It is chrysal clear that Fashola, the Minister of Works and Housing has carrying his loyalty to Tinubu to a ridiculous level and ought to be cautious and careful to avoid classification with Festus Keyamo, Femi Fani-Kayode or Dino Melaye.
Historical antecedents and his personal relationship with Tinubu serve no purpose whatsoever at this time in our Nation’s history in the comity of nations and internally, sad, unhappy people and disjointed State policies, with particular reference to change of currencies, banditry, political brigandage, insecurity and incapacity of a government to govern and key officers-serving having the audacity to openly condemn their own policies. How does one describe this? Chinua Achebe, i assume will submit thus:
“Things Fall Apart” and “There Was A Country”. T. S. Elliot, “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold, mere anarchy is loosen on the world”.
An APC candidate in an election (Presidency) openly condemning, lampooning and abusing an APC government in power is sad, ridiculous and shows in graphic details the distortion, division within the APC. The issue germane is not Tinubu, as it were, but the Musa (Moses) who has the capability and cerebral endowment to get us out of this abominable state of anomie that we have surreptitiously become.
Who can confront Fir’aun (Pharaoh)? Where is that incorruptible, healthy and focused candidate who can get us out of this Hell-Fire-On-Earth?
Fashola and indeed Asiwaju have unhindered access to the President and they ought to have had private conversations with him. “Washing their dirty linen (linens)” in public is disastrous and openly condemning policies of Buhari in the print and electronic media is abominable.
Fashola is a cabinet Minister and ought to exercise better discretion. At the forthcoming elections, it is the APC THAT WILL BE ON THE BALLOT PAPER not TINUBU. Here lies the fanthomness of the Oxymoron of this warped, convoluted behaviour of the APC.
So far, the APC has not informed the citizens on their manifesto points on how they intend to rescue the Nation and its citizens from this economic, political, social and spiritual LOGJAM that they have placed us. It is their responsibility, obligation and duty to do so Or leave the political landscape to parties and candidates who by innovation can contrive an escape route and restore our dignity as a people within the human race.
As at now, the whole wide world is agape in shock looking at the “Giant of Africa” as we then were, and becoming Lilliputans.
Recall), John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Books 9 and 10 and the eulogy is akin to where we are now. We have surreptitiously attained and approaching “Hell-On-Earth”.
The history of our country post 1900, 1914, 1960 for students of politics and history, shows that we, as a people have never ever descended to this abominable level of human degradation.
Tinubu, Atiku or any other isn’t the material consideration Or Muslim / Christian. We are at the “Point-Of-No-Return”, as it were. Who can salvage the Vessel Or Is the crash inevitable?
A Stitch In Time Saves Nine.
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