Nigerians Deserve Devoted Leaders By Oye Arikanki

The Buhari-Osibanjo administration should rise up to lessen the present excruciating suffering Nigerians are going through. Both President Muhammadu Buhari and Vice President Yemi Osibanjo received certificates of return after they were declared winners of the presidential election in 2019.

The duo should be responsible for the good and bad things happening in Nigeria. Let the truth be told, Nigerians are suffering. They are frustrated, angry and bitter. It seems the majority of people don’t know what to do now. Mere stepping on someone on the street and the fellow will pour venom on you. Things are truly bad right now in Nigeria. Many families cannot afford one meal per day. Many parents cannot pay their children school fees. When people are sick, they now prefer to buy herbal medicines from hawkers turned emergency medical personnel. And don’t be fooled by few people throwing parties around. But will things be like this forever? The answer is no. This is the time for them to move and make things happen.

If you go out into the streets of major towns and cities in Nigeria today, people are complaining about the harsh condition of living. They expect things to change quickly. Many leaders in our society have expressed this in different ways. But the reality in Nigeria today is that more than ever before things are hard.

Nigerians are going through hard times. Women, children, able-bodied men without jobs are roaming the streets to eke out a living. The other day, I was travelling through the Lagos-Ibadan expressway to Lagos. Few miles before Lagos, at every bus top, there are as many as 10 hoodlums in every bus top. All of them have to collect money from the commercial vehicle driver. The sight was nauseating. They were many. You wonder how much the commercial drivers will take home at the end of the day. What kind of a country is this? What nature of leaders do we have?

There was an emotionally touching story I heard some time ago where a woman was cooking a soup in the evening and he went inside the house to get some ingredients. Before she returned to the open backyard where she was cooking, someone had carried the pot of soup from the fire. After some strenuous search, she later found out where a family gathered round her pot of soup eating it. Now, what do you call that? Can you take the family to the police station that they stole your pot of soup on fire?

The other day, I was at an embassy to get a visa. I thought I would meet few people there because it was a Saturday. To my surprise, I met many people in endless queue waiting to be called for visa interview. Now, many in Nigeria are finding a way to run away from the suffering in Nigeria. What is happening in Nigeria? Don’t our leaders have eyes to see and ears to hear what the people are going through? Can’t they do something urgent to alleviate this suffering?

Many Nigerians are going through lots of mental torture because of their terrible living conditions. Yes, we are getting some motivations from some preachers. But charlatans among them are also taking advantage of worshippers. Instead of motivating them to go out and make a little more efforts, that failure is not final, they will tell them to bring whatever they have to activate a thousand times more. I see many people roaming the streets, not because they have nothing to do but because of suffering. This is the reality on the ground today. Some people are saying Nigerians have not been through this kind of situation. It appears as if our leaders don’t care.

We now have laissez faire leadership in Nigeria. I see people every day who stop me to ask for money for food, transportation and the number is increasing every day. To our leaders, you may be saying things are normal and with time people will get over it and things will get better with time. I’ll tell you, there is no time to move and arrest the situation than now.

Many Nigeria who can longer bear the brunt of the present suffering are thinking of when things will change. But suffering usually has a level of endurance. The only thing we hear from Abuja every day is rhetoric. They are going to lift 90 million Nigerians out of poverty. How they are going to do this, nobody knows. Why don’t you start by lifting one person out of poverty instead of 90 million? Talk is cheap.

What are our leaders doing? Why are they unconcerned about the living standard of the people? Why are our leaders so uncaring? Do we say because they don’t know where the shoe pitches the common man, they decided to leave the people to their fate. Nigeria’s political leaders’ live in an ivory tower far removed from the troubles and sufferings of the people.

They make embarrassing promises and statements. We have heard them tell us that Nigerians are not hungry. Really? They said food is cheap in Nigeria. Really? Where is the money to buy the food? They said Nigeria have good roads? Really? It is all talk and talk without any concrete plan to actualise their promises. What is happening to our leaders? Why are they taking the people for granted?

We need to tell the Nigeria political leaders that we can no longer continue to bear the brunt of hard times. They must rise up and do something urgently to assuage the suffering of the people. The angels are still in the whirlwinds.

Thank you for allowing me to share this candid thought with you. You are not born to suffer. There is a seed of greatness within you. Only you can make your life a masterpiece. You have an option. You can lie down and sleep all day and night and curse your star that life and Nigeria have not been fair to you. Or you can design a workable plan and lead a worthy life intentionally. The choice is yours. God bless you. God bless Nigeria.

Arikanki sent this piece via




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