THE Federal Government should, without delay, come up with measures to cushion the effect of the astronomical rise in the prices of commodities and other goods in the market, which are now beyond the reach of the common man. No one bargained for the present economic downturn, which is affecting Nigerians terribly.
Today, workers are really suffering, as the economic reality has made nonsense of the old minimum wage. Therefore, the Federal Government should approve a new minimum wage for workers in the country.
Reviewing downward the price of fuel will also help bring down the price of goods and services.
Also, state governments should establish skills acquisition centres where unemployed youths will be trained in order to be self-employed.
Also, funds seized from corrupt politicians should be used to carry out repair works at our public primary and secondary schools across the country.
I know the government is trying its best to make things return to normal in the country, but it is important certain measures are put in place so that Nigerians won’t feel the impact of the economic crisis so terribly.
At the moment, Nigerians are falling deeper into poverty, and I hope my submission will be taken by the government. We believe things will return to normal soon.
Lawson Iyayi,
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