Equity Crowdfunding: An Idea Whose Time Has Come By Uche Uwaleke

Just a few days ago, the global financial community woke up to the cheering news that the World Bank had launched the first bond instrument built on a blockchain with the Commonwealth Bank of Australia. By this development, the USD87m bond becomes the first to be created by the World Bank using distributed ledger technology. According to a statement by the World Bank, it is one of many experiments that the global financial organisation would be conducting in blockchain research. The import of this giant leap for blockchains around the world is that technology has come to be recognised as the cornerstone for innovation in capital markets. It is against this backdrop that the present collaboration between the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Fintech Association of Nigeria with a view to developing a road map for Fintech adoption in the capital market in Nigeria is welcome. This is where crowdfunding comes in.

The Oxford Dictionary defines crowdfunding (also known as crowdsourcing) as “the practice of funding a project or venture from a large number of people, typically via the Internet”. The crowdfunding model is usually based on three actors: the project initiator who proposes the idea, individuals or groups (backers) who support the idea, and the platform that brings the parties together. Crowdfunding models include donation-based crowdfunding (usually for charitable causes), rewards-based crowdfunding (in which backers contribute funds in exchange for some reward–in many cases the item produced by the campaign), debt-based crowdfunding also known as “peer to peer” or “crowdlending” (in which investors provide money and expect their loan to be paid back with interest) and equity crowdfunding (in which backers contribute funds to a company in exchange for equity stake in the company). Equity-based crowdfunding allows companies to raise money without giving up control to investors.

In Nigeria, the necessity for equity-based crowdfunding is growing. Poor access to finance constitutes a major constraint for Small and Medium Enterprises. The high borrowing rates discourage the SMEs from accessing bank loans. Loans from commercial banks especially to sectors considered as high-risk are usually collateral-linked, involving in most cases, a charge over assets of the firm. Such conditions are often too stringent for many start-ups particularly if the payback period for the project to be financed is long.

Equity crowdfunding addresses this challenge by introducing a model that is more inclusive and offers increased control to entrepreneurs. It provides a cheaper alternative source of financing which obviates the need to provide collateral security. Unfortunately, under extant laws in Nigeria, equity crowdfunding finds no accommodation. For example, Section 22 of Companies and Allied Matters Act 2004 places a restriction on the transferability of shares of private companies as well as on invitation by private companies to the public to subscribe for its shares or deposit monies. By the same token, Sections 67 and 71 of the Investment and Securities Act 2007 present bottlenecks to private companies regarding “invitations” to the public with a requirement for companies wishing to raise capital from the public to file a Prospectus. Section 161(1) prohibits dealings in units or securities of schemes without due registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

However, many jurisdictions around the world have found a way around the legal hurdles by enacting specific legislation to govern the practice of equity crowdfunding. In April 2012, the United States enacted the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (“JOBS Act”) to support start-ups, followed by implementation of the final rules on equity crowdfunding under Title III of the JOBS Act with effect from May 2016. This “Regulation Crowdfunding” allows private companies to raise up to $1.07m from retail investors. In the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority is the regulatory body governing crowdfunding activities involving financial return while the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 is the legislation regulating all kinds of securities activities including crowdfunding. The Act was amended in April 2014 to facilitate the development of crowdfunding. In Canada, the rule regulating crowdfunding is the “Multilateral Instrument Crowd-funding” which was published in 2016 by the Ontario Securities Commission. According to the Nikkei Asian Review, equity crowdfunding was legalised in Japan in May 2015 permitting companies to raise not more than 100 million yen a year, with individual contributions capped at 500,000 yen. Italy was one of the first European countries to issue a bespoke crowdfunding regulation in 2012. Subsequently, new rules mandating crowdfunding platforms to adopt indemnity schemes or obtain insurance provided stronger legal protection for investors. According to CrowdfundingBuzz, an Italian crowdfunding-focused Internet site, Italian equity crowdfunding platforms raised 5 million euros for 23 companies in 2016.

It is instructive to note that in many of these jurisdictions, the regulation of equity-based crowdfunding normally takes into consideration the benefits and risks inherent in such funding options. These include an unconventional funding mechanism which provides an opportunity for the ‘crowd’ to invest in securities while at the same time incorporating high chances of failure and information asymmetry. It is for this reason that certain commonalities are observed in the framework for equity crowdfunding with respect to platform registration requirements, Disclosure requirements, Investments caps (both for the fundraiser and the investor), Consumer protection (especially of the small, uninformed investor) and Statutory allowance of crowdfunding activities (as long as they fall within required standards of engagement). These should serve as good guides for the regulatory authority in Nigeria for dealing with the flipsides of crowdfunding. All said and done, the Securities and Exchange Commission will have to adopt rules and propose amendments to CAMA and ISA that will permit companies raise funds through crowdfunding.

In this regard, the challenge for the capital market regulator is to design an appropriate equity crowdfunding structure for Nigeria by benchmarking global best practices. The setting up of a committee to draw up a Fintech road map for Nigeria during the last Capital Market Committee meeting in Lagos is a step in the right direction. Following the example of the Securities and Exchange Board of India which issued a consultation paper in 2014, the next step is for SEC Nigeria to invite proposals and suggestions from stakeholders regarding the framework for equity-based crowdfunding to be forwarded to the committee for consideration as part of its terms of reference. This will pave the way for a comprehensive regulatory regime in equity crowdfunding. No doubt, the potential for crowdfunding in Nigeria is huge considering the country’s working population and the increasing number of her citizens in the Diaspora, especially in the United States and Britain, expected to play a major role in the growth of equity crowdfunding in Nigeria. According to World Bank’s estimates, the market potential in Africa for crowdfunding would reach $2.5bn by 2025. With proper framework in place, crowdfunding in Nigeria will be a significant part of this prospect. Indeed, for the Nigerian capital market, equity crowdfunding is an idea whose time has come.




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