From the outset let me make two confessions. I love good organized professional soccer though it is not by any means the first in my interest list. The first remains the modern American professional wrestling. And the second is heavyweight boxing. Secondly, I had a problem deciding on what caption fits better the Maradona’s rag-to-riches, ghetto-to-city, fame-to-infamy story.
Since the beloved Diego was not an ordinary folk (though he rose from ordinariness to extra-ordinariness) his passage to the world beyond ought to be mourned with dignity.
Several topics for this article competed for attention as the sad news of the sudden demise of the Argentine soccer legend, Diego Armando Maradona, hit the screens and airwaves around the world few days ago. As an exceptional, almost supernaturally talented, soccer ‘monster’ a befitting tribute was called for.
Apart from settling finally for the above I had initially went for ‘Maradona: The Tragedy Of Stardom’. And these: ‘Maradona: ‘Dieu Est Mort’; ‘Maradona: A Thousand Lives In One Life’; ‘Maradona: The Notoriety Of Soccer Power’ and ‘Maradona: When God Dies!’
In the course of this treatise I would try to develop the aspects that have to do with this fallen icon of world football as regards the competing captions.
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