Nigeria’s Integrity Problems By Abimbola Adelakun

Abimbola Adelakun(

Four years ago, as Nigeria faced the polls, the general sentiment was that we needed to elect leaders with integrity who would arrest the deterioration of her public institutions. As we face another defining election in 2019, the same crisis of leadership integrity remains one of the significant factors Nigeria runs many miles to stay on the same spot. Virtually everyone agrees Nigeria needs leaders with integrity. There is a chance that if you asked one out of every two to three Nigerians their idea of the most crucial attribute our leaders should have, they would say incorruptibility.

Everybody, regardless of party affiliation, believes that we need leaders with a moral compass whose actions consistently engender values that promote social well-being.

But why has it been virtually impossible for us to find persons of integrity to people our public institutions? How can a country with about a vast population be so ethically paralysed that we basically repeat the same crew who perpetrate habits of underdevelopment and corruption that frustrate meaningful progress? In 2015, after Nigeria survived a crucial election period, some of us dared to hope that the change of baton and the break from 16 years of unbroken rule by a single party would lead to improvement in the nation’s governing ethics. We thought that that threshold would lead to maturation in our public affairs and institutional process. Today, the audacity of faith one felt then now looks like sheer naivete.

Nigeria has not only failed to build a sustainable ethical culture, but we have also considerably regressed from whatever little gains we ever made. In the past week, the perplexing stories emanating about our public officials do not promote confidence in the agencies they head, a development that is both demoralising and ultimately dangerous for our democracy.

First is the news that 12.2 million rice farmers would be contributing N100 each to donate N1.2bn to President Muhammadu Buhari’s election campaign. Of all the ridiculous claims the Buhari administration makes daily, this one beats everything for the sheer mettle to concoct such a story! Politicians generally rely on people’s gullibility to successfully advance their lies, but this one counts on us being congenitally stupid.

How is it possible that a single organisation in Nigeria maintains a register of 12 million people and no one has heard of its exploits as a political or economic pressure group until it was time to donate for the President’s re-election? The Buhari administration claims it has empowered about 12 million rice farmers and by some strange coincidence, every one of them is contributing both their votes and money for him? How is it possible that a sole organisation in Nigeria is so coordinated that it registers that many people with an efficiency that eludes even government organisations? Curiously too, all of them have a communal vision to vote the same candidate? Not a single one of those 12 million folks has any religious, ethnic, or radical sentiment to deviate from the single-minded agenda to re-elect Buhari?

There is nowhere in the world where you will have an association of that many people that it will not be a powerful pressure group. It will be independent of the government, and not be as obsequious as these people whose website (and entire existence, in fact) has virtually been ceded to the All Progressives Congress. Come to think of it, in 2015, Buhari won the presidential election with about 15 million votes. If you adjust for the curiously high votes from Kano, Katsina, and Kaduna, you have around 12 million left. That suggests that these rice farmers promising 12 million votes are about the equivalent of those that voted Buhari in 2015. The roundedness and specificity of that figure is suspect; it smells like a ground preparation for massive rigging in 2019. If we had institutions that were independent and had integrity, the President’s campaign would not have the temerity to make such a blatant claim without the thought of being investigated.

The way the Nigerian government bandies figures around is disheartening because empirical facts are supposed to provide some clarity and bring a measure of integrity to public processes. Modern societies rely on numbers, data, and empiricism to build and sustain their civilisation. In this part of the world, it seems figures are useful only to befuddle. The drama of the discrepancy between the unemployment figures shared by the National Bureau of Statistics and the one by the Federal Government shows why some of the critical information the administration throws out is suspect.

On the one hand, it is election season, and the government is understandably anxious to be seen as making essential strides in combating unemployment and reducing the poverty rate. That is why they came up with this yarn of making such huge strides in rice production that up to 12 million people have found employment in that sector alone. The NBS, on the other hand, shares figures that show that about 20 million people have lost their jobs since Buhari came to power. It is not hard to believe the latter because it corresponds with other documented realities of the economic situation in Nigeria such as the data compiled by the Brookings Institute and World Poverty Clock that shows that Nigeria is the poverty capital of the world.

Thanks to the NBS, we can at least put some empirical substance on the lived reality of most Nigerians. Almost everybody, including rabid Buharists, sees that Nigeria has fallen on hard times. Our leaders make grandiose claims that they have worked hard to contain the downturn in collective fortune, but reality fails to align with the figures they use to substantiate their assertions. They insist they generate more electricity, but people complain that their power situation has barely improved. Buhari meets governors privately, admits that things are hard, and that harder times are ahead. Then, he goes to meet lawmakers publicly and claims that the economy is doing better.

How does a nation progress when its leaders wield fanged tongues like a snake?

To his credit, the statistician-general of the nation, Yemi Kale, has shown some impressive fortitude in standing up to the “lying spirit”, as Pentecostals are wont to call it, that possesses some of the President’s aides who want to use the agency to legitimatise their shortcomings. In a country where public officials routinely play the politics of “I remain loyal,” the NBS’s courage to contradict the Presidency is a radical act, one that should be encouraged so that our institutions can acquire the much-needed autonomy and function with integrity. If there is one agency that urgently needs that kind of integrity these days, it is the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission. It is so invested in playing the eye service game of pushing Buhari’s anti-corruption agenda that it tries the so-called corruption cases on social media. Recently, they seized $2.8m at the Enugu airport. Without taking the pains to establish basic facts about the ownership of the money, they rushed to plaster the story online. Elsewhere, that act of reckless and exuberance by the EFCC would be enough for defence lawyers to claim that they lack any prosecutorial integrity to litigate any case whatsoever.

As the year comes into an end and we take stock of where we are as a nation, we will agree what the lack of integrity is doing in Nigeria. We do not have persons of character steering the affairs of our country. What we have are leaders who pretend that honesty is all about not stealing public funds and while they make a spectacle of their virtues, they carry out major subterfuge that sets us back by decades. Nigeria’s problems are varied and unfortunately, we do not even – at least yet – have leaders who are willing to look within themselves and adjust their moral compasses. They would rather pretend, and that is why the horizon seems gloomy.

NB: Happy Holidays, Dear esteemed weekly readers and commentators. This is wishing you all a prosperous 2019.




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