In the ancient period, when theocracy was the order of government, prophets and prophetess often stood in the gap, intercede for the people and thus exhort, chastise, and edify where and when necessary but particularly foretells what their future holds for them. I take exception to the notion that every nation, at what point or the other, get the kind of leader they deserve.
This is because, I believe, (perhaps owing to my faith as a Christian) that there are certain endowments, favors, and blessings we enjoy in life and for which we do not deserve, in the real sense of the word. Therefore, in that same vein, why not for once shall we as a nation be blessed with such an “unbefitting” leader who we do not deserve but who will be instrumentally used to turn things around for good in Nigeria, especially.
Proper leadership anywhere in the world and throughout human existence has always had to do with the welfare, improvement, harnessing of the potentials, peace, security, development, and happiness of the people. Fundamentally, what matters surrounding who is at the helm of affairs, his applied methodology, to what intent and purposes, and in whose basic and remote concern he governs, remains critically at the core of political philosophy. Therefore, anyhow you approach it, the head and what is the content, will count and that quite significantly.
Security personnel stand at a female hostel at the Greenfield University in Kaduna, Nigeria, on April 21, 2021. – Gunmen have attacked a private university in Nigeria’s northern Kaduna state, killing one staff member and kidnapping some students, police and officials said on April 21, 2021.
It was not immediately clear how many students had been abducted from Greenfield University during the April 20, 2021 attack at night and one official said they were still conducting a headcount. (Photo by NASU BORI / AFP)
Saying that the security disasters in Nigeria state have reached alarming rate will be glorifying the hackneyed phrase and it’s an understatement. It is worse than what the average layman on the street thinks or knows. It is catastrophic and we are all sitting on the powder keg, yet unwittingly, unperturbed. Backtrack to the preamble paragraph, the version of prophets in place nowadays are the intellectuals, the scholars, and especially the writers whose calling is journalistic in nature. They keenly observe the current affairs locally and globally, evaluate it in the light of the history of the concerned entity, filter facts from frivolities, compare and contrast, seek appropriate terminologies that will be publicly accepted as a preacher must do, (ask Ecclesiastics chapter 12 verse 10), and finally air their findings. It comes to the public in form of news reports, editorials, opinions, letters, etc via electronic or print media platforms. The Igbo adage that’s instructive here goes thus, “Ekwughi ekwu mere onu, emeghi eme mere onye agwaru”.
Being translated, “The act of failure to warn is the mouths’, while disobedience or stiff-neckedness happens to the hearer”. History will generously vindicate the media personnels in Nigeria with regards to the impending cataclysmic events in the near future. We have screamed, shouted, sighed, sobbed, and sorrowed, but we were (and still being) despised, ignored, and sometimes persecuted to the grave as though we are prophets without honor in their home lands. Thank goodness, the digitalised records of our profuse productions and publications will remain intact online for posterity to retrieve for future uses to exonerate us.
The conflagration is fast coming. The historic holocaust is hovering over our hearth and homes. But… It is not absolutely hopeless yet. The motive of this writer is not about professional lamentation and neither has it much to do with casting down morale, instigating desolation and destitution for a nation God has delighted to bless – Nigeria. It is no longer in the realm of conjecture if banditry, killer herdsmen dastardly acts, Boko Haranism, and other insurgency organization domiciled chiefly in Northern Nigeria, certain of which is State sponsored. A cursory visit to YouTube video clip series and other social media platforms will render credulity to the foregoing passage as not a first hand information delivery of this writer but now have gone viral and in the public mill.
But, enough is not seen to have been done or being done to curb the excesses of this undesirable elements in the society by the incumbent government. Instead, the blame game is unduly being intensified by the day, throwing caution to the winds, and like a deaf heedless traveler, heads to the precipice… there presently we are with him, sheepishly! The paramount role and responsibilities which legitimate leadership is saddled with at all times and seasons can no one overemphasize. Indeed, as Richard Neustadt succinctly said, “Although governmental leadership may not be the whole leadership, all else is nurtured by it and gains from it”. And hear the infallible scripture scream… “And if the foundation is spoilt, where shall the righteous go”.
It is now an open secret that nobody can contradict the fact that there is subterranean interference, a meddling sort of, a sneaky remote controlling, of our national affairs, all by the imperialist countries peradventure for the purpose of sustaining their derivable economic benefits, this is currently in earnest. At the end of the day, it is not out of point to presume that our security troubles of recent can be said to be induced by the distant alien forces. There are multiple remarkable quotes lending glimpses and clues as to what repercussions and retributions will trail this current security complexity. I will spread them in the next concluding paragraphs but with caution to maintain my solution-oriented and not problem magnifying writing style.
I’m not in a haste to reiterate that “those who make peaceful resolutions impossible will make violent revolution inevitable” because I trust that our leaders are equally conversant that “nobody has the monopoly of violence”. The law of Karma that says that you “reap what you sow” holds steadfast and sacrosanct both to Nigeria political rulers who are stiff-necked in their misruling and ill-governance while the ruled or led are busy sowing negligence and lethargy, quite comfortably. Have you thought about this too “The greatest harm done to mankind is not by the wicked people themselves but by those who behold them and keep silent for fear of the unknown”. What more can I say about the ineluctable calamity that must befall a nation whose majority of the citizens are seemingly bewitched and encaptivated and whose fiery judgment seed is long time sowed paradoxically in their land which is flowing with milk and honey? Nothing more must I submit herein other than that “If my people which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 2nd Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14.
But don’t halt at this point, take further steps of active and passive participation in the running of affairs of this nation in all strata of political activities and with this reformatory and rectitude mindset, bubble, brave and blister through, victoriously. Remember, “faith without work is death”, so wield both spiritual and physical weapon towards achieving your purposes and set goals in life.
Orajiaku is a freelance journalist and social activist.
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