Infrastructure Renaissance, Agric Revolution Catapult Ikpeazu’s Profile By Uche Olehi

Abia State Governor, Dr. Okezie Victor Ikpeazu is on top of his game. His profile is galloping and surging upwards to the consternation of detractors, “distractors”and growing specie of dyed in-the -wool critics. And the reason is not far-fetched.

In the narrative of the nation’s socio- economic development, a new consciousness is sweeping through the length and breath of God’s Own State as the Common Governor delivers in three key areas: Critical Infrastructure, Agriculture, Trade and Commerce. Ikpeazu is pragmatically bridging the alarming infrastructure gap in the state.

In fact, the Governor first prioritised the embarrassingly acute infrastructure deficit inherited from previous regimes (Abia State needs a whopping N100 billion naira per annum to revamp the state).

So,on his very first day in office, he flagged off scores of roads and bridges across the three senatorial zones. This emergency approach aptly christened the “Caterpillar Revolution” has paid off with the completion and commissioning of about thirty-three roads and two bridges. Some many other roads are at advanced stages of completion. Governor Ikpeazu’s feat is the matchless record of building almost three roads per month, amid the prevailing scarcity of financial resources, occasioned by severe economic downturn.

He has also embedded enduring quality in the jobs done so far, as he gives Ndi Abia durable roads via the Rigid Pavement road construction approach,better called Cement Technology. Having appreciated that investment in infrastructure is key to Abia development, it is only reasonable and politically correct to predict that this area of need would continue to top the present administration’s agenda.

In the light of the above, Ikpeazu has not disappointed Abians as he continues to fix deplorable roads in the state, including federal roads, even as he diligently pursues urban renewal and environmental policies to sanitize Abia cities and create an enabling environment for business and habitation. Little wonder,the world is applauding the Governor’s efforts in this sector.

If Governor Ikpeazu is on track when it comes to bridging Abia infrastructure gap, the stir he is causing in the Agric sector is phenomenon. Truth is he is living up to his campaign promises,which is anchored on diversifying the state economy for improved Internally Generated Revenue (IGR). From funding to promotion of crop farming (where the state has comparative advantage) farmers and agro-preneurs have never had it this rosier! In leading the Agric Revolution, Ikpeazu is creating over 100,O00 direct jobs in the sector acclaimed the highest global employer of labour.

The stride in Agriculture is better appreciated in the pool of accessible credit facilities available to farmers, enlarging and harnessing value chain of the sector, the proliferation of oil- palm and other crop plantations across the state, among other legacies.

Fresh in peoples’ mind is the Oil-Palm Revolution that will position the state as hub of palm produce-with all of its seamless value chain -and world agric tourism destination. Only recently, the Abia State Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish a Palm Oil Mill with a private investor, S-ATM Nigeria Limited, on the Abia State Palm Estate in Ohambele, Ukwa East Local Government Area of the state.

This is part of Ikpeazu’s effort to return the state to the years of palm plantations dotting its landscape. According to the state Commissioner for Agriculture Hon. Uzor Azubike, S-ATM would build an oil mill inside the Palm Estate in Ohambele. The estate is employing over 5000 Abians, greater percentage of which are from the host community.” Happily, more than 40% of the company’s employees will also be Abia citizens.

Targeting 10,000 hectares of oil-palm plantation across the state, Abia is also developing 7.5 million palm seedlings between 2016 and 2019. Privy sources disclosed that the state would produce two million seedlings in the first phase of the Oil Palm Revolution at Ayaba Umeze in Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area.

The second will produce three million, while the third phase targets 2.5 million seedlings. Over 1000 people have so far been employed. I pledge to wear made-in-Aba all through my service as Governor and beyond, not because of lack of options but because it is good to be proud of what we have, especially if it’s the best Part of the Oil Palm Revolution is establishment of a community-based Oil Palm Projects, which intend to inject the seedlings into the communities at subsidized prices.

Under the arrangement, each community would have an anchor that would buy off fresh fruit bunches for processing, making it possible for every community to have a mini -palm processing mill, while the state builds an oil-palm refinery. Political analysts say Governor Ikpeazu is following the footstep of Former Premier of Eastern Region,Sir Micheal Okpara. From yet another angle,the hype and attention on Made-in -Aba products has also given Ikpeazu a new sobriquet,the Chief Brand Ambassador of Made- in -Aba products.

A job he has vowed to give all it takes to succeed, observers of Abia Governance know he was well prepared for this. They easily cite his inaugural speech on May 29,2015: “I’m proud to stand in front of this crowd today clad in all made in Aba attire. I pledge to wear made-in-Aba all through my service as Governor and beyond, not because of lack of options but because it is good to be proud of what we have, especially if it’s the best.. Our story as a people is one of entrepreneurship, resourcefulness and diligence.

This is our pride. We have astounded the world with our homegrown technical skills, especially during a period of pervasive adversity, and followed it up with our trade and commercial prowess elevating one of our cities, Aba, into a prominent commercial hub within the West African region. This historic renown is to become our future narrative.

The time is ripe to use the over 110,000 shoemakers and 50,000 garment makers as a launching pad to enable Abia to truly become the undisputed SME capital of Nigeria”. In the past few months, there has been unprecedented commercial and emotional interest in Made -in -Aba brand. The campaign has also gained political traction with relevant legislation and policies made in favour of indigenous products.

The Governor has personally sold Aba-made shoes,wear and allied products to eminent Nigerians, including former Nigerian President,Chief Olusegun Obasanjo, Senate President, Dr Olusola Saraki, members of the National Assembly and the enlarged political and business elite. Ikpeazu’s Economic Diplomacy recently attracted the supply of some 50,000 pairs of combat footwear to Nigerian Army. It has also spurred diaspora demand, with initial order of 2000 shoes for Abia school children who are benefiting from the Shoe- to- School project.

More orders are trickling in as Aba tailors and shoe makers are doing good business. Government cant stop supporting these army of entrepreneurs. Sponsored Product exhibition and national tours and exhibitions are being organised for them. The Made-in-Aba Revolution has also engendered the establishment of a Leather and Garment City at Umukalika, Obingwa Local Government in the greater Aba metropolis,to enhance mass production, standardisation and marketing of allied textile and leather products.

In conclusion, Ikpeazu is driving the essential Abia economic growth and development on the tripod of Infrastructure Renaissance, Agriculture Revolution and aggressive marketing of the state with Aba and its commercial potentials as touchstone.

In pursuit of this excellent governance strategy,the image of the People’s Governor is soaring beyond words and imagination. And there is no stopping it. Uche Olehi,celebrity journalist and Public Affairs Analyst, wrote from Aba, Abia State.




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