Killing Democracy Slowly The Nigerian Way By Niyi Akinnaso

Anyone who says that Nigeria is not a democracy yet will be vilified by politicians, especially those currently in power at local, state and national levels. They will tell such a sceptic that they were duly nominated for office by their political parties; that they campaigned in their constituencies; and that they were democratically elected in free, fair, and credible elections.

The politicians will quickly add that their political parties have constitutions and manifestoes; that national and state governments are governed in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria; and that there are three arms of government, namely, the executive, which makes and executes policy; the legislature, which makes laws; and the judiciary, which interprets those laws and dispenses justice. Above all, Nigerian politicians will point to the rule of law as the operative machinery of their democracy.

Yet, upon closer examination, it becomes clear that what Nigeria has is an imitation democracy, which is a democracy that has the structure but not the substance. A democracy in name but not in practice. A pseudo-democracy at best.

Now, why is this so, after nearly 20 years of the ongoing “democratic” dispensation? A simple answer would be that none of the major features of democracy is fully functional or operated as it should be. But this is a lazy answer. A much more robust answer is needed, which explains why democracy has not lived up to its potential in Nigeria, by examining each major feature in turn and explaining why it has failed. I will explore this answer over the next six months, that is between now and Nigeria’s general elections in February 2019.

I begin with political parties and their role in a democracy. By the end of this essay, it should be clear to the reader that political parties are the engine of democracy. No matter how elegant your car looks, it cannot take you nowhere if the engine is faulty. So it is with a democracy with faulty political parties.

But what is a political party? In a healthy democracy, a political party is an organized group of people, who share similar views about the way power should be used in bringing the dividends of democracy to the people. Members of such a group typically share similar opinions and political views aimed at influencing public policy. It is the aggregate of such opinions and views that crystallizes in a political ideology by which a particular political party is known.

A breakdown is immediately encountered when this definition is applied to the groups we call political parties in Nigeria. To start with, no one is sure what each of the political parties stands for, because each of them houses incongruous bedfellows with divergent opinions and political views. Save for a wing of the All Progressives Congress, which touts progressivism as its operative ideology, no other political party in Nigeria presents a coherent organizing ideology. Perhaps a clear example of a lack of ideological core is the alliance recently formed between the Peoples Democratic Party and some 30 other political parties.

In any case, most Nigerian politicians do not join political parties out of the desire to share and harmonize views with like minds in their respective political parties. Rather their primary motive for joining political parties is to have access to power. That’s why they shamelessly shop across political parties, switching political parties like changing clothes, especially as the election season draws near.

Take, for example, the ruling party in Nigeria today, APC. The two leaders of the National Assembly are “migrants” from the PDP, the leading opposition party, as are many top ministers on the cabinet, including former PDP governors and even a former Chairman of the PDP.

As I write, a group under the name Reformed APC, made up of former PDP migrants into the APC, is planning to migrate back into the PDP or some other political party. By the same token, a group known as New PDP is planning to migrate to another party. The implication is clear: Nigerian politicians do not believe in permanent membership of any political party. Rather, they only believe in permanent self-interest, and they are ready to migrate back and forth between political parties every election season.

This comes with dire consequences for the credibility of the electoral system as it encourages all kinds of electoral manipulation, including the use of thugs to snatch ballot boxes and the corruption of electoral umpires and security agencies. It also glorifies so-called godfatherism and money bags, which are used to compromise the primary process of candidate selection by political parties as well as the election proper.

At the end of the day, the best candidate is hardly selected or elected, a problem further complicated by other social considerations, such as ethnicity, religion, and zoning-the practice by which aspirants for a particular political office are restricted to a particular geographical location.

Nigerian political parties also fail in their gate-keeping role of nominating appropriate candidates for political office and getting such candidates freely and fairly elected. Often for selfish considerations, party leaders fail to perform the necessary duty of filtering out dangerous aspirants and those who may not be able to perform well in office. Rather than base their evaluation on the aspirants’ character, judgement, loyalty to party causes, and track record, they resort to selfish considerations. This is one of the most serious failings of Nigerian political parties and their leaders.

One of the most unhelpful aspects of candidate selection in Nigeria is the tendency to go for the candidate, who party leaders think can win, rather than the candidate who is most qualified and competent for the job. It is in this regard that zoning, religion, and ethnicity could mar the process of candidate selection. Democracy is marred when a candidate comes into office, who knows little or nothing about how democracy works and how government should function.

Another failing feature of the party system in Nigeria is the lack of cohesion between the political party in power and its representatives in government. This is particularly evident in Nigeria today, where the the APC has the President and the majority in the National Assembly, including the Senate and President and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Yet, the presidency, legislature, and the political party are at loggerheads. The President has no control over the political party. The party does not seem able to get the President to toe the party line on certain critical national issues, such as restructuring the polity.

By the same token, the presidency and the legislature are not in agreement. For example, it took well over 200 days for NASS to pass the 2018 budget. The NASS seems to be in support of state police. The President is not. One arm of government says one thing. The other says something else. Yet, they are in the same political party.

With so much disagreement among the three institutions mentioned above, not much can be achieved by way of effective governance and national development. The political parties are at heart of this problem. That’s why the starting point of putting the country’s democracy on the right path is a comprehensive reform of the political party system.




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