Donald Trump: Perfect Fit For An African Leader By Tayo Oke

A former Nigerian head of state was asked to comment on the election of the United States President, Donald Trump. He took a deep breath, cleared his throat, then, ruefully delivered a riposte that had the audience burst into shrieks of mirth. He said: “Well, God wanted to humble America; that is why He gave them Donald Trump”. They were ecstatic and cheering in delight at a remark they clearly saw as a clever put down for America, from a man who usually has a lot to say about a lot of people in Nigeria. No price for guessing which of the former Presidents I am referring to here, but seriously, this former President was tapping into the popular myth that Donald Trump is bad for America. That the US electorate made a calculated error in choosing him as President. For a start, in a democracy, the electorate are never wrong, as voters tend to choose between alternative evils anyway. Second, while the former Nigerian President was busy pointing a finger at Trump, the remaining four fingers were pointing back in his direction, and others of his ilk across Africa. Here is why.

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be President in an African country? I mean, what character, manner, and moral comportment one needs to bear, to make it to the number one slot? The answer may well surprise you, but will not surprise Donald Trump, for, he is the personification of everything we want in a head of state in Africa, but do not have. Here are my 10 reasons for this assertion.

First, money. Donald J. Trump is a larger-than-life moneybags who bulldozed his way into the political arena by spending and outspending his nearest Republican rivals until he clinched the nomination of one of the oldest and biggest political machines in America’s history, namely; the Grand Old Party, also known simply as the “GOP”, officially referred to as the Republican Party. The political establishment in Africa, we all know, is stitched up by the same gang of professional politicians and their cronies recycling themselves in power year on year, decades after decades in some cases. How refreshing would it be in an African state to have a maverick, bubbly personality unattached to the established parties, with no political base, suddenly burst through like Trump did? Second, Trump has been accused of sharp practice in his business dealings, especially in being able to wheeze and breeze his way through his entreaties with his country’s tax authorities. How many African heads of state and their families (with wealth stashed away in foreign banks) actually pay taxes? Trump has been accused of avoiding, NOT evading tax. One is illegal, the other legal, but immoral. Now, tell me, which one of those traits would you rather have in a leader in Africa?

Third. Trump has been accused of being a misogynist, a womaniser and a philanderer, therefore, unfit for high office. Really? Let me just say, that, if a similar standard were to be applied in Africa, there would not be anyone left to fill the vacancy for the head of state. Playing with women by powerful people on our continent is as common and widely accepted as the air we breathe in. And, what about politicians paying hush money to silence a mistress, as Trump is alleged to have done? Well, an African head of state would not even have to pay any such money. They would simply have the woman roughed up by “hoodlums”, or worst, make her “disappear”. A head of state paying for a woman’s silence in Africa would be very welcome indeed by the horde of mistresses lurking around the murky corridors of power in Africa and getting pittance for their nefarious efforts.

Fourth. They say Trump is an authoritarian, bellicose leader. An Alpha male. Also, that he has scant regard for traditional American (political) institutions, including the press. Well, I have heard it said several times that those who live in glass houses should refrain from throwing stones. Being authoritarian is almost a pre-requisite for political leadership in Africa. Political institutions are to be bent to the whims and caprices of ‘the leader’ on this side of the Atlantic. A typical head of an African state would do all he can to first, co-op, then, emasculate the press if need be. Those who refuse to toe the line are routinely thrown in jail, some suddenly find their broadcasting house burnt down or fire-bombed in the middle of the night. Fifth. We are often told how chaotic the Trump administration can be and has indeed been from inception. He dresses down and berates people he disagrees with, and fires those with contrary political instincts to his, we are told. Ah, welcome to Africa, I would say on this. Our leaders not only run pretty chaotic administrations, they thrive on it. We are a boisterous, lively bunch here in Africa, and it is often reflected in government administrations up and down the continent.

Sixth. They say Trump is economical with the truth much too often. What that means in plain language is that he tells lies too much on too many occasions. Let us not forget, his background is in real estate, where exaggeration, embellishment and puffing are the hallmarks of the trade. Now, the question is, what reason or incentive does a head of state in Africa have for telling the truth, when they regularly win re-election by “landslides”? Besides, our utterances are often given to double, even triple meanings; we say we are “strong” when in fact we are sick and needing a rest; we are “rich” when in actual fact we are as poor as a church rat; we pray never to see “evil” when in fact we live with evil every single day of our lives. Our aged head of state falls asleep at conferences, we say no, he is simply “resting his eyes”; our leaders are flown abroad for medical treatment, we say, they are there on “vacation” etc. Who then are the real liars, we might ask? Seventh. They accuse Trump of nepotism, for employing his son in-law and other relatives to key positions in his administration. Well, it is hard to imagine how an African head of state can live without his family and friends around him, dotted in government administration all over the place. Wives, daughters and sons are routinely appointed into high office in Africa without anyone batting an eyelid. Remember capturing power in Africa is tantamount to “our turn to eat” by the President’s kith and kin. An African leader scoffing at nepotism in the US administration? Oh, please!

Eight. They say, Trump engages in loose talk and is very conspiratorial in his utterances. On a continent where traditional beliefs still contend with modernity, conspiracy theories are a part and parcel of life in our societies. Moreover, we have difficulty gathering basic facts due largely to the undeveloped nature of our technological and communication systems. The Nigerian population, and that of the continent, for instance, are still very much based on “best estimates” more than 60 years after independence. How many migrants go in and out of different jurisdictions across the continent is a matter for conjecture. How many people are in work or out of work is anybody’s guess. The many unknowns in our midst are simply accounted for by assumptions and suppositions. Our leaders relate to facts and figures with such levity; it is breath-taking. Ask any leader in Africa when his country’s economy will improve, the answer will inevitably be “very soon”. It is the short answer to every searching policy issue around us in Africa. So much for “loose talk”.

Ninth. They say Trump is xenophobic and indeed racist several times even towards his fellow Americans. In Africa, we call the same attitude “ethnicity” or “tribalism”. We play one ethnic group against another all the time. We do that both internally, and externally; amongst other African states. What is worse, unlike the USA, we do not have the restraint of the judiciary to stop the leader fomenting ethnic violence to sustain himself in power.

Last but not least, tenth. They say Trump is disrupting the international economic order and traditional Western alliances in furtherance of his “American first” election slogan. This is what should make every African leader feel queasy the most. The continent has been tied to the apron strings of Western capitalism for so long that it would be nice to disrupt the building blocks of this economic and political dependency once and for all. If African leaders loved their countries even half as much as Donald Trump loves his, then, Africa, indeed the world, would be a better place for it. Trump is the leader Africa cannot afford, but cannot cease to want.




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