Governance Takeaways From The Upheaval In France By Ayo Olukotun

“If Emmanuel Macron survives this crisis, something good may come out of it. He, along with French and European elites, could draw lessons from the revolt of the Yellow Vests and find a way to govern with the people, not against them”

– Sylvie Kaufmann, Editorial Director, Le Monde, New York Times, December 6, 2018.

An editorial cartoon by Patrick Chappatte, in a recent edition of the New York Times, conveyed the fury of the Yellow Vests of France, and the ominously open-ended character of their one-month old protest rivetingly. A young lady standing on rubble of upturned and heavily damaged vehicles raises her right arm and yells, “Cut taxes”! Almost simultaneously, an irate middle aged man, similarly clad in a yellow vest, rejoins thunderously, “And cut off the King’s head!”

No, this is not another workers’ outburst in a country notorious for the frequency of its strikes, nor is it a case of upper class university students mimicking the historic fervour and tremors of the French Revolution. The Yellow Vests, in what has been described as the worst and most widespread rampage since the 1968 workers’ uprising, shook the French capital and other cities to their very foundations, defying initial cosmetic efforts to douse the raging riots. A standard neo-liberal increase in fuel tax was the initial grouse, but as the angry protests, which began as a response to a casual criticism of President Emmanuel Macron’s reforms on Facebook overtook a clutch of cities, it became clear that this was essentially a lower class movement tapping into extensive frustrations. An extraordinary upsurge of citizens, mainly from suburbia and sleepy small towns left behind by Macron and a political class had forced themselves on national attention and rearranged a national discourse agenda which had either shut them out or failed to listen to them. The protesters called out Macron, asking him to resign, even as his approval rating dropped sharply.

Constructively, if less than entirely, Macron, last Monday, climbed down a high horse of grandeur and aloofness to address a bleeding nation’s woes. Said he, in a nationwide broadcast, “There is the anger and indignation …of the couple who earn salaries that do not finish the month, and who get up every day early and come home late”. Many in France, and across the globe, wished that Macron had demonstrated this contrition and fellow feeling much earlier than the riots. His speech also featured a new deal, even if partial, announcing tax cuts, increase in wages of workers, and a promise to come up with a new minimum wage.

And this brings us to the takeaways for a transitional democracy like Nigeria caught in the throes of a meltdown and a surge of frustrations over governmental inefficiency and steep rise in poverty.

Nigerian politicians usually come back from France to regale us with the narratives of the splendid beauty of Paris, and the aesthetics of its major cities. We search in vain for what lessons they bring home about governance. We must go however, beyond their excitement to tease out lessons and expectations from the current imbroglio. There is the issue that long repressed and bottled-up frustrations and resentments easily unleash sudden waves of widespread protests beyond their immediate trigger. In the course of the last two years, Macron who rode to power on the back of a sensational youth revolt, promising reforms, soon earned the sobriquet of ‘president of the rich’, when he lowered taxes for the affluent. The initial signs of disenchantment with his policies were ignored as Macron launched a grandiose foreign policy, projecting himself as the new European leader who would uphold liberal democracy against the onslaught of right-wing extremism. There is nothing wrong with Macron’s new foreign policy which charmingly, earlier this year, brought him to Nigeria, including an evocative visit to Fela Anikulapo-Kuti’s Africa Shrine. What was missing, however, is that his domestic policy, creating new swathes of poverty, and marginalisation was at odds with the new global image he tried to project. For democracies like ours, it cannot be gainsaid that there is no substitute for rooting with the citizens who must be the foundation of any global projection. Indeed, an activist foreign policy may well be an escape from the hard work and initiatives needed to turn around a sluggish economy and soaring levels of inequality. A reality check had brought back Macron from the pleasures of an extroverted policy so that he can rebuild from the very foundations.

A related point had been anticipated by the editorial director of Le Monde, Sylvie Kaufmann, who in the opening quote hoped that Macron and his European elites would govern with the people, rather than against them. All too often in the Nigerian circumstance, national conversation had been little more than dialogues of the deaf with the leaders preoccupiedly talking to one another, and citizens way down below them, muttering among themselves, with little connect between the two. Governing with the people suggests a bottom-up approach to policymaking and implementation beyond the cheap and claptrap exhibition of disbursing paltry handouts as TraderMoni. A preferred approach will immerse itself in the existential realities of a distressed humanity in order to come up with structural, rather than shallow remedies.

There is also the point that a genuine democracy is not exhausted by simply mounting elections in which citizens are voting without choosing. To the extent that citizens’ choices and preferences have been constrained and determined by forces and factors they know little about and can do little to change, elections, even if they are free and fair are not different from carnivals. Even in the advanced democracies, there are fresh doubts about the value and validity of voting and polling in circumstances where the people do not know much about the choices they are making.

In the wake of Brexit, and Donald Trump, there is increasing scepticism about a democracy that confines itself to polling, without taking steps to create an “ownership” of the democratic process by the people. Macron was elected for five years but the French people, through the Yellow Vests, are exercising a people’s sovereignty by insisting that he should step down because of governance failure. If our democracy would grow beyond mere electoralism, and avoid the trap of what Nobel laureate, José Saramago, called, ‘kidnapped democracy’, it must somehow get the Nigerian people to demonstrate that they, and not the party barons or emergent political billionaires, call the shots.

In other words, we must, alongside exercising the civic duty of voting, evolve mechanisms that bring isolated and grandstanding leaders back to planet earth. Elections have their point, but they are only a starting point for building democracies as the French have demonstrated.

Interestingly, Macron did not make excuses about how badly his predecessor ran the government, nor did he try to stereotype the protesters as ethnic or religious bigots. Though slow to respond, he finally admitted, or was forced to admit that their grievances and woes were not manufactured but real.

How much beneficial will it be if Nigerian leaders will learn to face issues, acknowledge their mistakes and blind spots, apologise for them, and show that the people ought to be the driving force of a worthy democratic project.




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