#EndSARS: Questions for Pastor Sam Adeyemi By Olushola Aderibigbe

Romans 13:1-2 says: “Obey the government, for God is the One who has put it there. … There is no government anywhere that God has not placed in power. So those who refuse to obey the law of the land are refusing to obey God, and punishment will follow.”

Hello Pastor Sam Adeyemi, I come in peace. I have followed the whole #EndSARS process from the beginning to where it stands today and I must say that it is only a heinous, evil-filled person that will say there were no police brutality and human rights abuse in Nigeria.

But then again, it is only a person with little wisdom that will say that the role you and many others played was not pivotal to getting the government to act on police brutality.

In all humility Sir, you crossed the line. For me, I was indifferent to your messages on #EndSARS because I know that you are a youthful pastor, or let me say, a pastor for the youths. However, I think you got a little carried away when some people started praising you. When some atheists said they will attend DayStar Christian Centre and become Christians again.

I think you began to act like you were in it for clout rather than righteousness but the straw that broke the camel’s back was your tweet in reaction to the suit filed by Kenechukwu Okeke, a man who was a victim of #EndSARS and who alleged to have lost his property to the looting and destruction that followed the #EndSARS protest.

Just for those who missed it, here is your response, “Who sent this guy to file this frivolous lawsuit?”. Pastor, are you saying that the man, Kenechukwu Okeke should not exercise his right just like you and many others exercised yours?

Are you saying that a man who has lost millions needs someone to tell him how to exercise his rights? Are you saying a human rights activist and lawyer cannot act in an independent capacity?

Or Pastor, would you have preferred that this young man hire thugs that will burn down your church in retaliation for what was done to him? Do you suggest that he kidnaps a handful of your members to pass his point across?

Or are you suggesting that he should shut up and lick his wounds without going after those who ignited it? Are you saying he should seek justice for the loss he has incurred?

Then again, Pastor, I have not read a tweet or heard a message where you have told #EndSARS protesters to stop insulting the fathers and mothers of those who share opposing view.

I have not read a tweet or heard a message that tells #EndSARS protesters what the Bible says on respecting the law of the land and on telling the truth. You have not roundly condemned fake news that was peddled, you have not even called for the prosecution of those who have been caught.

I understand that the torrent of retweets, likes and positive comments bring the urge to want to continue to suit your fans but where is the place of right and wrong?

Pastor Adeyemi why are you ridiculing a victim of the protest? Pastor, is it because you were included in this suit that you chose to mock it?
God called you to be a pastor, no man did and only God will judge your actions on the last day. Pastor, kindly permit me to tell you that one with God is majority. What happened to credibility and integrity as a pastor?

Why can’t you let the court decide that this is a frivolous suit? Why the prejudice? Pastor, how many Bible verses have you quoted to support the destruction that followed #EndSARS protests? Where is the place for these kind of actions in the Bible?

This is not about motivational speaking, this is not about galvanizing your troops, this is about righteousness.

Let the young man have his day in court, let the judge label his suit as “frivolous” don’t use your spiritual and now political clout to bury a man seeking justice.

Pastor, I could easily have quoted Bible verses to show that your actions on many grounds negate the Holy Book but instead I will leave you with this verse. Ephesians 4:29 – Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Olushola Aderibigbe writes from Lagos




1 Comment

  1. Wisdom. That word that is so consistently used but at the same time consistently eludes us in application. Though naturally because the basis for that application is knowledge, which again is ‘lacking’ and as the Good Book says leads to death and destruction ( Hosea 4:6 ).

    Again discretion is another word that is seemingly lacking or lost both in understanding and application.

    And on these 2 foundations of lack that mistrust and stone throwing and confusion and anger and conflicts arise.

    Everyone has been directly or indirectly affected by these protests, and for participants and non participants , it is also evident that responses and reactions will be expressions of what either party got at thier receiving end. I was blocked at one of the Toll gates during the protests and could only gain access when i was ‘forced’ to shout ‘ENDSARS’.

    I didnt think that was necessary but then again one must try and understand the psyche of the people we are dealing with.

    Whatever anyone has done or not done, said or not said, thought or not thought, all human decision making is a function of individual perspectives and perceptions based on peculiar internal and external experiences as shaped by our environment.

    What i would have loved us all to embrace is an opportunity for ‘balance’. A coming together to agree to disagree and eventually move forward while respecting each other’s decisions.
    Statements that are reactionary and gauntlet throwing and laced with harsh words do not in any way serve the purpose of peace but help to further exacerbate an already heated polity.

    Whether the Pastor responded rightly or wrongly, i assure us that he would from his own understanding and leading justify his position. The man that filed a lawsuit based on his own perspectives and perceptions can also from his own understanding and leading justify his position.
    Balance is key. Let us all try and tone down the harshness and seeming disdain for the next man’s opinion, and try to always sit back, take a calm and informed assessment of the situation, and seek to proffer a solution.

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