WHEN George Herbert Walker Bush campaigned in 1987 and later became the 41st President of the United States, he was regularly referred to in the media as a “wimp”, which a dictionary defines as “a weak person who lacks confidence, courage, etc”.
Evan Thomas wrote an article after Bush died on November 30, 2018, and titled it: “I called George Bush a “wimp” on the cover of Newsweek. Why I was wrong”. In other words, he ate his words.
Despite his imposing height, Bush was not what could be described as a charismatic personality. But the life he lived and the changes that took place in America and around the world under his thumb as the US President depicted him as an undeniable colossus.
Following in the footsteps of President Dwight Eisenhower, Bush was a veteran of the World War II after which the world was divided between the two main victorious powers – the United States of America, USA, and the Union of the Social Socialist Republics, USSR. It fell to Bush’s lot to triumphantly fold up the Soviet Union and end the “cold war”.
Bush’s extraordinary one-term tenure (1988 to 1992) recorded many important landmarks. On November 9, 1989, the Berlin Wall came down, thus leading to the reunification of the former East and West Germany. On December 26, 1991, Soviet Leader, Mikhail Gorbachev formally dissolved the Soviet Union and America became the sole superpower and policeman of the world.
Then on August 2, 1990, as part of its “policing” undertakings, Bush’s America invaded Iraq to drive Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait which he had invaded and annexed. Bush also signed on to the unfolding “globalisation” fad.
America thereafter pursued the entrenchment of human rights and democracy, especially in the Middle East and the Third World countries and thus provoked the rise of Islamist terrorism and a series of wars that eventually zapped America’s military stamina and set its economy on the path of decline.
This was what prompted the rise of incumbent President Donal Trump who is determined to take America back to the American people.
Bush became the second American president whose son, George W. Bush (43rd president), was elected President of the United States. Only John Adams (second president) had performed the feat through his son, John Quincy Adams (sixth president). A “wimp” eventually turned out to become one of the greatest leaders in American history.
Bush lived a life that ought to have inspired our leaders since we are copying “the American model” of democracy. But our own military leaders chose to tie Nigeria and its political economy perpetually to their apron-strings for life, dragging us to the abyss of underdevelopment.
George Bush lived a life of genuine selfless service, and will be sorely missed.
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