Falana: The Last Man Standing By Dr. Enameguolo Orugbo

Boys are those that run to people, men are those that people run to…Tonia Tortor

The time is ripe for Nigerians to flow with the tide and beat the politicians to their own game.

Why? Politics as currently practiced in Nigeria, is a struggle for power and not a call to service.

As the gallant Nigerian security personnel sacrifice their lives for the avoidable “Boko Haram War”, it is not out of place to celebrate great minds who have served, and are serving, their fatherland, in and out of political office. Chief Gani Fawehinmi leads the pack, Senior Advocate of the Masses (SAM). SAM says it all. He is closely followed by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, for his educational exploits and immense contribution towards educating a generation. Last and not the least is Femi Falana. Tunde Bakare says great men like Jesus and Mandela do not have titles.

Chief Gani Fawehinmi

The billion dollar question is, if Gani Fawehinmi were alive in the present day Nigeria, what would he do? He would fight for the masses because that was all he knew and loved to do. Gani, Nigerians miss you and pray that the likes of Femi Falana will give young Nigerians a sense to hope for a better tomorrow. You were a moral compass and dogged fighter. The barrels of military juntas were not enough to silence your voice or dampen your resolve. They incarcerated you and each time you came out reenergized.

Sir, your efforts were not in vain, we celebrate you even though you are long gone. Those that incarcerated you while fighting for the common good, will have none to remember them for good when they are gone.

Chief Obafemi Awolowo

The Yorubas of Nigeria are highly educated, thanks to Chief Obafemi Awolowo. He was a man who saw the future and invested in people. Awo, as he was called, was denied the presidency, not because of competence or character but because of politics. As his granddaughter bestrides the presidential palace as wife of the current Vice President of Nigeria, one thing is certain.

Awolowo definitely has the last laugh and Professor Yemi Osinbanjo (SAN), is a proud alumnus of Awolowo’s university of cerebral minds. Awolowo is dead and some ask, “Why celebrate the dead”? Firstly, Hebrews 11:4 says, Abel though dead, still speaks. Secondly, Femi Falana is here and in the class of Awolowo, so let’s celebrate him.

Mr. Femi Falana

It is difficult to modestly describe Nigeria’s living legend, Femi Falana. He is a loving husband of one wife (Funmi Falana), a celebrated lawyer, human right activist and father of Falz the Bahd Guy. Falz the Bahd Guy, is the brain behind the viral song and video, “This is Nigeria”.

Mr. Femi Falana, your selfless efforts towards defending the weak and contributing to topical issues, are not in vain. As the world celebrates a New Year, ushering 2019, Nigerians at home and abroad celebrate you. It is hoped that this will encourage the likes of Dr. Reuben Abati to regain their footing in Nigeria’s moral space and advise the likes of Festus Keyamo (SAN), to thread softly with politicians. It takes years to build but a split second to destroy. Ponder.


The youths of Nigeria and Africa must be intentionally signposted to greatness and not just riches. Instablog9ja is awash with stories of youths stealing female panties for ritual purposes, at a time Japanese youths are launching 5th generation robots and Elon Musk is unveiling an underground tunnel to alleviate traffic congestion in Los Angeles. In about six weeks Nigeria will go to the polls to elect a new crop of Government officials. Youths, please reflect on where your names will appear for posterity. In this piece, Chief Gani Fawehinmi and Chief Obafemi Awolowo have been celebrated. Tomorrow it may be you. To the last man standing, Mr. Femi Falana, your efforts are appreciated and Nigerians say thank you and Happy New Year.

Dr. Enameguolo Orugbo




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