Fayose Fantasia

Hardball has struck bull’s eye here even if he says so himself. There cannot be a better description of Governor Ayo Fayose’s running farcical theatre than fantasia. This phenomenon is defined as an unstructured orchestral composition or any unstructured work at that. And as we all know, the second time governor of Ekiti State has made an art of no structure. In fact anything structured seems like an anathema to him.

His recent outing or ‘work’ if you like corroborates Hardball’s assertion. We speak about the recent publication of his prophetic predictions for 2017. In a two-page unstructured splash in a national newspaper (December 23rd), the unstructured governor presented his unstructured predictions for the new year side by side the fulminations for 2016.

What an unstructured mind! It will serve us to reproduce the preamble here to make the point about fantasia:

“Fellow Nigerians, remember I predicted 20 things that will be experienced this year 2016. Almost 90 percent of what the Holy Spirit led me to predict came to pass.

“The Holy Spirit has once again led me to tell Nigerians what may happen in 2017. We, therefore, need prayer to avert further calamities in Nigeria.”

The thing with people like Fayose is that they get carried away by the position they occupy through opportunistic shenanigans; and they spend the entire tenure desecrating their high office unbeknownst to them. If only Fayose knows his limits, he would have handed his banality to a media aide or any schooled person around him to edit. But the embarrassingly illiterate script signed by a governor was published with all the warts and scabs; the lousy grammar and disjointed sentences. If Ekiti was not the land of some of the most read people in Nigeria!

Of course, everything is wrong with Fayose and nearly everything he does; same for this publication. First, he wears a red skull cap in the manner of bishops over a black T-shirt and he tells us that the “Holy Spirit led me to predict…”

Is there nobody in Fayose’s household or his exco who could have told him to leave the Holy Spirit out of this folly? If he is so ignorant about these things as he apparently is, couldn’t someone whisper to him that you don’t trifle with divine matters of this nature? He could jolly well have predicted his “calamities” sans the Holy Spirit!

And to the so-called predictions – these are just baby-babble. These are mere issues in the news in the past few months and any smart pupil who is up to date with his current affairs would guess the direction these issues would head in the New Year.

For instance, these are some of the so-called predictions: * “About four ministers will be removed.” * “There will be boost in agriculture.” *”Haliburton (sic) gate may still be revisited.” And so on.

We understand that Governor Fayose is in the opposition and he needs to act up occasionally, but he can do without so much farce and fantasia.



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