an arena of shameless and desperate individuals, using money as a vault to buy votes. Party politics has become a hijack of money bags, and unfortunately, EFCC has remained unprecedented mute as to investigating these money bags in APC and PDP. Apart from money bags, we are going back to the era of thuggery and election violence. We have seen many aspirants bemoaning their parties involvement in disenfranchising their eligibility through ballot snatching and outright switching of authentic delegates lists. I did predict that H.E. Peter Obi won’t be part of these terrorists groups in most political parties, and so, when I heard of his resignation, I wasn’t surprised.
Nigeria has lost a golden opportunity to elect a true patriot at this period of collapsing entity. On the other hands, UK government’s headache is doubled. This is Obi, a true man of integrity refusing to play to their dictates, and Asiwaju, who is as slippery as the air. In whichever situation, UK government and Nigeria are in dilemma come 2023. It’s a case of either voting for continuity, insatiable greed and uncertainties or voting for a new pilot with firm believe in Nigeria as a nation, innovations and a full stop to corruption.
It’s Nigerians choice!!!
Nigeria politics is beyond Nigeria boundaries, and this is because of the enormous amount of both natural and human resources endowed within.
Wonder why PDP and APC shifted their presidential candidates screening? Don’t worry, in the next few days, if Obi and Asiwaju candidacies are not comfortable with UK, Northern Oligarchy/Caliphate, European and US governments, a new set of candidates will be invited by the promoters of Nigeria’s existence, and the simple reason is that they won’t like to miscalculate as they did in PMB’S ascendancy to be the Chief Executive Officer of Nigeria.
Nigeria’s existence is at the top priority on the global burner, and a lot of options are being analysed by UK government, Europe and USA. They are considering the pros and cons of the INDIVISIBLITY of the present pathetic state of Nigeria, and peradventure they didn’t see any credible candidate that will bring all NIGERIANS together as one indivisible people, a radical decision will be taken.
As at today, Nigeria is hanging dangerously on a cliffhanger, and if no tangible solutions are found on the best candidate to lead Nigeria with effect from May, 29, 2023, Nigeria government may be forced to conduct a REFERENDUM and let those who want to leave be allowed to exit the union. A high-level deliberations are ongoing, and unfortunately, Nigeria is almost at the point of no return with unabated criminalities, killings, kidnappings, bandits and terrorists invasions. These heinous atrocities seem to be overwhelming and out of government control. The UN maybe be considering certain drastic changes in Nigeria right now before the entire nation is engulfed with unimaginable consequences on or before 2023.
The saga has just begun….even as I come in peace.
Dr. Sunny Oby Maduka (DSM), is an Author, Resource Personality, Management Consultant/ Trainer, Chartered/Certified – Auditor /Accountant, Financial Compliance Expert, Economic/Political Analyst Strategist, Marine Expert and Motivationist)
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