Nigeria is a Country where the average Citizen IS lawless.
He jumps red lights.
He drives against traffic.
He goes to work LATE.
He will NOT go to work if he can help it: but expects full salary on pay day.
He cheats his workplace of TIME & MONEY.
But he’s very RELIGIOUS…
He’s a Deacon or Elder in a Church.
He prays 5 times a day & strongly advocates for the implementation of Sharia Law all over the Country.
He goes on Holy Pilgrimage to Mecca & Jerusalem.
But that’s where his religiousity ends:
He lies & swears like Satan Iscariot…
He will print his own receipts to make extra money off his work place.
He will bypass the PHCN/NEPA meter to use electricity WITHOUT paying for it.
As a teenager, he cheated in his exams.
He’s ALWAYS looking for ways to CHEAT the system.
He’s a BAD PERSON, but he doesn’t SEE it.
He CANNOT function in an ORGANISED & CIVIL society where he can’t cheat.
But he BLAMES the “Leaders” & “Government” for everything wrong in Nigeria.
He doesn’t realize that these little things he does contribute to the DECAY in the Country.
He outsources blame to others…
But he NEVER sees himself as THE PROBLEM.
He wants to drive from Abuja to Kano or Lagos to Ilorin.
He KNOWS his car papers are EXPIRED. But he hits the road anyway: he KNOWS he will get to his destination by dropping ₦200 at every Check Point.
He mouths “Good Governance” with his mouth, but practically EVERYTHING he does is AGAINST Good Governance.
He sees a straightforward system, the first thing that comes to his mind is how to bend it.
Stand on a queue for service?
No: jump the queue & get the service faster!
Now, he complains about BAD GOVERNANCE.
“Those who govern us are BAD LEADERS! We DESERVE better Leaders”, he says.
So he plans a National Protest against Bad Leadership & gives it a hashtag, #ENDBADGOVERNANCE!
One of these folks asked me a few hours ago, “Harry, will you join?”
I sighed.
He asked again.
I told him, “I am actually planning another Protest & I wish you’d join mine instead!”
He asked, “which Protest is that?”
I replied, “A protest against Bad Citizens! I’m giving it the hashtag #ENDBADCITIZENSHIP!
Will you join me in this protest?”
He laughed!
“Harry has come again o!
If the whole world is looking left, you WILL find a reason to look right!”
“I’m glad you KNOW I don’t follow the crowd. I’m glad you KNOW I think differently from the MOB…”
He got offended!
“You’re calling me part of a mob, Harry?”
“I didn’t say that. You did!”
He got into his car & drove off angrily…
I stood there, watching him drive away.
About 400 meters ahead, he got to the T-Junction, a One Way Express Road.
All cars turn RIGHT.
The Protester turned LEFT, driving against traffic!
I just smiled…
He wanted to go left, but that would require him going right to turn at the roundabout, a kilometer down the road.
But there is another turn to the left, just about 100 meters ahead.
So, typical of the average Nigerian, he’d rather drive 100 meters AGAINST TRAFFIC & cross over…
He doesn’t see anything WRONG in that.
He will even JUSTIFY it if you bring it to his notice.
He can even blame it on the “Leaders” & “Government” he wants to protest against.
In other words, “I am a BAD CITIZEN because our Leaders & Government are BAD!”
How ironic…
At the end of the day, I think we Nigerians have the kind of Leadership & Governance we DESERVE.
We want our Leaders to be GOOD, but we are comfortable being BAD CITIZENS!
Y’all will be alright…
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