Differences Can Enrich Your Marriage By Elizabeth Badejo



Marriage has the potential to create a beautiful union of two individuals irrespective of their differences. For some, marrying a partner with many similarities has huge advantages; and for others, the opposite personalities attract in marriage. One man wants a partner who will make up for his own failures; another man wants a partner who will simply compliment him.

Marriage brings a new transition and a renewed hope for many waiting eagerly for love in 2019, nevertheless the clock will continue to tick if you are looking for the perfect man or woman because you are too reluctant to shift and appreciate the differences in your relationship. Differences can bring enrichment in a marital relationship; its benefits can certainly outweigh the drawbacks for couples that are willing to embrace it.

Differences enrich culture

Cultural differences can be a great asset to your marriage and exploring the beauty of one another’s culture opens a great opportunity for personal growth and development. Embracing your two cultures can strengthen as well as enrich your home and marriage too.

Although cultural diversity can be difficult to understand initially, but with an open and curious mind coupled with positive communication, you will be giving each other an opportunity to identify your cultural differences, facts, challenges and how to navigate and recognise those things that are beyond your individual understanding.

Although one culture may become more dominant in the home as your family begin to grow larger; however, elements of both cultures can also be combined to create your own family values too.

Differences create awareness

Every individual is different but marriage has the capacity to understand differences as long as you and your spouse are confident enough to talk about your differences. When you both discover who you are as individuals, you will surely have a good understanding of what you both need from each other, which will open your minds to recognise your differences and diversities too.

When you share different interests, ideas and dreams, you will also experience pleasures outside your comfort zones and compensate for each other’s weaknesses too.

Differences change mindset

The greatest joy of marriage is finding true love and someone to share your life with and this also has the capacity to change your mindset about finding someone just like you. Perhaps you are too meticulous and anxious about finding someone to complement you; marriage is about unity and not uniformity.

When you and your spouse have different personalities, you will both learn to discover, accept and celebrate your differences, strengths and potential and change each other’s mindset too. You already know what happens when you look at things the same old way, but you have no idea what will happen when you do something new.

Differences fill emptiness

Nothing is ever perfect but we must remember that to live and to love is to change and to grow. Growth, on the other hand, is unconditional and only happens when you choose to embrace change. The main purpose of marriage is finding that man or woman to fill the emptiness in your life; when you find a partner who has your similarities, you have only filled half of the void, but when you find someone with differences, those elements will fill the rest of your lives together.




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