Creation and how it came into existence has, from time immemorial, been enigmatic to nearly all human beings on the face of the earth and will continue to be so for unforeseen-able future. Scientists have pre-occupied themselves with the search for the answer.
Archeologists have been digging looking for elusive evidence. What figure are we going to give that we can say would be able to boast they are not trapped in the mystery? Is it two million or four? Or the entire population of Christians which is said to be 2.4 billion world-wide or the Muslim population of 1.8 billion world-wide? I mention Christians because there are sufficient hints in the Bible, indeed, in Genesis. It is the comprehension of the revelation that is undoubtedly the hindrance.
That being so, to say the world can boast of two million who can boast they are not trapped in the mystery of how Creation came into being could amount to being generous. Come to think of it: this is even in the face of the world’s population nibbling at an arguable figure put at eight billion by PEW in 2020. Yet, mankind will not give up.
It is for this reason that I consider for contemplation today a posting to this column in which issues are raised bordering on how Creation came into existence. The post reads as follows:
“The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted of how the universe came to be among scientists, especially astronomers, and irrefutable evidence supports this (The Microwave Background Noise). A diversion of thought, Science’s claim about the Big Bang, the cosmos, the Earth, and life do not conflict with the Catholic faith. The Roman Catholic Church has accepted Darwin’s theory of evolution for six decades.
“It is debatable, however, whether there is only one universe or we are part of a multiverse for the following reasons:
1). It recognises that our universe was formed through external force.
2). We have learned enough about the origin of our Universe, and there is no compelling explanation that the answer to know our Universe’s origin can be found in our universe.
3). It offers a satisfactory explanation of the question: Where did God come from?
“I believe that the answer to how our Universe was created can be found outside our Universe, not within it. So, to dimension to spirituality, while most humans believe God created the Universe, humans are essentially saying if it cannot be understood, then a superior being is responsible since we cannot fathom who she/ he/ it is. People are satisfied with that –there is no debate about that at this level.
But a curious mind would ask, if our general premise is that there cannot be something out of nothing, that is, everything we know is all part of God’s plan, then where did God come from? The multiverses theory may explain the origin of God if we cannot answer that.
“The flame is the Sun stored in the form of carbon components, and when it burns, carbon and oxygen in the air combine again under immense heat and go back to carbon dioxide. I’m going this route to justify there must be some external influence on the birth of our Universe, so the origin of God will always be unanswerable question because we don’t have access to outside our Universe where the answer may lie.
Likewise, if the Big Bang occurs, followed by the Universe’s inflation like a balloon, then the cause must be external, again supporting that the multiuniverse is probable.
“There cannot be fire without a spark, but there can be gold and diamonds out of that without a creator. Once fire starts, there is no need for an external force, though. Our Universe is self-sustaining after the Big Bang. –Peter.”
In the present time, a great many human beings have saturated their heads with all sorts of things. They feel on top of the world that they are unable to hold themselves in check, but display the audacity to ask from where the Most High, our Maker, the Almighty God, comes from? We are expected to draw closer to Him by the hour, every day.
The more we do so, the more we perceive and recognise His Greatness and perceive in reverential awe and worshipful adoration of His Holy Name. But the true worship lies in swinging in His Will which is manifested in His Laws.
With doing His Will by heeding His Laws which span the entire Creation, but more known as Natural Laws on earth, we get increasingly perfect, and the more perfect the more discerning. The Laws make doing good and being pure a condition of compliance. It is by so doing one will not be entangled with guilt arising from dross that overcasts the person’s spirit. And the unhindered intuition will be free to admonish, to warn and to guide. With this the greatness of the Almighty Father becomes even more discernible, more visible in our lives that the question of where He comes from does not arise. That He is enough for all.
Since the question has been asked, I will nevertheless attempt to answer it In The Light of Truth. It need be made plain that there is only one God and one Power. He is Life.
When we contemplate Life, we find that Life is Life. It has no beginning and has not end. There was never a time Life was not Life because It is Life Itself. It is autonomous. It is independent. It requires nothing from anywhere to make It live because It is Life. Life is therefore eternal. When God willed that Creation should come into existence, He uttered the proverbial Holy Word: “Let there be Light.” Dake’s Annotated Bible reports: “And God said, ‘Let there be light: and there was light.’”
(Genesis 1: 3). In Genesis 1:2, there is the revelation that states: “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” The Spirit of God in reference here is the Holy Spirit.
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