Excessive Intake of Soft Drinks ’Causes Erectile Dysfunction’ — Report

A new research has shown that excessive intake of soft drinks is one of the leading causes of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction is the inability to develop and maintain an erection for satisfactory sexual intercourse.
The research also shows that large percentage of men do not limit the volume of soft drinks in their diet and consume them much more often than women.

The research, which focused on the potential role of soft drinks, particularly the sugar component in the pathogenesis of erectile dysfunction, was carried out by Jan Adamowicz of the Department of Tissue Engineering, Nicolaus Copernicus University; Tomasz Drewa of the Department of Urology and Franciszek Lukaszczyk of Memorial Hospital, all in Bydgoszcz, Poland.

According to the research, soft drinks have detrimental metabolic effects nowadays and their consumption should be well limited.

The research reveals that erectile dysfunction is a complex of neurovascular physiological processes that depends on the interplay among neural, vascular, hormonal and psychological factors as well as the integrity of the vascular bed of the penis.

It added that soft drink related disorders may disturb all these physiological foundations of proper erection.
In his reaction, the Chief Medical Director, Medical Art Centre, Oladapo Ashiru, said that obviously anyone that consumes too much of sugar is at risk of having diabetes, which eventually leads to erectile dysfunction.

The professor of Anatomy/Consultant Reproductive Endocrinologist noted that the rate at which people, especially men consume soft drinks and sugar is alarming, urging the need to reduce intake of such drinks.

“For instance, you will see some people that consume soft drinks everyday, that is minimum of five times in a week.

“Now, a glass of Fanta contains nine cubes of sugar and if anyone takes it five times a week, that means 9 x 5, which means an individual consumes 45 cubes of sugar within five days.

“How then would such individual not end up with diabetes or erectile dysfunction?”, he quipped.

Meanwhile, Nathaniel Adewole, a gynecologist in University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, however, disagrees with the findings of the research. He said soft drinks and excessive intake of sugar could lead to diabetes but not erectile dysfunction.

He however noted that a patient suffering from diabetes is at high risk of suffering erectile dysfunction but a person without diabetes can never develop erectile dysfunction.




1 Comment

  1. The last paragraph is somewhat confusing, was the writer trying to say, with diabetes you are at risk of erectile dysfunction, but you could have erectile dysfunction without necessarily be at risk of diabetes?
    All the same very important information.

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