The on-going xenophobic attack on Nigerians in South Africa is very worrisome.
This is not the first time that Nigerians and other nationals resident in the country will be victims of unprovoked attacks. In 2015, many innocent Nigerians and other foreigners had their hard-earned properties looted and destroyed, while some lost their lives.
Like in 2015, the renewed attacks started in some communities accusing the affected Nigerians of being illegal immigrants and responsible for rise in crime. Gradually, the attacks are spreading across South Africa and anti-immigrants rallies are being held despite appeals by the Zuma-led government to stem the tide of unjustified hate campaign against foreigners.
While any or group of South Africans have the right to be aggrieved about the influx of illegal immigrants into their country, thereby causing high crime rates in their communities, if the accusations are really true, it is unjustifiable for them to take the laws into their hands to redress the situation. South Africa which prides itself as one of the giants of the continent is supposed to be a law-abiding country where the rights and privileges of not only indigenes but foreigners should be guaranteed.
Even for those who violate the laws of the country, they should be subjected to the rule of the law instead of some persons resorting to jungle justice like some South Africans have been doing against Nigerians and other foreigners.
Like in any country, there are rules and regulations governing entry and stay. Since it is not illegal for Nigerians to live in South Africa, it is wrong for any group of persons to think their (Nigerians’) presence is responsible for whatever problem the country or community is encountering.
While some Nigerians living in South Africa may be guilty of whatever they have been accused of, the current incident like others cases of assaults on Nigerians is largely a case of giving a dog a bad name to hang it. Crime rates have always been high in South Africa and it will be wrong for South Africans to create the impression that their country will be a better place without foreigners.
Nigerians and other foreigners, a majority of who are legal residents, have contributed their own quota to the growth South Africa has witnessed before and after the apartheid regime, which it still continues to do in many sectors.
Just as many Nigerians have made South Africa their abode in pursuit of their various endeavours, South Africans are in Nigeria and in other countries operating various businesses. What the anti-migrant campaigners don’t seem to understand is that they do not have a monopoly of violence.
South Africans in Nigeria can become victims of angry protests of unjust treatment for foreigners in South Africa. This kind of ugly situation playing out in Pretoria and in some parts of South Africa is definitely an ill-wind and is not in the best interest of the continent.
If the pattern of attacks in which shops are looted and properties maliciously destroyed is anything to go by, it is apparent that some criminals are taking advantage of the situation to attack Nigerians for personal reasons best known to them.
The Nigerian and South African governments must urgently take necessary measures to resolve the crisis once and for all.
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